Piya Rangrezz 3rd June 2015 Written Update

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Piya Rangrezz 3rd June 2015 Written Update by MA

Piya Rangrezz 3rd June 2015 Written Episode

Pandey captures Sher and sends him with his men. He gives money to Saurav and his mom and asks them to leave village in 1 hour, else he will throw them in front of tigers.

Virat tells Shraddha that Pandey will not spare Sher. He continues that he is helping her get out of Bhavri’s clasp as she is behind her brother’s missing. She shouts thatshe does not believe him. He says Bhavri is very cruel. He continues driving while Shradha silently frees her seat belt and jumps out of car. Virat stops car and starts following her. She dies in bushes. He shouts that there may be snake s in bushes and may harm her. He loves her a lot and freed her from Sher’s clutch. She throws stone on the other side to divert his attention and he runs in opposite direction. She then reminisces Virat’s words, runs into his car and tries escapes in car while Virat pleads to open door. He sees a car coming and stops it, but is shocked to see daadi in it.

Shraddha drives car reminisces Virat’s words and stops car seeing Sumer. She asks where is he. He says even he is searching bhaiya. She asks direction. He points and she runs into that direction.

Pandey’s men tie Sher and point gun on him. Pandey says he will give him easily death by just 1 bullet. She says even a dog barks when tiger is tied and says once he is freed, he will not spare him. Pandey and his men laugh, and Pandey points gun at sher’s head from backside. Sher closes eyes and reminisces the moments he met shraddha first, to their marriage and the evens thereafter. Pandey asks if he has last wish. He says Shraddha, opens eyes and is surprised to see Shraddha coming there running.

Pandey shoots. Shradha runs towards Sher calling his name and cries hugging him. She sees him alive without injuries and Pandey injured and is surprised to see Bhavri shooting at Pandey. Vikas, mama, and other men join her and they fire on pandey’s goons forcing them to flee. Shraddha frees Sher and hugs him repeatedly. Abhi mujhme kahin…song.. plays in the background. Sher also reciprocates and hugs her while Bhavri and mama/vikas continue firing Pandey’s goons.

Bhavri alleges Shraddha for all the mishap and asks Sher to think. She makes him sit under tree and says she is not alleging baselessly and says Prabal pandey wanted to kill him because of her, but there is more to it. She starts Shaurya’s story that he used to love a girl called Swati. Prabal Pandey was his henchman and was her puppet. He wanted to become politician and he helped him, but he betrayed her and became her opponent. Pandey says he wants to go to hospital. She says she will kill him if he shouts and asks Vikas and maama to take him away. She continues that Shaurya came with Swati reqesting to her help and she came to know that Swati is pandey’s daughter. She suggested them to marry, but Pandey killed Shaurya.

Precap: No precap.

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  1. riya
    June 04, 11:52 Reply

    plz upload the wp with pic

  2. swar
    June 04, 04:30 Reply

    I don`t understand whether shraddha`s brother is gud or bad?

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