Naamkaran 5th June 2017 Written Update

Naamkaran 5th June 2017 Written Update by Amena

Naamkaran 5th June 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Shweta asking what’s all this, bahu changed and then house, your mum is also coming, why did we come to this unlucky house. Prakash says I thought you will be happy, we took revenge from your enemies. She asks did you do this for me. He says new bahu will make things fine between you and Bebe. She says that girl is not my bahu, why did you buy new lahenga for her. He says it was imp, Bebe will go her grahpravesh, what will neighbors say, Shweta’s bahu was in simple clothes. She says she is not my bahu. He says Neil regards her wife. Neil comes and says yes, Ananya is my wife, I don’t want you both to have argument in front of Dadi. Shweta says that girl will not become my bahu. She goes. Prakash says Ananya will not feel alone as you are with her, I can’t say this about Shweta,
she won’t accept her easily. Neil says Ananya came in mandap herself, it was her mistake, its her problem now, she will handle it.

Avni recalls Neil’s words. Neil gets mangalsutra. She sees him. He asks her to get ready fast, Dadi is coming to meet new bahu and grandson. He makes her wear the mangalsutra. He says this marriage maybe joke for you, but my Bebe has much expectations, she will find bahu in you which she did not find in my mom, get ready fast. He sees her and goes. Dayaben wakes up and looks around. Aman and Riya start arguing. Dayaben sees Aisha and Avni’s pictures and recalls them. She says same house… Ali looks on from the window.

Bebe comes home. Prakash takes her inside the house. She hugs Neil and blesses him. She compliments him and says its good you did not go on your mum, where is she. Shweta gets aarti plate. Bebe taunts her. She asks Avni to meet her Dadi saas. She says I m Harleen Khanna, I m not like Shweta, I have my own swag. She asks Shweta to do bahu’s grahpravesh. Shweta says if you insult me in front of my saas, I will not leave you. Harleen asks her not to scold girl. She asks her to do aarti. She lights diya. Shweta does aarti.

Bebe asks Avni to come inside the house. She says I m excited to see your face, mu dikhai will happen here itself, I wish Neil’s wife is pretty, Prakash’s wife is not such. She lifts ghunghat and sees Avni. She asks what’s your name. Avni says Ananya. Bebe smiles and says your name is lovely, you are very pretty, you are not Shweta’s choice, you maybe Neil’s choice. Neil says no, mum chose Ananya for me. Bebe asks is it, it does not look so. She asks Ananya to kick kalash and come inside. Avni hits kalash and steps inside. She stumbles. Neil holds her.

Bebe asks what happened, your first step got shaken up, now I m sure you are Shweta’s choice. She asks Neil to lift Avni and get her inside. Neil lifts Avni and takes her. Bebe says bahu’s first rasoi rasam will be there. Prakash says she looks so good, don’t worry. Shweta will guide her.

Dayaben says I can’t stay here. She faints. Aman asks Ketan to call doctor. Ali calls Avni and says they are at your old house, afterall its Ashish’s house. She says how dare they stay in my mumma’s house. I wish to throw them out. He says you leave them, think how will you leave from Neil’s house. She says don’t know. She asks him to meet outside house in one hour.

Shweta throws boxes. She says Ananya was never my choice, I hate her. Prakash says how could I refuse to Neil. She says I hate you all, someone give me poison. Neil and DD come. DD jokes. Shweta says I will kill Ananya and go jail. Neil says you should be happy, you can use her and impress Biji, you could not impress her as bahu, you can do this as Saas, when Biji sees you taking care of bahu, she will be glad, think, go and make first rasoi by Ananya. Shweta and Prakash go.

DD says I did not understand one thing, are you on Avni’s side or against. Neil says I know Ananya is Avni, I want her revenge fire to blow off, so that she stays as normal girl, maybe she will forget revenge, Neela told me Avni has storm within, I want to change its direction and calm it. Avni leaves and collides with Neil. He sees her bag and asks are you running soon. She says I know you want to tie me in marriage to take revenge, but it will spoil your life, please don’t do this. He smiles and asks her to go. She says sorry for whatever happened, I hope I don’t come in your way again. She leaves. Neil says run Ananya run, you will come back on your own. He calls…..

Shweta says I don’t want to see Ananya. She hears Bebe complaining about her on call. Bebe says but Shweta did one thing right, she got a pretty bahu. Shweta goes to see Avni and does not find her. Avni meets Ali. He says we will go to my friend’s resort and do planning, Neil can’t come there. She says fine, we will first meet mum. He agrees. They go to meet Neela. Avni gets shocked seeing police and asks DD where is Neela. Neil gets Neela. Avni sees Neela handcuffed. Avni asks Neil what’s all this. Neil says I got to know everything, I have evidence of her every crime.

She asks what crime. He says she entered Dayaben’s house to take revenge of her dad’s death, she is a criminal, her place is in jail. Avni says you are mistaken, Neela can’t do this, I know her well, she is very nice, one who can give life for others can take someone’s life, please leave her. He asks her to say this in court. Neela cries and asks can’t you do this for me, please do this, I don’t want to go jail. Avni asks what do you want Neil, I m ready to do anything. Neil says go back home, this marriage was your decision, this relation is my decision, you are my wife now, you are Khanna family bahu now. Avni and Ali get shocked. Neela says please do as Neil is saying. Avni says fine, I m ready to come with you. Neil says don’t do this foolishness again. Neil leaves Neela.

Avni struggles to cook food. Neil says Avni has tolerated a lot. Neela says yes, she needs love along with justice. Neil says I promise being a policeman and her friend, I will get justice for Avni.

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