Parvarrish Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi 21st November 2012 Written Update

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Parvarrish Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi 21st November 2012 Written Update by -Ridzzi-

Parvarrish – Written Update
Ginny tells Rocky that she will definitely come for the concert. Rocky is annoyed since he’ll have to take care of her. Pinky comes home and asks the kids how everythings on and whom they like. Raavi tells all were Ok Ok, No one was that level. Lucky comes and keeps a gift for Sweety ji. Lucky goes to the washroom. Sweety comes and see’s the gift and keeps it back as if she hasn’t seen it. She tells Lucky that the kids are calling him. Meanwhile another music teacher comes to Ahuja house. Rocky and Ginny tell Lucky to come for the concert. On the other hand, Kids ask few questions to the music teacher. The teacher begins to ask questions to Pinky. He asks her to sing 2 lines, She sings. He tells that the song was from the heart which is good.

Rocky tells that per ticket is Rs 5000. Sweety is enjoying hearing this convo. She laughs. Lucky tells, so if i come along that means 15000 Rs? NO, Not at all. He tells the kids that he’ll speak to Sweety. Rocky tells that Sweety has given the permission. Lucky runs out of the room saying he has a small call. (U need to watch this scene ) 2nd Question, why do u want to learn singing? Pinky tells that she really doesn’t know. Music sir is happy with this answer since she spoke the truth! He tells that now only what ur kids say accordingly i’ll come. Pinky who was scared is now calm as he has left. She tells her kids that she wants to learn from him only. Kids are happy and they agree with Pinky.

Lucky tells Sweety, how come u allowed for them to go? Sweety tells, atleast they’ll learn something. It’ll be really good! Lucky tells, But RS.15,000 for the tickets itself. Sweety tells, u must fulfill their request. Lucky in deep thinking. He decides to give the gift back. Sweety takes out the gift and tells the gift is amazing. The kids will think, u can buy for the wife, why not for us. Lucky is shocked. Sweety tells him to get ready for to eat. Lucky is in state of shock. (I Laughed throughout, watch ittt. ) Jeet wishes Pinky all the best for her music class. All 3 get ready for school. Raavi’s first day in 11th Std. Jeet wishes her and leaves for office. Raashi asks Pinky whether she is nervous or something? Pinky tells No. Raashi tells, then why have u put different slippers. Kids laugh at her and she tells the.. now keep quite and go, u’ll get late for school. She laughs and sends them out of the house.

Yasoda or Shasoda or Jasoda (the maid) tells Pinky not to worry. The doorbell rings, Pinky goes to open the door. The sir comes and sits on the floor. Pinky sits on the floor. There are some exercises for making the throat proper for singing. The sir and Pinky are practicing this. The main continues to talk in the middle. The pressure cooker is making noises. Pinky tells her to switch off the cooker. (This scene is worth seeing.. ) On the other hand, Rocky is busy sleeping and Ginny is shocked. She tells him that its 8:00 am and its the first day of school. Rocky tells, why didn’t u wake me? Ginny tells, but normally mom wakes u. Rocky calls out to Sweety. She comes there. Rocky asks her why didn’t she wake him up. Sweety tells that now since she has changed, u will have to tell her and then only she will do the required. Rocky is worried. Ginny tells that according to your timetable, today there is orientation with the principal and Std 11 students.

Rocky is shocked. Ginny tells that she is leaving for school and tells Rocky to come the way he wants. Rocky takes his clothes. Sweety tells him that this is not the uniform for Std. 11th, what will u wear. Rocky is shocked. He tells, Mom why didn’t u remind me. Normally u do all this for me, what happened this time. Sweety repeats, Now i’ve changed, i don’t interfere in ur life. U will have to tell me to do then only i’ll do. Rocky tells her, Now what should i do, come on think. Sweety begins to think. Rocky asks her what is she upto? Sweety tells, as u told me to, I m thinking. Rocky tells, Oh No.. Maaa! He leaves from there. Episode Ends with Sweety having a broad smile on her face!

Entire Episode was Worth a watch, u CANNOT miss this one!

Precap: Rocky is laughing in the class. Principal tells him, Mr Rocky Singh, u are laughing and playing the fool clearly shows that u have no guilty conscious. Raavi stares at Rocky. Principal tells him to Go and take 10 rounds of the ground. All the others are laughing at him. Rocky gets up with his bag and leaves the class.

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