1. shana
    March 17, 11:09 Reply

    this naagin is really irritating
    cvs crossing their limit again n again
    if they show 1 more rosid separation, i will just kill them

  2. siddhu
    March 17, 09:01 Reply

    if..this..news..is true..nagain will become..sid wife..we just stop watching ssk..now….ssk..crossed…all limits…they spoiled..rosid..we cant see any..more..friends..plz..stop..watching..ssk..if trp..decreses..then ssk..writters..and news channels..understand…nagin…ki vaga..trp..drecrease..is..this news..is true..i am sure..ssk..is going to be..in last place…

    what ever happenes..plz..stop ssk..if we see rosid..union..nagin end..then we start seeing…

    • prem
      March 17, 09:43

      Chill yaar news is not confirmed so pzzzzzzzzzzzz have patience and see what happens next

    • shana
      March 17, 10:12

      For how long???????????????????????
      if something like that happened, I will bash CVS like anything damn r they fooling us???
      I can’t even digest that naagin taking Sid with her shit
      Will we ever get rid rid of this naagin???????

    • asma
      March 19, 11:24

      i agree

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