Piya Rangrezz 27th January 2016 Written Update

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Piya Rangrezz 27th January 2016 Written Update by MA

Piya Rangrezz 27th January 2016 Written Episode

Aradhya comes back to her cabin after performing surgery and sits on her chair engrasped in thought. Rashmi asks what happened. Aradhya says everything is fine. Rashmi says something is wrong and asks to speak. Aradhya tries to leave nervously. Rashmi insists. Aradhya says dad has fixed her marriage with Veer singh and she could not say no. Rashmi says there is something more to it. Aradhya says nothing. Rashmi says she is tensed just for simple thing. Aradhya says it is not simple. Rashmi says she can reject his offer. Aradhya says dad asked something for the first time. Rashmi says she does not even know Veer well and she knows what her heart is. Aradhya asks what..Rashmi says Arjun. Aradhya gets a call that her patient has come. Aradhya leaves.

Tilakraj goes to Veer’s home and knocks door. Veer’s mom comes and without opening door says he is not at home. He says Veer’s car is outside. Mother says if he thinks she is lying, her blood will turn white and orders him to go now. Tilakraj walks near his car and calls Veer, but his phone is switched off. He says his guards let us go now. Veer comes from outside and says he had gone out on personal work and says it is his bad luck that he could not show his hospitality. Tilakraj asks not to make him feel guilty and says he got confused seeing his car outside. Veer says he does not use govt car for his personal use. Tilajraj praises his honesty.

Veer takes Tilakraj to his home. Tilakraj says he needs water. Veer gets him water. Tilakraj says he wants to talk to his mother. Veer says she is sleeping and will wake up only in the early morning for prayers and asks reason. Tilakraj says to talk about alliance. Veer says he will wake her up. Tilakraj stops him and asks not to disturb her sleep and says he can meet Aradhya daily and get compatible with her. Veer says he will meet Aradhya tomorrow itself. Tilakraj leaves.

Bhavri says family that masked man did his work and escaped, they could not do anything. Shamsher says he will catch him soon. Bhavri shouts he is confusing her. Shamsher says he will catch him at any cost.

Veer’s mother praises him that he has grown up now. Veer asks not to boast him and says he does not want to marry and wants to achieve his target first. Mother says she forgot he is using Aradhya as weapon against his enemies. He says she is right and should wait and watch how he uses this weaponn agaisnt his enemies and will destroy them.

Anjali knocks Arjun’s door. He opens door. She asks if he took her green pen. He asks her to relax. She sees pen and picks it and sees him writing letter to Aradhya and says if he is shy, she will speak to her. He says it is okay. She says we girls have many ideas and says he was a stud in college and many girls were behind him, he can use those stories to convince Aradhya. He says he does not want to trick her and she must be busy with patient. She says he has too much patience. He sends her out.

Arjun reaches outside Aradhya’s hospitla and nervously practices how to speak to her. Veer takes Aradhya to a restaurant and she starts explaning medical conditions to him. He asks to relax. She laughs. He says she looks beautiful smiling. She says she knows and says thanks. He says they will start today with nimbu pani and orders waiters to bring nimbu pani. Waiter brings nimbu pani. Veer says Aradhya her dad wants them to marry. She spits juice in a shock. He discusses about Arjun. She says he is thinking wrong. He says he is policeman and can read person’s face. She says he made this meeting comfortable, else she was very nervous before coming here. He says what are friends for. She asks what about dad. He says he will not let dad know that she does not want to marry him and will find out some solution. She laughs.

Aradhya reaches hospital and apologizes Veer for not dropping him to his police station. He says it is okay, his car will be coming soon. Arjun gets happy seeing Aradhya’s car but gets angry seeing Veer coming out of it. She thanks him and goes to park car.

Veer walks towards his car. Arjun comes and punches him. Veer’s nose starts bleeding. Veer asks if he knows it is a crime to hit a loyal police officer. Veer asks how dare he is to be with Aradhya, he came to his room and was suggesting to propose her and now is behind her. Veer asks him to relax and says Tilakraj came to his home with alliance and he had to meet Aradhya and make it clear that he is just a friend. He will help them unite. Arjun warns not to interfere between them, else he will repent.

Precap: Mama reads newspaper and asks his grandson not to show newspaper to Bhavri. Shamsher also comes with newspaper and hides. Bhavri asks what is he hiding.

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