Paramavatar Shri Krishna 8th August 2018 Written Update

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 8th August 2018 Written Update by Tanaya

Paramavatar Shri Krishna 8th August 2018 Written Episode

The episode starts with kanha with brother balram in vrindavan. Balram says kanha we have to prepare our cow if she has to win today’s competition. Kanha says our cow will only become the queen cow in this year’s cow festival. Kanha says we have to feed her proper green fodder and take care of her so that she gives more milk today against radha’s cow ratna. Kanha and balram with his friends do the Pooja of their cow and kanha says mata, in a cow 33 crore gods live and I hope you listen to my prayers, today I want you to win in the cow festival, so please give more milk than radha’s cow. Kanha takes blessings of his cow.
There sudhama is with his parents and they go the ashram of matak rishi. Sudhama’s parents go inside the ashram and say rishi we have heard you are a great

rishi, please teach our son, we are a Brahmin family and want our son to be a great Brahmin but only your teachings can make him a great Brahmin. Matak rishi says I will ask your son one question, only then I will know if he is worth taking education. Matak rishi asks sudhama, tell me is knowledge more great or god more great? Sudhama says the answer to this question is simple, god is more great, he is the creator of everything. matak rishi gets angry and says foolish child, god is great but you want to study and you say god is great? You are a fool, education is more important, then you will know about your god. Sudhama says but rishi, god has made all knowledge that we take and education is just a way through which we know our god who is our goal, then how can the goal be less important than the way? God is greater than everything. matak rishi says you look at your son, he is a fool he doesn’t know what he is talking about, he doesn’t deserve to have education. Both parents say sudhama what are you talking? Don’t speak of anything you don’t know. The parents say rishi please take our son as your student, please rishi we ask for forgiveness from him. sudhama says but mother I am not saying anything wrong. Matak says who is your god? Sudhama removes the idol of kanha and says he is my god, my govinda and my friend. Matak rishi says so this child is your god? You think god id your friend? Sudhama says yes he has been born in this world as a human to defeat all evil and bring peace. Matak rishi says you are such a fool, god can never be born as a human and play with humans because humans are egoistic and god is not a human. Matak rishi says god is never anyone’s friend, you don’t know anything, go away from here. sudhama’s parents ask for forgiveness and say please teach our son. Sudhama says but I did not say anything wrong. Sudhama’s mother says ask for forgiveness from rishi. Sudhama says mother I haven’t said anything wrong then why should I ask for forgiveness? Matak rishi says get out from my ashram, you all are an insult to the Brahmin race, you should never have been born as brahmins. Sudhama’s parents cry. Matak rishi tells his rishi’s to throw them out, the rishi’s push sudhama’s parents out of the ashram. Sudhama says rishi, you are elder to me but you have no right to insult me or my parents, you cannot say anything to them. Matak says I will show you what I can do. Matak rishi pushes sudhama out. The idol of kanha falls in air, sudhama runs and catches it and comes out of the ashram. Sudhama says father and mother, I don’t need education from anyone, my govinda, my friend will meet me. My prabhu is the only teacher that I need.
There radha is with her cow, ratna! She says ratna today you have to give more milk at any cost, out of the 1 lakh cows I have chosen you and you will be the queen cow. Kirti says radha what are you saying? You cannot force her. Ratna nods her head. Radha says see she said yes, she will give more milk. Kirti says for that, feed her good fodder. Radha says mother, I know you love ratna more, but she has to give more milk. Radha takes her cow with her friends.
Kanha and balram and all friends take their cow with damodar kaka. They meet radha and her friends and their cow ratna! Radha says kanha, see even this time we are going to win. Kanha says we will see that.
The competition starts and radha and kanha’s cows start giving milk. Everyone see as the pots are filled and balram picks the pots of each of the cows and keeps it in their lane. As more milk is given, the count starts and balram says radha’s cow filled 5 pots and kanha our cow have also given 5 pots of milk. Radha says so this time our cow ratna will be the queen cow for the cow festival. Kanha says what? No one has won as both out cows have given equal milk, so that way no one is the winner. Radha says damu kaka, you only tell, the cow from barsana is the queen cow every year. Damodar says yes kanha. Kanha says so what happened? Every year their cow is the queen cow then this year our cow will be the queen cow, what is the big deal in that? radha says no. kanha says arrogant gopi, our cow will be the queen cow this year.

Precap: kansa sends a new demon to vrindavan who burns the eyes of all people. Kanha is worried and thinks of a plan to kill the demon.

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