Porus 28th March 2018 Written Update

Porus 28th March 2018 Written Update by H_Hasan

Porus 28th March 2018 Written Episode

Anusuya notices if Hasti will go to bring his mother or not. Kanishk offers bhang to Barsin again. Barsin says she does not need it. He tries to apply holi on her, but she angrily leaves. Anusuya sees Hasti missing. Bamni asks why she looks tensed. She says nothing important. He says Puru did not return yet. Anusuya asks him not to worry, he will return soon. Puru is seen riding horse towards palace thinking about Hasti’s lies. Mauses informs Darius that Dasyu’s looted their ship. Darius asks where is Puru. Mauses says he is returning on his horse. Darius orders to inform Hasti to finish his job and now it is time to execute their next plan, they will play blood holi now with Dasyu’s blood. Farsi soldiers disguised as Pourav soldiers come out of wealth drums silently. Sumer

checks drums and finds no wealth. He informs Mahanandini and Laachi that there is only jewelry on top and stone rest, Puru betrayed them again and he has planned something. Laachi says how can it be. Mahanandini says Sumer is right, Puru betrayed them again, don’t know what is in the store now. Farsi soldiers attack. Sumer says Pourav soldiers attacked, let us fight. They fight. Mahanandini thinks they cannot fight with so many soldiers.
Inebriated Kanishk walks behind Barsin and says his father did so much for here father and agreed for their alliance, can’t she agree to apply holi by her future husband. Barsin says she is taught self sufficient to oppose him. Puru reaches back and gets stuck in market between people and hopes Hasti does not do any foolishness which will spoil his father Ripudaman’s teachings.

Anusuya sees Hasti walking suspiciously into palace and asks what is he doing here. He says he is watching palace. She says she will show him whole palace. He says he will see himself. She orders him to stop and it is queen’s order. Hasti says his father obeyed Pouravas, but enough now. He pulls knife and warns to move away, else he will kill her. She escapes his attack and picks sword and says if he had known that she is also a warrior, she would not have done this foolishness. He attacks her and she counterattacks. He pushes sword rack her, pinning her to a wall, and walks away saying he is bought up in Dasyu lok and can do anything. Puru walks into palace and hears sounds.

Hasti walks towards Hasti’s room. Inebriated Hasti continues drinking liquor and angrily tells Faroos that Barsin is his future wife and should have obeyed him. Faroos says he is right, Barsin should not have insulted him and asks him to get ready for dinner, he will call Barsin, they can have food together. Puru sees fire inside palace and Anusuya get stuck between sword rack. He runs and pulls away rack and saves her. Kanishk eagerly waits for Barsin. Hasti walks towards him holding knife. Puru sees that and runs to save Kanishk, but Hasti stabs Kanishk by then. He tries to stab again, but Puru pushes him away.Kanishk turns and thinks Puru stabbed him and collapses. Puru tries to wake him up and seeing Hasti running catches him and says he will not let him go today. Kanisk gasps for air. Puru leaves Hasti and tries to wake up Kanishk. Kanishk dies.

Precap: Bamni angrily asks who stabbed Kanishk. Anusuya says Hasti.
Bamni orders to catch Hasti. Puru catches Hasti. Pritha emotionally blackmails Puru that Hasti hates him, so he did this, they had to leave palace and live a dasyu life to protect Puru. Puru promises he will not let baba’s family break. Soldiers surround Hasti..

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