Pavitra Rishta 31st January 2013 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 31st January 2013 Written Update by Gaurav

Pavitra Rishta 31st January 2013 Written Episode

Detailed Update:

Part 1.
Purvi is sitting alone n she remembers what that gynaec said about her pregnancy(Doc said you can mention 6 months pregnancy in ur report but what will happen when this secret i’ll come out)Suddenly sulochana comes there n sits on the floor while she brought some oil in a small utensil,Purvi says whats that she answers purvi you better take care of yourself now as ur pregnant i want to know what you eat,read n etc.Sulochana gets the oil in her hand n does the maalish on Purvi’s legs,Purvi responds don’t do this aaji i am not small now i have grown up but Sulo says still you are small child for me.Vinod comes n sits nearby purvi says that see aai Onir is like manav as he was also like him even he used to be a part of our family’s happy n sad days.Vinod says if Onir wasn’t there for help so could i had done this marriage work Sulochana agrees in point says that there are 3 betas of her 1st you 2nd manav n 3rd onir.

Scene shifts to Purvi folding clothes n says to Onir that she n Archana went to hospital today where she met that gynaec who treated her 1st,Purvi looks confused says that how much time i should keep the truth hidden she says i am really scared of this but Onir interupts her why are taking tensions i have a plan we will go for Poona trip n at coming i will come alone Onir says to her but she says what we’ll say to our family n what you’ll answer to them,He says don’t worry i have a friend in poona who will do ur delivery n here in mumbai will say you had a healthy delivery there.Purvi says but Onir meanwhile he says don’t you trust me or believe me Purvi nods n answers that you are the one who helped me out from this situation.Onir says that he has brought a gift for her asks to wait a minute he goes to cupboard n takes out the gift tells her to open,she opens n sees its a Wind chain asks him to hang near the window.Both goes there n hangs it Onir says it will remind you of me n i have brought it for our child too.Purvi thanks him he says you’re welcome.

Part 2nd..
Vinod n Manju are inviting guests for marriage but in between manju says there are lots of invitations n we need money too for that but Vinod says i have asked bank for a loan which will get passed in 1,2 days while both talking Mittal’s phone rang up n vinod takes it he says hello sir but Mittal asks don’t call him sir anymore as both will be Damad n Sasur. Mittal asks him that he heard Vinod applied for a loan in bank,Vinod says yes but Mittal says why are you getting in a trouble of banks loan do 1 thing get a loan from my company with 0% interest on it i’ll call my manager n he will do the formalities hangs up.Vinod sees Punni asks to stop n tells we were wrong manju that punni choosed a great life partner for her Punni gets confused with it.
Scene shifts to the temple where Arjun n Ovi have come to pray in Bappa’s feet for happiness.Arjun goes to a stall n says to that stall man make a Puja thali for both add some durva too then he picks a coconut n shaks it Ovi luks suprised.

Both goes inside the temple rang a bell n Arjun backs down to say something in Mouse’s ears n same is done by Ovi too,well both goes near Bappa prays.Ovi says that Bappa keep me n Arjun always happy n keep him giving me more love too While Arjun luks at her n says that Bappa give me some strength where i can keep ovi happy. Both starts walking outside n asks Arjun if they can sit somewhere both sits on the steps of temple.

Part 3..
Punni is at Mittal’s house sitting on a sofa where he comes says darling you came here he tires to hug but Punni declines n asks what is he doing all this when she said to get marry to her that time he said she a chawl girl n all,Now he is marrying her.Mittal says can’t you have a breath in ur sentence then he says that how she broke the marriage of her n pradeep,Punni looks confused n Mittal gives her a file says to her that if she signs this documents then only i will marry you,Punni gets shocked.

Precap-A man has called Purvi n starts blackmailing her says that he knows she is carrying Arjun’s child but if she wants to hide it then send him 3 lakhs rupees.

Blackmailer’s picture:

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  1. KSG!!
    January 31, 15:56 Reply

    I think it maybe Vinay, but wouldn’t it have been said that he is coming back or whatever?

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 17:12

      Ya it could be
      It can’t be Onir because look at the Rakhi on the right hand Onir does not have Rakhi but a black band watch.

    • KSG!!
      January 31, 17:13

      True dat!!

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 17:32

      Sorry pls who’s vijay again?

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 17:34

      Sorry pls who’s viinay again?

    • KSG!!
      January 31, 20:22

      Vinay was the guy who was engaged to Purvi before Arjun!!

    • KSG!!
      January 31, 20:23

      Oh n I did not suggest this idea it was another person, I was just agreeing with the person!!:D

    • nese
      January 31, 21:00

      Thinking it could be Soham.

  2. Julia
    January 31, 15:33 Reply

    hm. this ep was boring. why is there no romance, neither between purvi and arjun nor purvi and onir. and now arjun and ovi are happy together? thats it? this story needs another twist, because there is no excitement anymore….. only purvi trying to hide her pregnancy. so what if it is revealed? arjun does not love her anymore (seems) so why this track 🙁

    • saki
      January 31, 16:32

      He does still love her its just that she is married and he thinks he cannot do anything about it so he is trying to move on. once he learns of the baby. He will have a hard time moving on. plus purvi don’t seem to love onir.

    • saleema
      January 31, 15:44

      yes it could be onir maybe he went with purvi for only money or he loves purvi and want to keep purvi away from arjun

  3. Hailie !
    January 31, 14:30 Reply

    It cant be Onir. If Onir was that bad then why would he marry Purvi at the first instance knowing she was pregnant for someone else? And why would he ask for money? He’s a simple guy. In fact, he could have gain big money by his work but he preferred to stay as an ordinary people. So it cant be Onir.

  4. arvi fan
    January 31, 14:26 Reply

    dat guy doesnt luk lyk onir even a bit. no way.

  5. arvi fan
    January 31, 14:24 Reply

    poor purvi, she always has to suffer. i hope onir supports her, he is anyway doing dis much 4 her.

  6. arvi fan
    January 31, 14:21 Reply

    the blackmailer must be onir’s friend, but it cant be onir becoz purvi will definitely ask onir only 4 money.

    January 31, 14:13 Reply

    amir i am also fine … hey u know wht hemp is right??

    i have a question for u from geografie : wht is hemp used for ?

    • tenny
      January 31, 15:25

      Hemp is a fibre product that has dozens of potentials. It is technically the same species as marijuana(cannabis sativa). Uses:(i) helps to reduce deforestation. (ii) used in the paper and textile manufacturing industry.(iii)used in food industry. (iv)medicines/drugs. Hope ths wil help raghz!

  8. ammara
    January 31, 13:47 Reply

    jus look at taht pic its onir for sure

  9. saki
    January 31, 13:40 Reply

    now this is an interesting turn of events. Hmmm I cant wait for tomorrow.

    • tenny
      January 31, 13:45

      I agree Saki. Btw how are you???

    • saki
      January 31, 16:51

      i am gud for now just enjoying the new twist of the show. and reading all the comments here.

    • tenny
      January 31, 13:43

      Am fyn raghz n u?

  10. Miss Unbelievable
    January 31, 13:15 Reply

    Mittal is smarter than he looks

    His lawyers must have warn him pre-nup before marraige knowing punni after a year of marriage divorce and take half of what he has.

    Punni will be miserable. Im happy. Mittal isnt fully under your control Good movie Mittal let her sign that pre-nup before marraiage

      January 31, 13:34

      hi miss unbelieveable how r u ??


    • tenny
      January 31, 13:34


    • KSG!!
      January 31, 15:24

      Basically a prenuptial agreement is a written contract between two people who are about to marry, setting out the terms of possession of assets, treatment of future earnings, control of the property of each, and potential division if the marriage is later dissolved

    • tenny
      January 31, 15:30

      Hey ksg how r u? Long tym!

  11. asheerah
    January 31, 12:48 Reply

    hi,the precap was terrible,i think its vinay

    • KSG!!
      January 31, 12:53

      Who is Vinay!??!

    • asheerah
      January 31, 13:03

      vinay-the guy who was engage 2 purvi early than arjun

    • KSG!!
      January 31, 13:05

      Oh yea him!! But how could he find out!??!

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 13:09

      u guys are right it is Vinay for sure!!!!!!!!

    • asheerah
      January 31, 13:10

      i dont know but he said that he will take revenge

    January 31, 12:37 Reply

    OMG the precap is so scaryy!!

    btw how r u guys

  13. ammara
    January 31, 12:34 Reply

    i have to agree with anonymous for the first time i think the blackmailer is onir ……….. he appears to b 2 good to be true
    how else wud they bring arjun and purvi 2gether

  14. KSG!!
    January 31, 11:58 Reply

    The guy in the precap looks really young plus he looks new!!

    • tenny
      January 31, 13:39

      Good epi 3lakhs purvi!

  15. Minahil
    January 31, 11:55 Reply

    I Guess The Boy In The Precap Is The One Whom Purvi Was Getting Engaged (The office collegue)

  16. Anonymous
    January 31, 11:39 Reply

    Coz it’s Ek’s soap so any thing will be happen
    m r8friends n i m dam sure few days after they show onir as a negative character

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 11:47

      if they show onir as the person blackmailing then thats a really stupid twist..unless its onir’s friend??

      January 31, 16:14

      if they show onir as negative character then the serial will become interesting

  17. Jiggy
    January 31, 11:36 Reply

    tenny n drs itz ovr frm ma syd.drs i wanna apologize for ma misbehaviour.

    • tenny
      January 31, 15:32

      Jiggy its ok as long as you promise not to repeat ur mistake. Friends

    • Shl
      January 31, 12:26

      Hw can it be onir as the always shown his gud things.he can never do this for money afterall he is a doc.he can make himself that much if he wish.if that is him then that will be one stupid twist.

  18. praise
    January 31, 11:34 Reply

    Good day everyone! Pls is this d whole update?

  19. Anonymous
    January 31, 11:25 Reply

    i think d caller is someone from balan’s side or is sohum or is varsha side.. randomness..

    • Merina
      January 31, 11:32

      Doesn’t he look like vinay?

  20. Merina
    January 31, 11:17 Reply

    As I don’t watch the episode, I’m confused. Please tell me did Pandit bless Arjun Purvi or Arjun Ovi?

    • admin
      January 31, 11:22

      Pandit blessed Arjun-Purvi and then Arjun said to Pandit that they are not husband-wife

  21. Purvi&Arjun 4ever
    January 31, 11:09 Reply

    jodi salamat rahe aur bachche ko bhi blessing diya

    Please translate this for me in english

    • admin
      January 31, 11:13

      may you two stay happy together and blessings to your kid

    • AnonyUKnow
      January 31, 11:14

      pair happy live and blessed a kid..

    • Anonymous
      January 31, 11:24

      he blessed thier marriage and baby

  22. Anonymous
    January 31, 10:48 Reply

    Please I want Khamoshiyaan updates to be posted soon

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