Pavitra Rishta 2nd November 2012 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 2nd November 2012 Written Update by

Pavitra Rishta 2nd November 2012 Written Episode

Episode starts with Balan returning home and telling Varsha that Archana got saved. Varsha asks him, why do you have to do all this? Vishnu also enters his house. Balan says, I went to Manav office to warn him that if he goes against Vishnu in the court then it won’t be good for him. He didn’t listen to me so I did his car’s break fail and if Archana sat in the car instead of him, then what can I do? Varsha is getting worried for Archu. Balan says, nothing happened to her.. I just got news. Varsha says, thank God. Vishnu asks them what happened? Balan tells him, I did break fail and Archana sat in the car.. bad news is that she got saved.. some guy saved him… he spoiled my plan. Vishnu seems to be tesned. Balan asks him, why are you tensed? I am here na.. I will take care of everything. Balan leaves.

Varsha tells Vishnu to talk with Balan.. She says, your baba will only listen to you. I had fights with them because of you.. but now as you have returned to me.. I don’t want to keep any relationship or fight with them. Thanks to the person who saved Archu tai.

Archu is on the phone with Ovi. Ovi gets worried and says, I am coming there right now. Archu says, it’s okay.. manav and dk sir are here. At the same time, Purvi comes there and tells Archu, I told you to rest right.. As Ovi hears Purvi’s voice, she hangs up the phone. Arjun is with Ovi and she gives this news to Arjun. She says, now she is okay.. she had accident because of car break failure.. and she is telling me now..n purvi is there already. Arjun says, so you’re feeling bad because Purvi is there and ? Ovi says, shouldn’t I feel bad? Arjun says, shouldn’t you be happy because your mother is fine.. and Purvi is your sister in end. Ovi agrees and says, I guess you’re right. and baba and Dk sir are also there. Arjun says, that’s it .. so you don’t need to worry.

One lady comes there and asks about Dk. Arjun says, he won’t be able to come so we will do the donations on behalf. Arjun and Ovi, together, donate clothes to elderly people. Arjun thanks Ovi for being with him and helping him. Ovi says, I should be thankful to you for including me in doing something good.. just keep including me in everything like this.. and I am sure.. our relationship will be successful.

Varsha gives Kheer to Vishnu’s friends. Varsha asks where is Vishnu? His friends say he’s outside with Balan. His friends are talking with each other and in that they say how Vishnu went to Manav house the other day. One of his friends tells the other friend to be brave like him. Varsha hears that and she asks them why did you go to Manav’s house? They tell her, we went there and Vishnu threaten them and then other day, he saved Purvi from the goons. Varsha says, Vishnu is going closer to them.. I will have to do something and stop him.

Driver tells Manav and DK, everything was fine till morning.. but then suddenly car breaks failed and this happened. He apologizes to Manav. Manav tells him, you don’t need to apologize.. it’s not your fault. Manav then asks him, when you took out the car, did you see anyone around there? Driver says, there was no one. Manav tells driver to go and rest. Dk asks Manav, how can Balan do this when driver was around the car all time? Manav says, that I don’t know.. but I am sure Balan has done all this. And I won’t leave him for this.

Balan tells Vishnu.. I did all this for you. Vishnu says, but what should I tell Varsha mai? She wants us to stay away from that family.. and we should listen to her. Balan says, but we have to stop Manav saying anything against you in the court. If he wins this case.. then he will make our lives worse than in hell. On the other side, Manav tells Dk, that I will do for sure. I will make that strong case against him that it will be impossible for him to get out of it. Manav has tears in his eyes and says, what if anything had happened to Archu? We met after 18 yeras.. and I don’t want to lose her now.

Vishnu tells Balan, once I promise.. I don’t step back. And I have promised Archu that I won’t bother anyone from her family. Balan says, I know.. I taught you all this but promises are not bigger than our lives. On the other side, Dk suggests Manav to stay quiet and observe. But Manav says, Balan will try to do something again.. and before that they have to do something. He says, we could at least file a police complain. Dk asks, and how we will prove that Balan did all this?

Vishnu tells Balan, Varsha mai stays upset due to all this.. and when I am not going to that family, then why do we have to do all this? Balan tells him, fine if that’s what you want.. I won’t follow Manav. Vishnu gets happy and hugs him. Balan says in his mind, seems like Vishnu is turning into Soham.

Doctor has discharged Archu. Purvi asks Archu, what are you thinking about? Archu says, I am thinking about Soham.. person who raised him can do anything for his own good. Purvi asks meaning? Archu then tells Purvi, Balan came to the office to threaten Manav but Manav didn’t listen to him. And Balan said he will not spare our family. Purvi says, maybe that’s why Manav has doubt on him. Archu says, yes.. and I also doubt on Balan. Purvi says, then we should file a police complain? Archu says, if we do that then Soham will get angry and it’s his birthday today. I don’t know what to do.. if I take Soham’s name in front of Manav.. he gets angry. Manav comes there (not sure if he heard all that or no). He asks Archu to get ready to go. Purvi says in her mind, it’s all happening because of me. Soham kidnapped me and baba filed the complaint and now no one wants to step back. I will have to make Soham dada understand.. that he is making a big mistake by rejecting Archu aai. And with him.. I will have to talk with Balan kaka as well.. because Manav baba won’t change his decision to go against soham dada in the court.. and if he doesn’t change his decision then Balan kaka will keep hurting our family like this. Archu asks Purvi to go with her, but Purvi tells Archu that she has some work.

Archu-Manav return to their home. Manav is helping Archu lying down on the bed. Teju gets emotional seeing them and has tears in her eyes. Manav-Archu ask her why are you crying? Manav says, your aai is fine now. Teju says, these are tears of happiness.. I am very happy seeing you two together. You are a perfect couple. You do small small things for each other and they have so much love in it. Archu tells Manav, I think it’s Teju’s turn now to get married. She talks so matured now. Teju says, no.. I don’t want to get married. If you talk about my marriage then… what will I do.. yes I will cut my hair. Manav and Archu laugh. Manav tells her, marry whenever you wish but don’t cut your hair. Manav is going somewhere to return the file, but Teju tells him to stay with Archu and she will go to give the file.

Precap: Vishnu tells Varsha, I saved Archu from that accident. Purvi is hiding and watching all this and She gets happy.

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  1. SJ
    November 04, 23:47 Reply

    Ican understand, sushant was org manav and every one lied him
    hiten tejvani s very handsome than sushant, he is doing ver mature acting
    4 grown up children. I love hs air and smie, he is very tall handsome
    And very psychically fit acter. His acting skill are superb
    I have rea all about him watch many of his show. He did fablious job

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