Patiala Babes 24th January 2019 Written Update

Patiala Babes 24th January 2019 Written Update by MA

Patiala Babes 24th January 2019 Written Episode

Babita’s lawyer informs Hanuman that Babita can claim alimony and compensation as Ashok wants to divorce Babita and not her. Hanuman says that is a good news, usually men panic hearing about finances, how much Babita will get. Lawyer says 50% share in property and everything Ashok has provided it is not inherited. Hanuman says it is a good news and says he should not take huge fees from mother and daughter. Lawyer says he is planning to not take fees at all. Hanuman praises him and says he is also social worker like me and good lawyer like Gandhiji. Lawyer says he will take 10% from alimony money instead. Hanuman says that is a good idea. He with Laala goes to Babita and asks her to sign alimony papers as she deserves compensation for the trouble she is bearing and for Mini’s upbringing.

Babita says she does not need anything from Ashok, she has already gone through so much and cannot bear much insult. Mini says she supports Babita in her decision as her mother did not beg for love from Papaji, why will she beg for money. Hanuman says lawyer was telling he will get 10% of alimony money as fees. Babita says she will pay his fees somehow. Once they leave, Hanuman says they are superegoistic and don’t know ground reality, once they fall under financial trouble, they will know real picture.
Biji and Dadaji inform Lovely and Sukhi about Ashok’s misbehavior and denying to pay for Biji’s medicines. Lovely yells how can bhaiya do that, he used to handle all expenses before. Sukhi says he will support them, though he is not that competent to shift them to another house. He says if Lovely gives up her beauty sessions and kitty parties, they can manage. Lovely takes him aside forcefully. Biji asks Dadaji to relax now.

Next morning, Hanuman searches news paper bundle in his whole house and does not find them. Laala warns not to blame him. Hanuman says someone stole new papers from policeman’s house. Babita takes news paper bundle and marks job offers. Nayeem bi praises her idea and asks how old she is. Babita says 35. Nayeem says she is so young, when did she marry. Babita says around 18 and Mini was born soon. Nayeem bi says that is why they look like sisters, Babita saw so much in such a young age. Babita calls a company and gives phone to Nayeem bi. Nayeem bi hears automated voice and scolds. Babita redials and realizes it is automated voice.

Precap: Babita calls for job at a company and receptionist asks if she knows to use computer. Mini goes to sell gold chain. Jeweler asks receipt and doubts that she stole jewelry from home, so he asks assistant to call police.

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