Pavitra Rishta 25th July 2012 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 25th July 2012 Written Update by *Shruti*

Short Update:
Archana is doing preparation for pooja along with Purvi whose eyes are set on wall clock. Archana, Purvi, Sulochna are doing pooja and Varsha is sitting in pooja where Lord Krishna’s story is being told. Varsha has flashback of how she ran away with Soham and Archana of her moments with Soham.

It’s 12.45 am and Arjun has not come yet. Purvi tries to call Arjun but he is not picking she goes to check in garage but it’s closed. Archana leaves as she has to reach home. Arjun comes back to his house where he sees a worried Purvi waiting for him who asks him where he was. Arjun informs about Churan’s accident and how he all his money went there for deposit. Purvi says they would tell Archana but Arjun refuses as he doesn’t want Archana to think he is making excuses and he will earn 10,000 again.

At Desmukh house, Ovi-Teju come dressed up in navari saree. Archana comes there dressed in navari saree. Ovi, Tej and Savita give her angry looks. All leave. Damodar tells Archana everything will be fine. Purvi dressed in navari saree takes Sulochna’s blessings.
Ovi-Teju in Navari Saree
Purvi in Navari Saree1
Purvi in Navari Saree2

Ritesh and Tushar are talking on phone making up excuses for not coming for promotion when they finally see each other realize they were lying to each other. Tushar says he was invited by his father’s friend while Ritesh says he was by his college friend Arjun. Savita comes there greets Tushar. Manav introduced Damodar-Archana to him while Tushar introduces Ritesh to them. Savita takes Tushar class says how he is late and his father Jeetendra use to be on time during dahi handi function and puts him in Manav’s gang as one person is less for dahi handi.

Arjun comes there hugs Ritesh and greets Tushar. There is one person less in Arjun’s gang and he asks Ritesh help. Tushar praises Ritesh fakofying things which Arjun is surprise to hear and leaves to inform his team they have got a member.

Vishnu along with his gang reaches to place. His gang asks how will they find Manav in such crowd. Vishnu joins people there dances with them and spots Manav.

Precap: Tushar-Ritesh with rest dancing on Dilwalon Ke Dil Ka Karaar Luthne while Vishnu watches them.

Detailed Update by bhallarox

Karanjkar House/Inside a room

Archana and Purvi are at their home. They are doing the preparations for the puja. Archana and Purvi are looking very closely at the clock. Sulochana is also there. Varsha is sitting in a puja room(in Patna) listening to the story of Krishna Bhagwan. She remembers when she had taken Soham away from. Archana, Purvi and Sulochana are doing the puja. When they are done Purvi is looking at the clock. She has full faith that Arjun will come home but then gets worried.
Purvi: Arjun hasn’t come yet I will go and check the garage. Sulochana nods her head ok.

Outside near the garage

Purvi goes outside. She is near the garage and she is calling for Farooq and Arjun but none of them answer.
Purvi: They are not here either where could they have gone? Purvi is looking for them.

Karanjkar House

Sulochana and Archana are standing right at the entrance of the home. It is 12:45 A.M. Sulochana wonders why Arjun has not come back yet as he was supposed to come at 12:00 A.M.
Archana: Aai I will need to go.
Sulochana: Wait Arjun is coming.
Archana: Aai you know what will happen if I don’t get home on time. I will head out now. Archana is about to go when she runs into Purvi.
Purvi: The garage is closed he is not there either.
Archana: Purvi I will need to go.
Purvi: Ok aai. Purvi goes back in the home and sits down. Sulochana goes to comfort her. Archana sees them as she is exiting the home.

Outside Arjun’s chawl

It is very late in the night. Arjun is coming up the steps to his home and he sees Purvi waiting out at the balcony.
Arjun: Purvi.
Purvi: Arjun where did you go?
Arjun: You are here at this time?
Purvi: Arjun first you tell me where were you the whole night. You said you would come to aai where did you go? Arjun I checked your garage and you were not there neither were you at home. I got so scared you know how long aai waited for she left. I couldn’t even call you.
Arjun: I know I know please don’t cry.
Purvi: I could not stop aai from going please tell me where you had gone.
Arjun: I will tell you just please don’t cry. Did you tell aaji that you’re here?
Purvi: Yes please tell me where you went.
Arjun: I’m really sorry but I did not go away purposely. I had to.
Purvi: What happened?
Arjun: Purvi Churan.
Purvi: What happened to Churan?
Arjun: He got in an accident. Arjun tells Purvi about when he had gone to the hospital and a doctor had come and told him that Churan got in an accident and to arrange for the money. Churan’s mom was there and she was crying. Arjun had asked the doctor how much the operation would cost and the doctor responded 10,000 to 15,000 rupees. Churan’s mom had told the doctor that they were poor people and they couldn’t afford it.
The doctor: We will need to do the operation.
Arjun: Sir please do the preparations for the operation I will arrange for some money. Arjun had told Churan’s mom to wait and everything will be alright.(End of flashback)
Arjun: This is why I had to go to the hospital. I had to use up all my money for Churan’s treatment.
Purvi: Arjun you could not come because there was such a big reason behind it I think we should tell aai.
Arjun: No.
Purvi: But then she will misunderstand.
Arjun: No we will not tell aai anything. She will then think I am making excuses which I am not. And I can make 10,000 rupees again quickly. It will take 2 weeks and I know I can do it and I will do it.
Purvi: Arjun I don’t want your money but you.
Arjun: To get you I will need to earn so I will need to do all of this. Don’t worry I don’t fear anything all I need is your support will you?
Purvi: What are you saying Arjun? Arjun I am always with you but you please never leave me. Arjun smiles and they both hug.
Arjun: Never.

Deshmukh House

Manav, Sachu, Savita, Damodar and Vandita are in the main room. Ovi and Teju are coming out of the bedroom dressed in a navari saree. They all look at Ovi and Teju.
Savita: Ovi you look so cute in a navari saree!
Manav: Baba do you see your granddaughters how they are dressed.
Damodar: Yes they look so nice. Teju and Ovi seek both Damodar and Savita’s blessings.
Savita: Manav today is Janmashtami we will go to the mandir. Archana comes out of the kitchen dressed in a navari saree. Teju, Ovi and Savita look at her angrily.

Karanjkar House

Sulochana and Purvi are at their home. Sulochana prays for Purvi and prays that her and Arjun live happily and she says I am sure Arjun must have had some other business to take care of and that’s why he couldn’t come. Purvi thinks to herself aaji I wish I could tell you what stopped Arjun from coming but Arjun prohibited me.
Sulochana: And I heard he is going to be a part of the dahi handi. He is such a rich man does he do these kind of things?

Deshmukh House

The entire family is at the home.
Savita: Let’s go to the mandir else we will go when there is a lot of people.
Ovi: Will there be that many people?
Savita: Yes but don’t worry as long as you are coming with aaji there is no need to fear anything. Manav, Savita, Sachu, Vandu, Teju and Ovi leave. Damodar goes to Archana and says your daughters did not seek your blessings because they don’t understand you yet when they will get to know about your truth then they will come straight to you.
Archana: But baba there is such few days left.
Damodar: Have faith in Bappa he will make everything alright.

Karanjkar House

Sulochana and Purvi are at their home.
Purvi: Aaji I know Arjun is doing the dahi handi which is hard but I have full faith in him that he will do it.
Sulochana: You have faith in Arjun and I have faith in your faith. Ok let’s go to the mandir.


Tushar Kapoor and Ritesh(his friend) are talking on the phone to each other talking about their new film being released.
Ritesh Why didn’t you come to the promotion? Where are you?
Tushar: What do I tell you Ritesh? I won’t be able to come to the promotion as I was called to an office for some work about the new film. Tushar and Ritesh are actually talking to each other at the same area and they see each other. They get off the phone and go to each other to start talking. They both accuse each other for lying to each other that they couldn’t make it to the film promotion.
Ritesh: Why are we fighting anyway?
Tushar: Good point. You lied to come here and so did I. So what’s the point in fighting?
Ritesh: Definitely.
Tushar: Today I am here for the Krishna Bhagwan puja.
Ritesh: Me too and he will actually have the biggest promotion so we have to do the puja. Actually my college friend Arjun invited me here.
Tushar: And my dad’s friend invited me here. Savita and the family are coming over. Savita yells for Tushar and asks him why he was so left.
Tushar: I got stuck in traffic. Tushar sees Manav and greets him.
Manav: Tushar here is my baba and then this is Archana.
Tushar: And this is my friend Ritesh. Manav thanks them for coming despite their busy schedule.
Tushar: Our pleasure Manav.
Savita: Tell me why you came late. Tushar stutters and Savita says I called your papa and told him to send Tushar on time for dahi handi. Your papa always would come on time but today you came so late.
Savita: I know your papa from childhood.
Tushar: How could you know him from your childhood? He was not even born then.
Savita: I knew him from his childhood when he was very little! He used to live in our chawl and he would break the dahi handi. Suddenly Arjun comes to the place. He is very happy to see Ritesh and he hugs him. Manav and Savita look kind of mad to see Arjun. Arjun thanks Ritesh for coming and says in my dahi handi team there is one less member so can you join? Ritesh accepts and Tushar starts praising Ritesh for playing the dahi handi well.
Arjun: Thanks Ritesh I will tell my team members that we have a replacement. Arjun leaves. Tushar and Ritesh have a funny argument for a little bit.


Vishnu is coming with his gang to the place where they do the puja. They are on the lookout for Manav. There is a dance going on. Vishnu and his gang see Manav and his family. Vishnu gives Manav a very evil look.

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  1. Anonymous
    July 26, 07:23 Reply

    I dnt knw y i feel dat though arjun n purvi will b togthr but savitas truth will nvr b reveald 2 evry1 n archana will forgive savita n story will continue in improving soham n brngng fmly 2gthr pls. ekta dnt make it kynki saas bhi kabi bahoo thi………………….

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