Porus 24th July 2018 Written Update

Porus 24th July 2018 Written Update by MA

Porus 24th July 2018 Written Episode

Mahanandini attacks Puru, but Laachi stops her. She asks Laachi if she is taking Puru’s side. Laachi says Pourav queen is stopping Dasyu queen from doing injustice. Mahanandini asks what about injustice done to her brother, innocent Sumer was killed brutally. Laachi says king Puru, Bamni, or Hasti did not kill brother, so she will not let injustice happen by her Dasyu family. Dasyu says she is going against her own team as she is queen now. She says it is a question of justice and she will not let anyone do injustice, they have to kill her before touching Puru. Dasyu king says then she will also die and raises sword to kill Puru when Mahanandini stops him and says she lost her son and is not ready to lose her daughter now, let her son’s body turn into ashes peacefully. Puru asks Laachi to

not interfere and go against her parents. Laachi says again it is a question of injustice and she will not let that happen. She asks Puru to go. Puru leaves with Bamni and Hasti. Dasyu king asks Mahanandini why did she let their son’s murderers go. Mahanandini says she has not forgotten anything and her son’s murderers will be punished for sure.
Mahanandini with Laachi returns back to Dasyu lok. Laachi cries reminiscing time spent with Sumer. Dasyu king brings Sumer’s ashes. Laachi says let us immerse Sumer’s ashes into Jhelum river. Mahanandini says she will not immerse ashes until her son gets justice. Laachi confronts, but Mahanandini says it is Dasyu queen’s order.

In Pourav rastra, Anusuya tells Puru that she killed traitor Sumer and not innocent man. She explains all the incidents she saw where she caught Sumer suspicious. Puru says Sumer was Laachi’s brother, why would he kill his sister’s husband. Anusuya says when it is question of greed, no relationship matters, who knows about this better than her as her brother betrayed her for crown and wealth. Laachi reaches palace. Soldier informs that queen Laachi has arrived. Anusuya stops her.

Alexander walks to open land. Hepastian says arrangements are made as per his order. Olympia taunts he is sitting here waiting while her Puru is still alive, he should kill Chanakya and take revenge from Puru. Alexander says he will take revenge the way she likes and orders to bring something. Guard pulls something on cart and lifts cloth. Olympia sees iron bull and reminisces burning her enemy alive in bull. Alexander says whole Bharath will hear Chanakya’s shouts and it will be a lesson to everyone.

Puru asks Anusuya how can she stop Laachi. Anusuya says Laachi is new bahu and should enter home after graha pravesh ritual. She does Puru and Laachi’s aarti and asks Laachi to kick rice bowl and then step on kumkum water and walk in with right step first. She explains significance of kumum water. Laachi does same and walks in. Anusuya welcomes Laachi in her family. Laachi says she followed rituals, now she wants to speak to her husband now. Anusuya permits.

In Takshahila, Chanakya is seen lying on a platform with his extremities tied. Water drops fall on his forehead. Hepastian walks in and taunts Chanakya that he dared to insult Alexander the great, now get ready to be killed brutally. Chanakya says Alexander is a fool who is dreaming about conquering Bharat, he will pay for his sins. Alexander sitting in front of him says now Chanakya will be punished for his sins, shows Chanakya’s gifted shawl telling they should only pull weak link to tear whole shawl. He says he did not use it and now returning it to Chanakya, now he can die with this shawl. Chanakya says being such a big king, will he not fulfill his last wish. Alxander asks what is his last wish. Chanakya says he wants to touch his motherland’s soil and breathe fresh air before he dies and apologize his motherland. Alexander agrees. Chanakya smears soil on his face.

Precap: Chanakya smears soil all over his body. Alexander says get ready to die now. Laachi tells Puru she fulfilled duty of a wife, now he has to fulfill his duty as a king.

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