Navya 12th May 2011 Written Update

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Navya’s ecstatic, she has been permitted to go for the picnic. She delivers a bone-crushing hug to Dadi and Dadi retorts that all her butter-coated words would have been the other way round if Navya did not get the permission, after all. Everybody is at ease, even Renuka eases out a bit, however she’d been quite annoyed of the whole picnic issue Navya created, lately. The information of Navya’s joining the party for the picnic spreads in her friend circle instantly and Anant’s par elated, he’s jumping round his room out of thrill and making his mother flaunt some exquisite moves with him. Next morning, when Navya’s mother enters her room, she is surprised to see Navya ready and packed up, standing in front of the dressing table, tying a scarf round her tresses. Harsh feels oppressed of his sister’s departure early in the morning, it disturbed his sleep. Due to Harsh’s presence in the room, Navya couldn’t attend Anant’s call, so she carefully gets into the restroom. Anant declares he is going to pick Navya up and hangs up. Navya’s pretty cool with it, however her father decides to drop her by, after all. On the other hand, Anant’s leaving his place as well. Shagun is going all dreamy and is offended when Anant explains to her that he’d be provided food through the trip and refuses to carry the dishes she had prepared. She imagines hugging him as well. Anant manages to prevent his elder brother from dropping him, and the latter understands.

Anant reaches Navya’s place while Navya’s going to college with her father. Meanwhile, their friends are waiting for them to arrive, the duo’s late already. Navya realizes she had forgotten her phone back home and worries if Anant calls and somebody receives him. Anant’s waiting downstairs and Navya rushes up quickly on her return to get the cellphone, she sees him. Outside her apartment, she argues a tad bit with Anant and tells him she is going to go with her father. Anant and Navya handle the situation with respect to Navya’s mother, somehow and Anant immediately leaves the spot. Navya’s reaches and catches the bus, finally. However, the teachers decide not to wait for Anant.

The pre-cap displays Anant running after the bus he couldn’t catch and Renuka trying to take up Anant’s topic while talking to her mother.

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