Phir Subah Hogi 13th August 2012 Written Update

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Phir Subah Hogi 13th August 2012 Written Update by ash_arti

Part 1
Episode starts with SugVi staring at one another while Reva comes and sees Sugni and hugs her happily.Reva asks sugni to come and sit with her but sugni says her place is not with thakurs but on the floor and she gives one look to Vikram and sits on the floor with champa. Vikram keeps looking at her .
Ramleela begins and Ram comes while mami immediately runs and falls at his feet as if he is real Ram. Adi comes & sits next to Vikram when Sugni turns and looks at vikram & Adi. Ramleela continues with Sita asking Ram to catch the deer and Ram refusing but finally leaves behind the deer. The other bedinis say Ram looks good only with sita. Laxman leaves behind Ram leaving Sita alone putting laxman rekha.
Ravan comes in disguise and forces Sita to cross Laxman Rekha. Ravan kidnaps Sita while everyone look in tension. Vikram & Sugni are sad. Ravan proposes Sita who refuses him saying she belongs to Ram only. Laxmi mami says our poor sugni is also like Sita becoming victim and all are accusing her.Sugni wanted to be a good wife but her fate didn’t give her a chance.
Sita says Ram is in her every breath and she belongs to him only. Vikram keeps looking at Sugni.Adi observes a sad sugni and a serious Vicky. Ram and Ravan start the battle and finally Ravan is killed by Ram and all the villagers rejoice.Ram tells that Ravan is a brave warrior, Ravan asks for forgivesness and dies.
A voice says that vctory is only for truth and lies stands no chance in front of truth.

Part 2
Sugni back home thinking about Ramleela scenes and the voice saying Truth is ultimate victorious and lie stands no chance. She gets up and starts searching aall over the house while everyone asks what she is searching. She takes the Shaadi ka joda and the jewelleries which Vikram had given out of the house and sets them on fire while mami & mamas shout her to stop it. Hukum says she has gone mad to burn the jewels but Sugni is so enraged she listens to no one and sets it on fire,
A reverse flashback of the engagement ring coming out of her hand, SugnVi breaking the hug and how Sugni left the haveli holding her chappals is shown. Sugni says aloud that she will burn every thing & every ry related to Vikram Thakur. Gulabia comes to hold her and Sugni says the love for Vikram is the Ravan in her and she will continue to burn it until it leaves her.
Vikram in his haveli looking at the engagement ring he gave to sugni and thinks he cant forget her or her love. Reva looking at the moon and comparing to Vicky in the balcony when she watches Vikram going out in his jeep and gets hysteric that Vikram left her and runs behind him while Adi comes and holds her.Reva cries that Vikram went off and whether he will come back or not, Amrita asks her to calm down while Adi says mamaji had some work so he went out and asks Amrita to take Reva mami inside and wonders where Vikram went.

Part 3

Gulabia is making Sugni to sleep and telling her I that love cant start and end in 2 days and it should be left to time and she cant force herself to forget it so soon.Mami comes and asks Gulabia whats wrong with sugni to burn such good clothes and jewellery, we could have got so much money from that and sugni doesn’t understand anything about problems. Gulabia gets disgusted and says tomorrow when I die don’t buy khafan for me and I will not be upset and asks what would have happened if Dinkle had gone though the same just like Sugni. Mama & Mami bow down in shame when Gulabia hears a car noise and thinks its Vikram and she will not spare him & leaves.Sugni thinks what all can her mother do to close these people’s mouth & episode ends.

Precap : Adi finds Vikram in a room full of Sugni’s photos. Vikram is lying on the floor and Adi runs to him and tries to speak to him but Vikram looks drunk and speaks vaguely to him.

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