Parvarrish Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi 2nd January 2013 Written Update

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Parvarrish Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi 2nd January 2013 Written Update by nisaluvrk

Parvarrish Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi 2nd January 2013 Written Update

Pinky is discussing all the problems they will face in Singapore regarding the food, clothes etc. and all the while Jeet is remembering his conversation with his senior. Seeing Jeet tensed Pinky asks him what happened and Jeet tells her that she does not have to worry about clothes etc. as they are not going with him, and it was indeed true not a prank. Pinky said how will they live without him and they side hugged. Jeet told her not to tell the children anything now.
At the Ahluwalia’s, Sweety refuses to serve breakfast and tells Lucky and Ginni to go and do 10 surya namaskaras in the garden as it is the new year resolution to stay healthy. She has learned this good thing from Mandira to stay fit. Then she goes to wake up Rocky and tells him to go play football. Rocky is surprised by this change in Sweety and asks her what has happened to her to which Sweety replies that she has suddenly remembered the proverb ‘all work and no play makes a dull life’ which in turn makes rocky all happy!

The next day Jeet goes and talks to his senior who tells him that he was earlier talking to the Global Manager and how lucky Jeet is to get this opportunity but he does not seem so happy. Jeet tells him that he cannot leave his family for two years and thus cant accept the promotion. The senior tells him to think from his mind and don’t get emotional for this. There would be a big increase in his status and salary and two years will pass soon and then he could have his family with him and if he let go of this golden chance he will not be able to get any other promotion in the future.
The kids are merrily planning for Singapore. Pinky asks Jeet what his senior said. Jeet replied the problem is solved as they are not going to Singapore. Pinky is surprised to listen to this and Jeet replies indifferentely that these kinds of offers will come and go but he cant leave his family.
Jeet’s senior called at the house and talked to Pinky. Pinky goes and tries to talk to Jeet but the latter does not want to talk about Singapore. Pinky tells him the his senior called and asked her to convince him to which Jeet replied that they are just finding another bakra to send to Singapore. Pinky makes him sworn to tell him what he really thinks about this offer and Jeet tells her the truth. So Pinky tells her that he should go because if this chance goes it may not come again and she is here with the kids and will manage. She tells him that if he does not go how her and kids will feel that because of them he rejected the offer.
She goes to the kids’ room who were excited and tells them that they are not going to Singapore.

The kids are sad and annoyed. Pinky makes them understand that it is the biggest position and biggest dream for their father and he is just letting it go because of us as he too cant think of leaving his family. She further says that they have two ways now either to be selfish and stop Jeet from going or to let him go for his good.
She asks the kids to convince their father for going to Singapore.

PRECAP: Sweety and Rocky both are planning a surprise for each other for which Lucky thinks that they are doing it in a wrong way which may cause a confusion/disagreement between them instead of a surprise!

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