Parichay 1st August 2012 Written Update

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Parichay 1st August 2012 Written Update by sahasra

Richa relieved that Kunal didn’t find out her intention of killing the baby.He would have killed her there itself if he knows about her
plan.She decides to be more careful in future.

Daddy T busy in meeting.Richa tries to sneak inside.Daddy T stops her n asks where she was the previous night.She says she was at Kunal’s house.Daddy T angrily says that she got what she wanted by getting Kunal free,then whats the necessity to do all this.She says she is yet to get what she want n till then she won’t stop going to Kunal’s house.

Raj brings some dresses to the kid n wants to know Veena’s opinion about them but she’s lost in thoughts.She says that they got their happiness back n Kunal has got his son but in all this she lost her Kunal somewhere.She expresses her fear that Kunal may turn into old Kunal who is lost in his own world.

Raj pacifies her that Kunal will never go back to his old self that too when he has a kid,his future to take care of.He says after all Kunal
has gone through he needs sometime to come out of this.It’s not easy for him after what Siddhi said about him in court n even after that he tried to get back to her n the kid.Siddhi might have ended their
relation easily but its difficult for Kunal n he needs time.He’ll soon takes his kid onto his lap n will never leave him.

Veena says that Kunal is soft like wax, he melts when someone showers a li’l love on him but becomes hard when li’l air touches it.She blames herself for being the reason for SiNal marriage,had she been ok after Anand’s death Kunal wouldn’t have to go through all this n Siddhi is giving him pain even after going away from his life.She’ll never be happy n will be punished for what all she did in this life only.Seema not happy hearing all this.

Siddhi thinking that Sulekhaji must have gone to Chopras n by now Kunal n all must have seen the kid also.She hears kid’s cry n shouts who’s kid is it n asks to take care of it.Other inmates say that she must be dreaming,since she herself handed over the kid to Sulekhaji she should forget about the kid.Siddhi says to herself that how can she forget the kid,its with his dad now n must be happy n she should also be happy.


Comedy scene of the day :

Richa n Veena on call,Richa asks why the kid is crying n Veena mayya cracks joke of millenium…that kid started crying as soon as Richa left him.Richa giving tough competition to Veena in this Comedy Circus… says kid must be missing her mom n thats why he’s crying.Veena scores more in this round by saying that kid got used to Richa n will stop crying only in Richa’s lap.Richa tries hard to cross Veena’s score by saying that she’ll come to Chopras house to take care of kid.Veena who is not ready to loose says that she just went home n it won’t be nice if she comes again that too @ that odd hour.

Richa cracks another Joke of millenium: If kid pacifies by coming into her lap,She’s ready to come there 10times if not as a mother atleast as a woman she can hold the kid close to her n give her love to him n pacify him,so she shouldn’t worry about her n she’ll be there @ chopras soon.Veena agrees(bechari tried hard to win,gave tough competition but lost in final round n thus giving of the Comedy queen title to her would be bahu n best pal Richa)


Richa happy..says to herself that she thought that the kid would be hurdle btw her n Kunal but now its a easy way for her to visit Chopras very frequently n the quicker the kid comes close to her the easier would it be for her to woo Kunal.Daddy T hears this.

Daddy T says that he knows that she’s serious about only one thing in her life that is Kunal Chopra n now she’s forcing him to put an end to her craziness.He knows how obsessive his kids are n to what extent they can go to possess what they want.It’s b’coz of this craziness only Rohit lost his life n now he can’t afford to loose her,he says that she has to marry the one whom he chooses n its Kunal,so that her craziness as well as his hatred for Kunal will come to a permanent end.Richa happily hugs him.

Veena comes to Kunal’s room with the kid n places him in Kunal’s hands.As soon as he sees the kid he remembers Siddhi saying that only their kid’s can remove his forehead wrinkles,Whenever their kid smiles Kunal also will smile n becomes Hasmukh Kunal from Khadoos Kunal.Tears start rolling from Kunal’s eyes,he asks Veena to take the kid.

Veena asks if he doesn’t want to be with the kid then why did he bring him home.Raj n she can’t take care of the kid forever,its Kunal who has to take care of the kid n why he’s taking somebody’s anger on the kid.Siddhi has already disowned the kid n now he too is punishing the kid by depriving him of his love.Kunal says that its he who is getting punished coz whenever he sees the kid,his cute face reminds him of Siddhi n he doesn’t want to think of her.However he is he’s ok n leaves giving kid to Veena. Seema too comes in n listens this.

ViRa @ toys shop buying toys for kid.Vicky selects a doll,Raveena says what’ll a boy do with doll.Vicky says he too used to play with dolls n there is a scheme behind buying this doll-if the kid plays with dolls throughout his childhood he won’t be flirting with girls like him when he grows up.Raveena says that he’ll be like Kunal n not like Vikram n he can implement his planning when he has his own kids.ViRa’s romance…

Thakral @ Chopras with all shagun.Chopras shocked to see him there.Daddy T puts forward Richa’s marriage proposal for Kunal.Chopras shocked again.Raj asks how could he even think that they’ll agree for this marriage.Daddy T says that he came to this decision after a lot of thinking n keeping in view the welfare of both families.Raj says they know what to do for their well being n Thakral can keep his thinking for himself n his family welfare.

Daddy T emotionally blackmails Veena in the name of kid n his upbringing.Raj says that Kunal has his family with him to take care of kid n he need not worry about it.Veena agrees for the marriage saying that Kunal n the kid has the right to live like normal people.Raj scolds her not to be emotional n take decisions hastily,if at all they have to get Kunal married they can find someother girl.

Veena says she doesn’t trust anyone other than Richa,Though Richa has done mistakes ,she rectified her mistakes n won their trust n its Richa who brought Kunal n the kid back to them.She became their support when their own cheated them.A relation which gives happiness to their children can never be wrong n she wants only this alliance for Kunal.Seema says Kunal will never agree for this.Veena says she’ll make him agree.Raj warns her not to talk anything to Kunal as he hasn’t come out of his shock yet.Daddy T says that they should talk to Kunal coz once he says no he’ll never ever agree for this marriage.Veena says she’s sure Kunal will not deny her.Seema,Raj angry at Veena.

PRECAP: Veena takes promise from Kunal that he’ll agree for whatever she says.She asks him to give Siddhi’s place to Richa as their family’s well being lies in this marriage only.Kunal angry

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  1. Anjali
    August 02, 01:15 Reply

    Omg the should ened this crap it goin like auttran
    I am tirec see this stupid thing i used to love this show now i have no intress in watching it

  2. Roy
    August 01, 18:37 Reply

    Only Balaji produces crap like this… Colors please maintain some dignity.

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