Piya Rangrezz 12th January 2016 Written Update

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Piya Rangrezz 12th January 2016 Written Update by MA

Piya Rangrezz 12th January 2016 Written Episode

havri speaks to MLA about SP Veer. Shamsher asks what did MLA say. She says he told chief minister sent SP seeing Azamgarh’s crime situation and warned to be careful. Shamsher says she ruined many SP under her shoes, nothing to worry. She says she wiped her shoes from many inspectors’ collars, but Veer is different. Shamshe says he may be different, but he will be arrogant as usual in front of him and throw money on him. She says that is why she loves him and he should wait until she evaluates Veer. She gets out of car and servant informs that zilla SP Veer Singh has come.

DIG informs Tilakraj to be careful as SP Veer is a loyal officer. Tilakraj says even he may take bribe and asks to check howmuch he will. DIG says he will try his best. Tilakraj says he will send his retirement fund.

Bhavri enters home with team and sees Veer enjoying tea. Veer says he drank jaggery tea many times, but her home’s tea is very tasty. She says she knows he came to raid her home. He says he is in civil dress and not on duty. She says he came as guest, then she will give him a feast. She asks Munmun to prepare matar kachori as she wants to see his digestive power. He says to prepare even tamarind chutney and says he will enjoy it later as he has to go on duty. She says he knows a lot about her house. He says he is SP and it is his duty and leaves. Shamsher takes out gun angrily. She stops him and says SP is under her scanner.

Arjun corrects furniture in his room and speaks to himself that he went to Aradhya’s room by breaking Aji amma’s promise and does not know what to do now.

Tilakraj reaches SP’s office with sweets and asks his sister to get out of car soon. She asks what if he does not like sweets. She says there are different sweets. She asks what if he does not like even one. He says he knows how to lure him with money. She says that is why he is her brother. He enters Veer’s office and gives him sweet boxes. Veer hand cuffs him and says he is arresting him for trying to bribe him and he has already seized his weapons and now will investigate hospital incident. Tilakraj says he gives sweets to every police officer and has big contacts. Veer smiles and says it is good if he gets out of this misunderstand soon and says he will release him today. He removes handcuffs, calls constable and asks him to keep Tilakraj’s boxes and weapons in his car and says Tilakraj that he is leaving him not to spoil their first meeting and is not afraid of his big contacts. He bites sweet and force feeds Tilakraj.

Aradhya reminisces Arjun’s words and with teary eyes speaks to her mother’s pic that whoever is closer to her, faith gets them away, first faith got away from her and now her friend Arjun. Her fate is very wrong.

Tilakraj gives 12-year-old alcohol bottle to his servant and asks him to give it to SP Veer singh. He will see how he will not change with this. His sister says she knows howmuch he must be in pain parting ways with his precious wine. He says he will use Veer against Bhavri. She says that means they can sit in open freely. He says only one weapon will not be enough for Bhavri, he needs more. He takes out Arjun’s mobile and asks her to give it to Aradhya and ask to return it to Arjun. Sister says that means time bomb, missle, etc., all at once. He smirks.

Aunt goes to Aradhya’s room. Aradhya wipes her tears and welcomes her in. Aunt says today Bhavri created problem in hospital. Aradhya says she is fine and Bhavri did not harm her. Aunt says she has to cut relationship with Bhavri and her grandsons at once. Aradhya says she has already. Aunt gives Arjun’s mobile and asks her to return it to him. She says she should send it through servants. Aunt says Bhavri will not spare them, so she should meet Arjun and give it to him.

Bhavri serves aloo paranthas and butter to family. Shamsher praises paranthas taste. Bhavri says that is why she prepares paranthas for them. Anjali comes and says she could not resist her paranthas smell and takes Arjun’s parantha. Arjun yells. Bhavri says let her eat, she has right on his everything. She picks and leaves. Bhavri gives another parantha for Arjun. Arjun says he does not need butter. His cousin taunts that his doctor friend must have stopped him to eat butter and ghee. Bhavri and Shamsher fume. Mama sensing situation jokes and sends his grandson from there. Bhavri smears lots of butter on paranthas and orders Arjun to eat. Servant brings bouquet and wine bottle and gives it to Shamsher. Shamsher looks at Veer’s name and fumes.

Precap: Shamsher sees Arjun in Aradhya’s room and asks why did he go there. Arjun says it is none of his business. Their fight starts.

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