Phir Subah Hogi 23rd July 2012 Written Update

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Phir Subah Hogi 23rd July 2012 Written Update by ash_arti

Sugni asks Adi as to why her mom went to RM and Vikram asks Adi to go & ask why Gulabia goes to RM every now and again. Adi says Gulabia was injured not in a position to speak. Sugni shocked and Adi continues to question Vikram who says he has no clue of whats happening there. Sugni gets hysteric and pleads Vikram that she wants to see her mom. Vikram agrees and about to leave when Dhanuma comes and says some Munim ji wants to meet him and its urgent Vikram thinks maybe they came to know of Reva and where she went. Vikram asks Sugni to wait he will come back soon when Adi tells that he will take Sugni to hospital and he will also find out from Gulabia why she keeps going to RM and whats the secret. Vikram gets scared and stops them and says he will only go with Sugni as her mom is important. Vikram tells Adi that there is someone who wants to harm Gulabai and they should find it out. Vikram leaves with Sugni but comes back to see Adi deep in thinking and asks Adi how he reached RM. Adi says a chaukidar had come to meet him & told some activities are happening in RM so when Adi went to see it he found Gulabia there unconscious. Vikram tells that Adi should have told him all this before only & leaves.

Reva comes to the hospital with injured arm and calls for the doctor.A receptionist comes to attend her & Reva shouts that they all are irresponsible and calls for the doctor. The nurse says doctor is yet to come. Reva shouts that she is injured and needs doctor and she is none other than Vikram Thakur’s wife and tells if she wont get the doctor soon then she will have this hospital shut. A nurse comes and asks whats her problem when Reva says she has got major injury while nurse sees that its just a small cut and makes out that Reva is mad.

Meanwhile Gulabia is gaining conscious but still reeling under high fever and drips. Reva acting hyper saysing she is very injured and needs medical attention soon and keeps waiting for Doctor.
The nurse tells Gulabia to take rest and not to strain while Gulabia thinking who got her here. Nurse says it was Aditya Thakur who admitted her here and Gulabia feels happy and then thinks how Vikram had told that how much he loves Sugni and will not allow anyone to come between them. She then concludes that it was Vikram who kidnapped her.

Reva roaming in the hospital when she reaches children’s ward and holds a small baby and tells it she will take him with her when a ward boy comes and asks her to keep it down. Reva says this kid is hers and ward boy too feels she is mental and tells her that he will bandage her hand. Reva asks him to go and get bandage & asks how far is Mawari village from here when ward boy says its about 20kms away from here.

Dhanuma calls Vikram and tells their men have spotted Reva nearby to azad nagar and Vikram shocked to hear as Gulabai is also admitted in azadnagar hosipital.

Vikram coming in the jeep while Reva again roaming in the hospital & reaches Gulabai’s room. She is standing close to the door but gulabia fails to see her when a nurse comes and takes Reva away for dressing.

Hukum and the rest reach the hospital and mami starts saying that gulabai is now adding to their expenses.Reva comes out of the hospital and collides with mami when her purse falls & she leaves. Mami picks up the purse and sees some money in it and immediately takes it and keeps with her.Hukum comes and takes her away to meet gulabia.
Gulabia turns away seeing them while hukum apologises and asks her to forgive them as they are her beloved brothers. Katari says they want sugni’s welfare so spoke like that. Gulabia says there was no need for them to come here and gets irritated at their presence. Hukum says she is the most important person for them and if she wants they will not take Vikram’s name and plead her to forgive them.

Reva on the road in front of hospital while vikram too reaches with Sugni. Reva gets into an auto and leaves while vikram misses her by hair’s breath.
Gulabia not ready to forgive them and asks them to leave her alone. Hukum says we are like your sons and you have forgotten that . Gulabia sees Reva’s bag and mami says it belongs to thakurayan devi who collided with her in the hospital and shows painting brush. Gulabia immediately becomes alert. The bag also has a handkerchief with R word on it and Gulabia immediately guesses itd Reva and asks mami for her who says she left.

Precap : Sugni hugging gulabia and Gulabia saying Vikram will spoil her life & she has proof & that Vikram is now searching for Reva somewhere nearby and asks Sugni to come with her and turns around to find Vikram standing there.

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