Parmeet escapes getting exposed by Rajji in Colors’ Bani Ishq Da Kalma

Tension is mounting in Colors’ Bani Ishq Da Kalma (Mystic – An Entertainment Company and Colosceum Media Pvt. Ltd.) with Rajji (Neha Bagga) doing all that she can to expose Parmeet’s (Gaurav Choudhary) plan of trying to kill Bani (Shefali Sharma).

In yesterday’s episode, Rajji found the man who helped Parmeet in killing Bani. Rajji brought the man in front of the family members and asked him to take the name of the person who asked him to kill Bani.

In tonight’s episode, just as viewers will get a hint of Parmeet getting exposed, there will be a big revelation awaiting. The man will simply refuse to recognize Parmeet. And this will be when the viewers will get to know that Parmeet all the way knew of Rajji’s plan of getting him exposed by bringing the man home. So Parmeet had seen to it that the man would not open up by royally bribing him.

With this major conflict happening, the entire house will be divided. While Soham (Adhvik Mahajan) and Bani’s family will stand by Rajji, Parmeet’s family will go on to support Parmeet.

How will Rajji face this sensitive situation now?

We tried calling Neha, but she was busy with her shoot.

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