Parineetii 8th September 2022 Written Update

Parineetii 8th September 2022 Written Update by Atiba

Parineetii 8th September 2022 Written Episode

Scene 1
Chandrika asks Pari not to cry. Pari says you don’t know what Rajiv has done. Door knocks.. Chandrika says don’t cry. Gurwinder comes in and says my DIL looks so pretty. Go meet Biji, she wants to meet you. She leaves. Chandrika says Pari clean your tears. She wonders what has Rajiv done. Pari asks Biji are you okay? She says no. I had some hopes from you. You deserve to be punished. Pari says what? She says give me your hand. Pari extends her hand. Biji gives her shagun and idol. She says your massage made my pain heal. Rajiv could never find a better wife than you. God will always be with you. He will show you what to do. Pari hugs her and cries. Biji says my prayers are always with you. Pari says in heart I wish I could tell you what Rajiv did to me. Biji says take rounds on time. I might have to go to the hospital.

Scene 2
The function starts. Parminder and Tao ji take rounds. Tao ji fills her hairline. Everyone claps and is happy. Biji says to Rajiv you look so good as a groom. Simi says no another one. When will this drama end. Parminder asks Chandrika to bring Pari. Pari thinks about her time with Rajiv. Pari says I don’t know what to do. Pari recalls Rajiv crying and begging for Neeti’s life and saying he loves her. She says if Rajiv doesn’t consider me his wife, I have to end all this. I’ve to make my decision. Today is the day.

Chandrika says Pari let’s go. Pari says I won’t do this wedding. Chandrika says there are guests outside. Pari says I can’t marry for pretense. This marriage is based on lies. I won’t go. Please say no to everyone. Chandrika asks what happened. Pari says to tell everyone I won’t marry Rajiv. Chandrika says if I say that our family will be defamed. Pari says what about me? I won’t marry a person who never considered me his wife. He was never mine. He was.. Rajiv comes in. Rajiv says bhabhi you go, I will talk to her. Chandrika says stay calm. I am talking to her. Rajiv says I will handle it don’t worry. she leaves. Rajiv says let’s go, Pari. Everyone is waiting. Pari says I won’t marry you. He says don’t do this our families are outside. She says what about me and my problems? Rajiv says we will see that later. Family respect is more important. Let’s go. He drags her. Pari says leave my hand.

Rajiv drags and brings Pari to the mandap. Pari says leave my hand Rajiv. Parminder says come fast. Everyone is happy. Pari walks to the mandap. Parminder says come sit. Rajiv sits. Pari keeps standing. Everyone sits with them. Rajiv says Pari sit down, didn’t you hear pandit Ji? Pari doesn’t respond. Rajiv says I am talking to you. Pari sits down. Parminder says Pari what happened? Sit down. She isn’t listening to anyone. She recalls Parminder saying do what your heart says. Take a stand for once. Pari recalls Biji saying think of God and do what he suggests you. Pari recalls Rajiv crying for Neeti. She throws water into the fire. Everyone is shocked. Rajiv is angry. Pari screams I don’t wanna marry him. Parminder asks what happened. What did you do? Tao Ji asks what did you do Rajiv?

Rajiv says what is this Pari? Why don’t you want to marry? Pari says why do you want to marry me again? So no one knows the truth of our wedding? No one knows what you have done to me. If you didn’t know the value of marriage before marrying me, at least learn about it now. Do even know what this pure relationship means? Parminder says there are guests what are you doing? Pari says you told me not to think about people if a mistake isn’t forgivable. Simi says this girl is so loutish. Pari says that’s your brother. Rajiv says mind your language. Don’t forget I won’t stay silent. She says to tell everyone how you fooled me. How you lied to me. You said enough lies, your truth will come in front of everyone. Just doing the wedding doesn’t mean you become life partners. You’ve to stand with each other. You have to be there for each other. Pari says have you ever considered me your wife with your heart? Have you ever loved me? Is this all pretense? Aren’t you pretending to be my husband? He says what are you saying? What lies. She says you are acting like you did nothing. There’s a limit to lying.

Parminder says enough Pari. You’re crossing all the limits. Pari says Rajiv has crossed all the limits, he’s fooled me. Parminder says what has he done. Tell me. Rajiv says I will tell you what’s the problem. She was calling me in the meeting. I got angry. I said sorry to her later. But she’s been angry since then. Parminder says you’re creating so much drama for such a small thing Pari? Your Tao Ji says so many things in anger. I thought you were wise. I thought you keep the family together. Pari says no, this is not the truth. I know how to take care of my relations. Rajiv says you don’t. If you knew you won’t be making fun of our family like this. Pari says don’t shout at me.

Episode ends

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