Parvarrish Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi 25th December 2012 Written Update

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Parvarrish Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi 25th December 2012 Written Update by XVIRUS

The episode starts from where it ended yesterday; Sweety actually has not brought anything from home. She instructs Rocky and Ginni to serve Mandira’s food. Though Rocky and Ginni doesn’t want it to happen but they had to agree. Sweety serves “Bengan ka Bharta”.Yudi says Sweety has brought same dishes he and Mandira has planned, this makes Mandira suspicious, She eats the food and feels this is her cooking. She tactfully goes to kitchen to bring Pickle. There in the kitchen she saw Sweety brought only whapers which has not been served yet. She understand everything, Sweety comes there to call her. Mandira tells her she will disclose it to everyone that the dishes which Sweety is calling made by her is actually Mandira’s made dishes.

She comes out in the dining room and says this is unfair, all these dishes are made by her and Sweety is taking the credits. Bharat does not believe her and says may be she is not well due to her headache. He also adds though Mandira can cook but she has not cooked for last 12 years. Mandira declares these dishes are made by her. None actually believe her. But it is Sweety who discloses Mandira is right. Sweety did everything for a purpose to tell Mandira that in all these years, though she has fulfilled all requests pf Yudi ,but she has not understood him. The boy who used to run away listen “Bengan” now likes it a lot.Sweety continues ,It is not only about fulfilling your kid’s demands it is also about understanding them and see which is good for them and which is not. She goes to Yudi and tells him that In those days when his mother used to fulfill his demands she was good for him, the moment she refused she became bad for her..This is a very selfish behavior. Did he ever try to understand what his mother went through when he humiliated her in front of everyone by calling her a “Bad Mother”,Mandira has tears in eyes. Yudi understands everything, he asks for forgiveness to Mandira and says he enjoyed the moments he shared with her when they planned the menu, he is very happy she brought the book for him. He is an idiot to insult his mother and hugs her..Mandira says Thank you to Sweety .From now on she will give him freedom but she also will know wher is son is and what he is doing like Sweety.While Lucky was shocked seeing all these becomes happy .They all had food together happily and a nice picture too. While leaving Mandira says sorry to sweety for misunderstanding her .Sweety says she does not need to say sorry, She understands what a mother went through when her children behaves with her like that. Actually she did everything to make her family understand what is right and what is wrong. Mandira hugs her and says actually she and Sweety is kind of same. Her own father used to treat her as a kid every after Yudi was born. She herself forgot the rules of parenting. She thought giving freedom is all about, but actually anything more than requirement is injurious. Both smiles and Sweety leaves.

Pinky is singing in bedroom, Jeet is worried of her singing in stage because he does not want anyone to make fun of her singing. Pinky thanks him for being with her and encouraging her to sing again, She is very excited about singing in stage after so many years. In Ahluwalia house Lucky thanks Sweety for doing so much for him, this family and gives her favorite red rose .Lucky bids goodbye and about to go downstairs for sleeping, But Sweety requests him to sleep with her as every time he slept downstairs she had to wake up and check if he is sleeping comfortably or not.
Pinky sings well in front of her Guruji,He says he believes she can sing well in function,She is happy and requests him to drink a cup of tea. Guruji by mistake tells her, her husband was worried without any reason, as she sings pretty well now. Pinky asks when that happened, He tells her ,Jeet called him in office and told him to tell her He(Guruji)does not want her to sing in function. Actually Jeet himself does not want her to sing in function. Pinky is stunned and sad

Pinky tells Jeet that as he wants Guruji to sing alone, It means he has no confidence in her talent. If he thinks she does not sing well why did he fake encouragement towards her singing. He cheated him or hurt him a lot.

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