Pavitra Rishta 21st October 2013 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 21st October 2013 Written Update by H Hasan

Pavitra Rishta 21st October 2013 Written Episode

The episode starts with Purvi is in dilemma whether to call Arjun or not. She thinks she should call him once as said by Aai. She calls him but Arjun is fast asleep. Tina picks the call and asks about her. Purvi says she is Purvi. Tina wakes up Arjun and addresses him Dad. Purvi gets shocked and cancels the call. Tina informs him that Purvi had called him. Arjun calls Purvi and says sorry. He asks, how are you? Purvi asks,why he called her. Arjun asks her about everyone and asks about Pari. Purvi asks, why you called me? Arjun says he saw someone looking same like Archana aayi. Purvi asks, what are you saying? Arjun says she was same like Aayi. Purvi says Aayi had broken the ties with you also, so stop addressing her as Aayi. Arjun says he will send her photo. purvi gets shocked to see Ankita’s photo. Arjun says that’s why he called Aayi to inform about Ankita. He says she has some connection with aayi.

Archana tells Purvi that she don’t remember when she had this picture. Purvi tells her that Arjun saw this girl and that’s why called to inform them. Archana says she might be related to us because of Soham but he is dead.

Purvi says we have to get the info about her and then everything will be clear. Purvi leaves. Archana looks at the photo and thinks that there might be related by blood relations with her.

The goons asked Mansi and Prashant to vacate the house. They begins throwing the stuff and says Soham borrowed 70000 Rs from them and gave this house as he is unable to paid the money. Soham asks the goons to throw them out and laughs on his children’s misery. Prashant says that his tai got a good job but the goons asks them to leave the house.

While the goons continues to vacate the house. Soham looks at the stuff and thinks to sell them for a wine. Mansi asks prashant where we will go? Soham asks the goons to give him 20000 Rs as he has promised him. One of the goon says that he never saw such a hard hearted father in his life. Soham says they are paying for throwing me out of the house. Prashant holds him by his collar. Mansi asks, where we will go. Soham asks them to go to the nearby burial ground. Meanwhile Pranav sits in the car back seat of the goon’s car. Soham then asks him to give 20 Rs atleast. The goon sits in the car and leaves while Prashant, Mansi and sonu looks on.

While Soham is singing some song in a drunken state on the road, Ankita comes from the opposite side. Soham tells her to save the house and smiles. She rushes home, Prashant and Sonu tells her that they are thrown out of the house. She asks about Pranav. Prashant says may be he is kidnapped. They rushes to the police station and asks the Inspector to write their complaint.They tells that their brother Pranav is kidnapped and some goons threw them out of the house. Ankita explains everything. Sonu says she knew the car number. Police says he will inform on every checkpost. Prashant tells him about the goons whereabouts.

At the goons bar, his servant says that you got a 10lakh house for a 70000 Rs. Pranav enters the bar and hides. He then sits in the car. Police comes with Ankita and her siblings. Inspector asks the goon that Ankita reported against them and that they have kidnapped her brother. They pleads innocent. Inspector asks him to say truthfully. Prashant informs the inspector that the voice is coming from outside.

Ankita opens the car trunk and finds pranav. Pranav tells her that they had beaten him and closed him in the decky. The goon gets shocked. The goon tells the Police that he went to their house to vacate the house and says I will show you the papers. Meanwhile Prashant looks at Pranav, it seems Pranav got the papers. Police tells the goon that he is leaving him and asks him not to leave the city.

Purvi calls Arjun and says I need your help. I want to know about that girl, her family and everything. She says, aayi thought she is Soham’s dada daughter. She says may be he is alive. She asks her to find about her. She says as you know, Ovi’s daughter doesn’t look like aayi and Teju did not married, so there is a possibility that Ankita is Soham dada’s daughter. She asks him to find out.

Ankita shouts at Prashant for making Pranav do the stealing the papers from the goon’s bar. Prashant says if you think I am wrong then give these papers to them.


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  1. neha
    October 22, 07:14 Reply

    excuse me guys
    i am neha not NEHA
    NEHA is another person
    i just wanna make it clear

  2. kk
    October 22, 01:07 Reply

    What a bullshit story about Ankita!

  3. cecilia
    October 21, 22:12 Reply

    This story line is really stupid, can’t make any sense of it. Soham should be in jail….he shot Guri and she died if I am correct….He is still a no good for nothing person. what parent can put their children out on the street. Ankita did the right thing by kicking him out he is nothing but a drunk…get rid of him…Get Arjun and Purvi back together, obvious he did not choose Ovi over Purvi as she thinks, and she needs to count the months, it takes nine months for a baby to be born, and if that is so Ovi’s baby should have been older, and not an infant…..Stupid Etka and show….Get onto a better track with this show if it wants to continue, or go off air…………….

    October 21, 21:00 Reply

    luv only arvi scenes…nd hate ankita story…not interested in reading her scenes…

  5. kelsey
    October 21, 17:52 Reply

    i want arjun 2 call purvi and pari 2 answer.

    • Sana Khan
      October 21, 23:43

      That would b 2 cool
      Pari will b so angry with him when he’ll say his name

  6. Lalitha
    October 21, 16:35 Reply

    Hi, I agree with neha, this show won’t run for long as it did before. Too much confusion with both Arjun and purvi. Both must have shared their views.for 20 yrs. keeping quiet proves their immaturity and too much ego on both parts. Arjun was trying to tell purvi but she walked out. Purvi dint want to listen but arjjun must have found ways to rectify by writing a mail or a letter.if they were really for each other and so much in love this is not the way to go about. Are the viewers are fools or what.Madam Ekta is going to loose what she earned in the beginning. Very sorry.

    • Canadian Babe
      October 22, 07:42

      Imagine 20 yrs with such a BIG MISCONCEPTION. When Purvi goes to India all Arjun has to do is drop his pants and just as how she forgot her morals the first time she will forget her lame excuses as to why they should separate.

  7. Seema
    October 21, 15:59 Reply

    I only found out today that the leap took place! Wow, 20 years! Everyone looks the same, except old Archana & Soham. Did Arjun really choose Ovi over Purvi? I’m quite confused as I have read comments that state Purvi should have listened 2 Arjun & avoided the misunderstanding…

  8. nia
    October 21, 14:46 Reply

    Gunnyt frnds..sweet dreams,,shabba khair

  9. NEHA
    October 21, 14:10 Reply

    This doesn’t make any sense!!!!
    before the leap, I guess Purvi was about 23-25, 20 years have past and purvi looks only about 2 years older! it’s just the sari, that makes look older!
    As for Arjun he doesn’t look any older!
    Glad they got a chance to speak.
    Purvi should give Arjun a chance. She went through so much pain and depression in 20 years all for NOTHING!!! if only she gave him a chance to speak.
    But any way. what can we do? Ekta does not think about logic when she writes, if she’s tired and clueless on what to write, but still wants to keep the show going, change the story focus abit, and that could help. I guess! Or pass it on to another writer who may be intrested. Or wait….what i’ve been saying for days…maybe you should listen to what your viewers have to say! and take their opinions into consuderation!
    I’ve stated watching PR from the day Arjun and Purvi entered was the first day i watched the show, the last will be when they leave…so Ekta it’s up to you, maybe you should listen to us, cos if you go against our wishes and just do stuoid unlogical stuff, you will find your TRP’S very low!
    Ekta you are so weird, Rithvik and asha are together in real life, what more could we want, we wanted them together for their chemistry, and now we’ve got it in real life! So no use of seprating them.

    Anyway! How’s the ASHVIK fans?

    • Sachi
      October 21, 16:10

      Shh please. I dont want to hear your bullshit. You need to stop complaining and grow up. Complaining every day is not good for your health.

  10. nia
    October 21, 13:43 Reply

    Oo ankita its on u to get arvi back,,egr to see arvi togthr,,love u both
    Arvi rocks

  11. Bitch
    October 21, 13:21 Reply

    Raunak and ankita’s couple is awsome

  12. neha
    October 21, 13:14 Reply

    purvi is having some though
    she thinks dat arjun cheated her bt arjun did not cheat her
    dey both shold clear eveything
    love arjun n purvis conversation after 20 yrs dey r talking
    arjun is alone in his life dey both sis reunion his life

    • Canadian Babe
      October 22, 07:40

      Purvi is an emotional prostitute and will always be one. Her character is so freaking immature.

  13. Angel Manu
    October 21, 12:59 Reply

    am so happy that arjun n purvi had a conversation after so many years even if the conversation was on ankita at least they talked
    hope to see more scenes of them

  14. Mahi
    October 21, 12:48 Reply

    For once Purvi and Arjun should bury the hatchet. This curiosity will bring them together but not without Purvi giving a hard time or being impractical I think.

    • Mahi
      October 21, 12:47

      Hey RD, how are u?

    • Mahi
      October 21, 12:51

      I’m fine thank you 🙂

    • ♥RD♥my luv
      October 21, 13:07

      Hi Mahi , i’m gud…. ! How was ur day ?

    • Mahi
      October 21, 14:27

      It’s kinda busy but alright I must say.

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