Pavitra Rishta 22nd October 2013 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 22nd October 2013 Written Update by H Hasan

Pavitra Rishta 22nd October 2013 Written Episode

The episode starts with Ankita and her kids are keeping the stuff inside. Ankita asks Pranav that she will get him treated if he is hurt. Prashant praises Pranav and says that it was his plan. They got the papers. Mansi says everything was done as per plan. Ankita gets angry and says to Prashant that you taught your brother to steal the papers. She asks, what is the difference between you and our father. Prashant says he did it to get the papers. He says if you thing I am wrong then give the papers back to him. He says our father is good for nothing. He will sell our siblings for money. He makes her remember how they spent their childhood. He says our father’s two wives, one wife is yours, mine and Mansi’s mother have died and the other wife left this two kids. He says she is not to be blamed because our father was at fault. He asks her to give the papers to the goons and free them from jail.

Ankita comes to the goon and gives the papers to the goon saying her brother stole it. He taunts her. Ankita tells her that her siblings didn’t do anything. She asks him to name the papers on her or else tear this papers and throws away. The goons asks, are you mad? Ankita says you have a kidnapping case against you and my house rate is 10lakhs. I will win the case anyway. Goon says that she is very clever. Ankita says she is not stupid to leave the house. Ankita says she will return his money in 70 days.

Arjun comes Ankita’s house and Mansi opens the door. Arjun asks for Ankita, Mansi says she isn’t at home now. Arjun says he will come later. Arjun enquires about Ankita from her neighbour. Neighbour shows Soham from a distance and speaks bad about Soham. Arjun didn’t see his face and leaves.

Ankita comes back home. Mansi brings the water for her. prashant tells them that they got their home back. Ankita is little tensed. Prashant asks, will you pay Ghamsham sait. Ankita says she will pay the money to him. Mansi tells her that someone came to meet her. He seems to be rich and said he will come later. Shashank comes and says you didn’t tell me anything. Ankita says she didn’t get a chance to tell him anything.

Pranav tells him everything which is muted for us. Ankita thinks that she lost her job. Shashank asks, what is the matter? Ankita says she is fine. She tells him everything. Shashank says he will not leave them.It is ridiculous. He thinks to write an article against them. Ankita says she wants a job soon. She says she didn’t tell anyone about losing the job. She wonders what to do? She says they are my responsibility and I want a job. Shashank says you will get a good job. He says I will help you. He says we will apply to some companies.

Some employee tells Arjun that 20 female employees have resigned from their job and they have some personal problems. Arjun asks about Ankita. He is being told that she is fired because she stole the money. Arjun says no,you are wrong. He says she is thief. Arjun says she is a dignified girl. Arjun says I need to know about that girl. And wants to meet all the other girls who left their company. Arjun says it is his responsibility to find out the loop hole and asks him to arrange the meeting.

Ankita asks Sonu to study well. She asks Pranav to get the back. Pranav says he don’t want to go to school. prashant asks, do you want to become like your father. Ankita explains him that one needs to go to school to get educated and take care of family. Mansi says she will drop Pranav and Sonu. Prashant says he has prepared tiffin for her and asks her to go to office. Ankita gets saddened as she is not having any job.

Shashank is talking to his friend. Ankita comes and Shashank says, we will go to apply for your job. Ankita sits on his bike and leaves. Soham looks evilly at them.

Arjun gives the resignation papers to Raunaq and says it is yours resignation papers. Raunaq says he is the 50% partner of the company. Arjun says you are 50% sleeping partner and I am 50% active managing director and owner. Arjun says he is firing him now.

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  1. anonymous
    October 23, 02:51 Reply

    My reservations of the show aside, I have to give credit to:

    Ankita L – she is doing a good job. Not easy playing dual roles, it takes a lot of hard work and discipline.

    Apart from Arvi’s seperation and their sadness, there are some ok parts to the show eg Soham’s kids. There desire to improve their lives by studying and taking care of each other is admirable. Unlike their father who did nothing to better himself.

    We can only hope that the show improves and does not disappoint its viewers.

    • sakthi
      October 23, 04:54

      Yeah I makes so much time for ankita we should appreciate her but what happened to gauri ovi pia onir

    • Canadian Babe
      October 23, 10:39

      I agree, this show now relates to real life before it was all crap.

    • Canadian Babe
      October 23, 10:43

      Except for Purvi not trusting Arjun and keeping away for 20yrs that is! The girl definitely has trust issues with her man.

  2. kk
    October 22, 21:52 Reply

    Hate this show after 20 years leap!

    October 22, 21:10 Reply

    plz show arvi scene…..there was not any reason for this redicilous leap…cvs show the fight of arvi only be4 one weak and separate them….all this for that ankita lokhande….

  4. cheezu
    October 22, 16:15 Reply

    Lol ronaque will end up falling for ankita 🙂

  5. Seema
    October 22, 16:04 Reply

    OMG!!! I cannot believe Pavitra Rishta has become sooooo boring! Are the writers seriously going to drag this show for another year? Soham is still the idiot he was 20 years ago! Ratings for this show will drop tremendously & it should not even be a surprise! I mean really, there is no story line anymore! Arjun & Purvi will probably meet in Mumbai… In the next 100 shows 2 come… Coz that is how the pace of this show goes! I did stop watching the show when Soham went all crazy over Gauri. But I was interested 2 see what the 20 year leap might be like & it is utter crap!

  6. rashmi
    October 22, 16:00 Reply

    purvi is a bitch! she doesnt even listen to arjun and make conclusions herself…..
    she thinks whateever her mind says is right. proud bitch didnt deserve arjun

    • anonymous
      October 22, 16:12

      oh shut up. ovi is the bitch for always ruining arvi’s life

      October 22, 21:15

      no these r writers and ankita….they have destroyed my arvi :(((

    • Canadian Babe
      October 23, 10:41

      Both of them are. I’ll always say Purvi in an EMOTIONAL PROSTITUTE. Her character shows it in PR.

  7. neha
    October 22, 14:12 Reply

    hiii everyone
    hw u alll
    long time i guess there is no need to comment abt this show

  8. ..........
    October 22, 14:06 Reply

    Really this show is becoming extremely stupid like what the hell
    Why would they skip 20 years
    I don’t get it and the stupid thing about it is that they all look the same after 20 years
    This show is f*** up
    And what the hell happened to purvis child wasn’t she pergant huh?
    Like seriously STOP the show

    October 22, 13:23 Reply

    hmmmmm….no Arvi, now that i’ve read the epi wont watch…will just watch the end:)
    if you are agreeing to me or telling me something state it as NEHA ASHVIK PLZ
    Ankita you and ekta are really weird have to say…sorry:(

  10. AK
    October 22, 13:14 Reply

    Ankita is just the best sister though young, 19 she is taking care of her siblings. I just love her acting.

    • Mahi
      October 22, 13:58

      Hi AK, me too. I’m glad Arjun give him his own resignation letter lol.

  11. AM
    October 22, 13:06 Reply

    What is it with tv serial and their 15days, dus din, etcccc??!!!

  12. AK
    October 22, 12:57 Reply

    Hi All? How are you all?

    • Merina
      October 22, 12:59

      I’m good Ak. How bbout u?

    • AK
      October 22, 13:10

      Same here dr

  13. anonymous
    October 22, 12:49 Reply

    Sexual harassment in the workplace….good subject to highlight as many woman and men too are victims.

    • Merina
      October 22, 12:53

      I agree. And Arjun trying to go to the depth of the matter is commendable. For the first time we have something beyond love triangles in PR.

    • AK
      October 22, 12:54

      Exactly Sexual Harassment in work place is very common in our World.

    • Merina
      October 22, 12:56

      It is common everywhere.

    • AK
      October 22, 12:58

      And it should like stop as soon as possible

    • Merina
      October 22, 13:01

      For that to stop the victims should raise their voice… but they usually don’t.

    • AK
      October 22, 13:12

      Yes because they are always afraid to be sacked since they will lose their source of income

    • anonymous
      October 23, 02:41

      It is good that they show Arjun dismissing Raunak despite his (Raunaks) very senior position in the company. No one can be excused for violating another’s workspace or person.
      Victims are usually scared to complain to management as they feel they may be ostracised, victimised, dismissed etc., and also that no one will believe them.

      Never be afraid to stand your ground and never let anyone take advantage of your need for a job.

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