Pavitra Rishta 9th June 2014 Written Update

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Pavitra Rishta 9th June 2014 Written Update by H Hasan

Pavitra Rishta 9th June 2014 Written Episode

The episode starts with Ankita getting a call from Shashank who informs that he got a call from his editor to report immediately and asks Ankita to pick her siblings from school. Ankita agrees. She informs her colleague about it and leaves for school.
Soham’s boss gets irritated by musquito bites while sleeping and calls Soham to close the door. He remembers that Soham has gone to work. He wakes up and feels backache. He remembers yesterday night’s incident and scolds Soham that he was asked to wash dishes for not paying money. He then searches money and does not fine any. He thinks of a plan to meet Soham’s kids to extract money from there.

Sonu and Pranab wait outside their school for Ankita to pick them. Naren comes there in his car and asks if they are Ankita’s siblings and asks them to come and sit in his car. Kids hesitantly sit in his car. Naren asks why are they hesitating. Kids say he has changed and misbehaved with them, plus he did not fulfill his promising of gifting them toys. Naren says he will treat them with icecream and give them gifts. Kids get happy. Ankit reaches school and asks security guard about Sonu and Pranab. Security says he does not know. Ankita scolds guard and goes in search of kids.

Ankita comes home crying and informs Mansi and Prashanth that she did not find kids at scool. Prashanth asks her not to worry as kids might have gone to their friend’s house. Sonu and Pranab come just then and inform that Naren had come to pick them. Naren also comes there. Ankita scolds him for picking the kids without informing her and says kids are not just her siblings, they are her life.

Manav and Archana see Pushti, Pia, and Pari joking and enjoying a lighter movement. Archana asks i they can stay in India itself. Manav says even he was thinking the same and says when she is happy, he is also happy. Neena overhears their conversation and thinks they cannot stay in India and remembers fighting for water with chawl dwellers and Teju and Savita laughing on her. She remembers washing utensils and then cleaning house. She thinks she cannot settle here and will have to do something.

Mansi brings fruit for Shashank’s mom. Mom gets angry on Mansi and says she wants go out from her house. Mansi asks if she made any mistake. Mom says she made a sin by carrying someone else’s child. Ankita comes there and asks mom to stop rubbishing and asks her how can she think so bad about a woman as she is also a woman. Mom says she cannot understand this as she is not a mother and asks if she is sure Mansi’s child is Shashank’s and not Raunakh. Ankita says she is 100% sure it is Shashank’s child. Mom asks to prove it with tests and then speak to her.

Shashank comes home and sees Mansi crying and Ankita sitting sadly. He asks his mom if she scolded her. Ankita informs that mom is thinking that child is Raunakh’s and not his. Mom starts scolding Mansi again and says before marriage, Raunakh raped her and what if the child is Raunakh’s. Shashank says he will accept the child no matter whose it is. Mansi says she wants to know about it now. Mom also backs Mansi and says if the child is Ranakh’s, she will kill the child in her womb itself. Ankita says how can she think like that and says she has to accept the kid. Mom says if the kid is Shashank’s, she will accept the kid, else she will get out of this house. Mansi pleads Shashank again to let her do the DNA test.

Precap: Pari scolds Ankita for interfering in her life and asks her to leave her alone..

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  1. Sonya
    June 12, 19:17 Reply

    Pari is now insecured. Good show. Great cast.

  2. telly
    June 10, 09:10 Reply

    How intelligent is Ankita if she was involved in a sexual relationship with a ‘mad man’ and a man who mistook her for someone else. Dumb

  3. padma pinto
    June 10, 04:11 Reply

    Ankita charactor is not making any sence as a matter of fact is its a crap in a way she is not confessing that she is carrying Narren baby in her womb Big crap Ankita as for Pari she is doing her role well as the rest knowing Mrs Archna Deshmukh she will favour her blood Ankita and not Pari
    The show need to pull out as its no more PAVITRA RISHTA

  4. angel
    June 09, 20:04 Reply


    • Pragna
      June 09, 22:04

      I agreed. I refuse to see this shaw. Archana(Ankita) ‘ s name should be in Guinness world record for the maximum crying actress. I just don’t understand the sacrifice nonsense. jUst come clean . The rich guy doesn’t want to live with ANkita as modern sophisticated rich girlfriend shows up and what a convenient memory loss. What a crappy story. They are repeating same story again and again.please spare us at prime time and get some better new fresh story

    • Abisola
      June 10, 09:38

      In Pavitra rishta love don’t triumph. I have been following this series for the past 4years, and its been so sad. Sorry repetitions from one generation to another generation, now its the grand children. They have forcefully destroyed ankita’s love life, next we know, they will say they want to reunite Naren and ankita back in 20 years….. funny people. This is just a very unrealistic story, that portrays some shitty cooked up story about families sacrificing their love and their homes for another, this is just so messed up. This is meant to be a soap, that portrays families and their day to day lives so in my own opinion, pavitra rishta failed woefully! I mean who can in his or her right mind sacrifice his or her life or happiness for another, just so, some family can be happy? 20 wasted years later to be reunited with their love. This series, does not promote love, but sadness and unfulfilled dreams, destroyed lives. for kids being separated from their mothers or fathers at tender age, when they need them the most e.g, Soham, Ovi and teju were being seperated from their parents. Grandparents from their grandchildren, so what is pavitra rishta promoting, if they keep failing to bring the families together when they are most needed. Different lives and characters have at one point or the other been ruined or dashed, e.g. vashu and her husband, vashu going away from her husband, cos she was obsessed with soham, and eventually ruined soham’s life. Vashalli and her husband, puni and her husband, manjusha and her husband etc. Pavitra rishta a story meant to Promote family,their sacrifice, understanding and love for each other, but that track is now, sadness all around. are they saying families, are pain and sadness unto others? What are they really promoting? I think pavitra rishta failed Woefully!

  5. chris
    June 09, 17:21 Reply

    Pari needs to chill and let Ankita get her man back since she was married to him and is baring his child.

  6. malika samir
    June 09, 13:54 Reply

    The show has lost its Title Track. Ankita is a crap actress and a bitch by not saying anything about that she is pregnant becouse in future its gonnner hurt Pari and Archina since she is God of Pavitra rishta sure Manav would want to settle in India and feel sorry as for Teju her parents could have not found a man for her poor girl and wonder whose baby Mansi is carrying in her womb

    • anonymous2
      June 09, 15:17

      and you are an idiot. I don’t see why shes a bitch for not revealing her pregnancy. why don’t you pick on the writers instead of ankita?

    • um
      June 09, 17:07

      Hey, words, there are 10 year olds here and I agree who is this secret going to benefit!

  7. noor
    June 09, 13:31 Reply

    Naren is a jackass. Anyone else think park looks like a troll?? I do and she has very very unfortunate lips (gosh they’re awful)

    • anonymous2
      June 09, 15:18

      im sooooooooo with you on this!!

    • noor
      June 09, 15:37

      Me an my sister always discuss this but i disagree wiv her on one thing, that is that she thinks pia looks lyk a man wearing a wig but i think she is really pretty

  8. Apurva
    June 09, 12:34 Reply

    Ya i know its painful see ankita worring for naren though she got insulted n even not saying a word but she has to bear this till c composes herself n her mind comes to normal as c says pyar kiya h na nibhana to padega i loved this line as it shows her correct mental state . That though she wanted to b away from his life but cant c his pain n suffering

  9. Apurva
    June 09, 12:24 Reply

    People think love is a thing to be achieved but no we cant get love by claiming on it . One can only get love by giving love in which compromises n sacrifices r included . Love is to live 4 love not to snatch others love for own love. Love is to be with love not to force to becomes ones love

  10. Apurva
    June 09, 12:11 Reply

    I think ankita is right here she is not doing any sacrifices only 4 them . Naren does not love her how can she bind him in loveless marraige though she loves him much n if she revel her her feeling n truth how can one be sure that their relationship will last for long. N plz dont compare purvi n ankita purvi is so stupid thier the case was diff arjun-purvi loved each other n she forced arjun to live a one sided relationship but here naren-pari love each other though i want naren-ankita n i know naren will realise inportance of ankita in his life. Just I want to tell u guys here ankita is right here

  11. anonymous
    June 09, 11:12 Reply

    pari I hate u for destroying ankita and narens life. if the writers continue with this storyline they will lose viewership.

  12. Yvette's
    June 09, 11:03 Reply

    I hate u pari ur second ovi . But can’t that fool ankit a not tell her she’s pregnant

    • Annonymos
      June 09, 14:23

      Arjun loved Purvi but married Ovi first. Naren loved Pari but married Ankita first. So I think Pari is Purvi and Ankita is Ovi. Ovi gave up her marriage to Arjun knowing she was pregnant because she realized Arjun loved Purvi. The same way, Ankita is giving up her marriage to Naren despite being pregnant because she realizes Naren loves Pari. I wish more respect would be given to marriage than love.

  13. anonymous
    June 09, 09:57 Reply

    This is so irritating now. I really wanted shekhar and pari to get married but stupid naren and ankita had to come and stop it. Ankita is actually annoying me at the moment, this stupid sacrifice thing has become the main theme in this drama, and its so silly. Instead of making her look like shes the greatest person ever, why not tell the truth about everything. Now they are making pari negative, and i didnt want that to happen and making Ankita look like the “good” one only because the show makers didn’t want her to leave so they had to make the show all about her. I don’t want pari to become like ovi was because it doesn’t even make sense, I mean her parents are purvi and arjun, both really nice people, so its not in her “genes” or values to become negative.
    I just want pari and shekhar to be together and naren and ankita and no stupid sacrifices or negative people. They need to finish this drama.

    • vnsstom
      June 09, 12:48

      i think pari is ovi’s daughter n not purvi’s. they were probably exchanged at birth. lol lol lol.

  14. Apurva
    June 09, 09:11 Reply

    Thanx for doing update so fast

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