Paramavatar Shri Krishna 16th January 2019 Written Update

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 16th January 2019 Written Update by Tanaya

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 16th January 2019 Written Episode

The episode starts with balram using his strength and trying to push mandhrachal.
Kanha is with rishi gargacharya. Rishi says kanha, if you take the kurma avatar then it will be in danger because kansa and shokracharya have brought a demon name karkasura, they have used mantras and put all evil powers inside a demon named karkasura, he has become immensely powerful and capable of defeating the kurma avatar. Kanha says who is karkasura? Rishi gargacharya says the story and says karkasura was a demon who lived in patal lok in its waters. He was in love with the avatar of devi laxmi, devi rashi! He wants to marry devi rashi but he knew he couldn’t do that because he is a demon and devi rashi a goddess. So karkasura decided to pray to brahmadev so that he would gain a wish from brahma

dev for marrying devi rashi.
Karkasura prayed for years and years to impress him and one day brahma dev was impressed by the prayers of karkasura so he gave him darshan. Brahma dev gives darshan to karkasura and says what do you want son? karkasura says brahma dev, I want to marry devi rashi, the avatar of devi laxmi. Brahmadev says karkasura, you can get your wish but only devi rashi is a goddess, and if you ask her and if she wishes to marry you only then shall my granted boon work for you. karkasura says okay and thanks brahma dev, brahma dev goes. gargacharya says so this way, karkasura went to devi rashi and proposed marriage to her. But all gods and even lord Vishnu knew this was a great threat because if a demon married a goddess, then karkasura would have all powers and be counted amongst the gods and lord Vishnu could not allow a demon marry the avatar of his wife devi laxmi. Karkasura proposed marriage to devi rashi and asked her what her wish was, devi rashi said karkasura you have respected me as a woman and also asked me for marriage, so I will uphold the boon of brahma dev and marry you. karkasura then laughed and said look gods, now I shall become all powerful and also be counted as a god. lord Vishnu appeared and said karkasura, that wont happen. Karkasura said Vishnu you? I have been granted a wish by brahma dev and you cannot stop me, karkasura went to attack lord Vishnu, but he was stopped by a spell from lord Vishnu, lord Vishnu then said now he was bound and could not marry devi rashi. Karkasura then said, but I had a wish from brahma dev, Vishnu you cheat. Vishnu then said karkasura my duty is to look at the good of this universe first, so I shall let you take a wish from me as well. Karkasura then asked the wish that he have the power to kill Vishnu for which Vishnu blessed him and said he could defeat and kill vishnu’s avatar only if even Vishnu took the avatar of a crab and fought karkasura. Gargacharya says to kanha, prabhu you have to fulfill the wish you gave to karkasura as well by taking a crab form to fight him. kanha understands and goes.
Balram uses his strength and he pushes the mountain. Mandhrachal is shocked and says who is moving me? balram says I am bal ke dham balram and no one can equal my strength, balram screams and pushes the mountain. Suddenly mandhrachal stops moving and balram says why did the mountain stop moving? Inside the mountain, all people are stuck and yashoda says we are coming back at the same place, how do we get out of this mountain?
Kanha comes and balram says I moved mandhrachal but now it stopped moving. Balram tries again and kanha says I will help you brother. Kanha uses his leela and helps balram, they together push mandhrachal.
There karkasura swims through the river in Mathura and comes through Yamuna to come to vrindavan and kill kanha and kurma avatar.

Precap: kanha takes the crab avatar to fight karkasura and to fulfill the wish given by him to karkasura in the last yug.

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