Pavitra Rishta 14th December 2012 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 14th December 2012 Written Update by Tanyaz

Pavitra Rishta 14th December 2012 Written Episode

Episode starts with Dr. Onir telling Arjun that Ovi doesn’t have any other option because he has decided to do Ovi’s treatment. He tells him and even if she wants to go.. she can’t because it’s too late now and as there is Durga pooja today, she won’t get any flight. Onir then says, she can go tomorrow.. but by tomorrow I am sure that I will convince her. Arjun says, I am sure too. Onir then tells Arjun.. you should go and stop your wife too. I will introduce you to my wife on some other time. Arjun leaves.

Onir goes to Purvi who is busy in doing pooja. Onir tells her, all wives take their husband as God so wouldn’t you do my pooja? Seems like I will have to marry again. Purvi looks at him and then continues her pooja. Onir then says, it’s strange.. everyone is behind Dr. Onir and you’re avoiding me. He also joins her in pooja now. read full updates daily only at . Arjun returns to her his room where Ovi is doing manicure pedicure. Arjun gets angry at her and asks what is this? You were told to rest right. Ovi says, i was told to stay in bed only and I am in the bed.. what’s the problem. She also taunts him saying that she read in some magazine.. when wives are pregnant.. husbands only care for their child. They return to home from work and start asking about child.. and not wife. Ovi then asks him, where are we returning to Mumbai. Arjun says, you’re not going anywhere until Dr. Onir says that you’re perfect fine. They then argue taking Dr. Onir. Ovi says, you’re such a successful businessman.. why don’t you take Dr. Onir to Mumbai with us. Arjun says, he won’t come. Ovi then says, Dr. Onir’s patients are so cheap.. and his clinic.. I don’t want him to do any checkups with him. Arjun says,.. you will have to and he leaves from there in anger.

Archu is on the phone with Purvi and asking her if she is still staying on the same place in Kolkata. Purvi asks her why are you asking me all this? are you in Kolkata too? Archu says, yes I am in Kolkata, and at the same time.. Arjun comes to Archu’s room. He says.. please help me.. Purvi hears Arjun’s voice. Archu tells Puvi that she will call later and hangs the phone. Arjun tells Archu that Ovi is not listening to him at all and he doesn’t know what to do. He says, she was supposed to take medicine.. but I had to come here from Durga pooja just to give her medicine. And now she is telling me to take Dr. Onir to Mumbai with us. He asks, why would he come? Everyone wants Dr. Onir to do their treatment .. why would he leave Kolkata for us? And if he really cares about money, then why would he do treatments of poor people. Archu explains him that instead of caring only for his child.. he should care for Ovi too.Archu says, Ovi does all these silly things just so you stay with her. If you explain to her that what she is donig is not right.. then she will understand.. but you have to think about her too, not just for your child. Archu says, I am sure you can do it.

Purvi is recalling that Archu said that she is in Kolkata and then she heard Arjun’s voice which means.. Archu has came here to search for her (Purvi) and Arjun has also came with her. She then recalls the party incidents when Arjun slapped Ovi before the leap and then Purvi told him that she should go away from here. Onir comes there now and asks he, didn’t you change your clothes yet? He then kids with saying hindi actresses change their clothes 4 times a day which brings smile on Purvi’s face. Purvi now acts as she got hurt.. Onir gets tensed and he says.. let me do your checkup. He then says, no.. how can I do your check up.. you’re my wife. Purvi laughs and says, today first time I saw you getting tensed as a husband. Purvi then asks him, what did you say that you can’t do your wife’s treatment? Meaning someone else will do my delivery? Onir gets nervous and says, there’s difference in doing own’s treatment and others.. I can’t do it. It really hurts to Purvi now and onir tells her.. stop kidding. Purvi still seems to be in pain.. Onir runs to her now. Purvi smiles and says, my child just kicked me. Both are happy. On the other side, samething happens to Ovi and instead of being happy.. she’s angry. Archu comes to her and says, you’re having pain which means your child kicked you.. this moment is one of the best moments in women’s lives.. you should be enjoying it. Ovi asks her, what are you saying? I am having pain and you’re telling me to enjoy it? On the other side, Purvi tells Onir. I am enjoying this moment.. Purvi then says in her mind, aai I feel like talking with you. and share this moment.. but I can’t because i never told you that I am pregnant. Purvi says.. I wish you were here to tell me how happy moment is this and importance of it.

On the other side, Archu tells Ovi.. for this moment.. we wait for months.. so enjoy it. And what this kick means.. that your child is very healthy. You and Teju were also kicking me like this.. and if I had behaved like you, then you wouldn’t be here.. so enjoy it. Ovi says, I cant enjoy it.. you know very well… I am giving birth to this child only because of Arjun else I don’t want this child. Archu says, enough.. I explained to you very nicely.. now you go to sleep. Archu helps Ovi in sleeping.. and Onir helps Purvi .

Inspector comes and tells Soham that someone has came to meet him. Soham thinks that it must be Archu so he tells inspector .. don’t you know.. I don’t meet to her. Take the lunch box and distribute between you all. Inspector says.. it’s not her. Soham then wonders why she didnt come today.. she was doing big talks and said that she will come everyday until I get out of jail.. then what happened today. Inspector tells him, it’s your baba. Soham gets up straight away and asks inspector.. why didn’t you tell me that before then? Balan comes there now and Soham is very sad because he didn’t come to see him last couple of months. Balan says.. I went to village for some work that’s why. Soham then says, that woman Archana comes everyday and you.. Balan gets worried and asks why did she come? Soham says, I dont know.. I didn’t meet to her. Balan has a sigh of relief and tells him.. good job.. this is what you should do.. she is very mean woman. Soham then says, I am missing mai (Varsha).. Balan says, how can one be in jail… she’s just missing you. Balan then tells Soham, you will be out of jail and will be free in 3 months.. everything will be fine then. Soham is happy.

Episode ends.

Precap: In Durga Pooja, Archu puts gulaal on someone’s face and it turns out to be Purvi. Purvi turns back and they see each other. Archu drops gulaal’s thaal seeing pregnant purvi.


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  1. brand
    December 22, 02:04 Reply

    Politics is a rotten egg if broken it stinks.

  2. aryati
    December 17, 08:05 Reply

    hope arjun n purvi will be togther again soon..

    • tenny
      December 17, 08:09

      Hey aryati you new here

    • ovi is the best
      December 17, 10:51

      yes yes tenny, a new girl, after arvi fan, 4 u to flirt. aryati, pls stay away from tenny and if tenny comes, hit him with ur sandal, becoz tenny is a beggar playboy. a big time beggar.

  3. Anonymous
    December 17, 07:43 Reply

    Hey,anyone,whose child do u think purvi is carrying?arjun,onir or anyone elses? Dudes,reply! Hump…i ma curious!…..

    • tenny
      December 17, 08:08


  4. Kriya
    December 17, 07:17 Reply

    I have tried it but nothng happend…
    Okay i wl try again…

  5. Anonymous
    December 17, 07:16 Reply

    I wonder when arvi will bump to each other!hmmmm…..anyways I am happy for purvi as long as she is happy with onir!ovi should died!and pls archana do not leave PR! This is one of mah fav. Serials!

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