Porus 2nd July 2018 Written Update

Porus 2nd July 2018 Written Update by MA

Porus 2nd July 2018 Written Episode

Ambhi raj tells his that Chanakya is missing since long, looking at the recent events with Bamni escaping from Takshashila, bridge blast, etc, he does not know what to say. Alexander with Roxanne, Olympia, Hephastian and others walk in. Ambhi raj nervously stands and greets them. Alexander asks where is the scholar who came with compromise message to him, where has he vanished. Ambhi stands speechless. Alexander says he is confused who blasted bridge. Ambhi raj says it is not him. Chanakya walks in and says he blasted that bridge as he felt Puru was overpowering Alexander. Alexander says it was not Chanakya to decide, he had to decide this. Chanakya says he has brought him something and giving him letter says he had been to Pourav rastra for annual festival and convinced Pourav king to accept Alexander

as king and surrender him, now he can rule on Pourav rastra also without shedding any blood. Alexander says it is not Chanakya to decide what he wants to, he is a go getter and he will win wherever he goes he conquers with his immense will power and courage, he does not need any compromise to win Pourav rastra.
In Pourav rastra, Bamni with Anusuya tells Puru that they are proud of him, tomorrow he will be coronated and tomorrow’s son will be the most competent Pourav rastra king.

Olympia performs Alexander’s nazar and tells Chanakya that her son is not only Asia’s king but will be whole world’s king, so she did his nazar, she heard in Bhararth, they give nazar’s charity money to brahmin, so he should accept it. Chanakya says he cannot accept it as Brahmin accepts charity only if task is complete, but Alexander’s task for coming here is not complete yet as Olympia got a future forecast that her son will be opposed by a king from other side of Jhelum river. He continues that Puru was not a king and when 1 finger was pointed, there are 9 more left in hands, who know if Alexander met his real enemy, who knows Pourav rastra’s present king Kanishk is his hurdle. Alexander asks to accept this charity as he will gift him Pourav king’s cut head tomorrow. He heads towards Pourav rastra in boat next day.

Puru stands in balcony looking at sky when Laachi holds his hand and asks if he is eager for tomorrow morning, why not he is becoming king. Puru taunts her if he becomes king, he will get princess alliances and will marry one, he will send her wedding invitation. Lachi angrily says he should waste his money and invitation as she is not interested in enjoying his wedding feast. Puru asks if she does not want to watch his wedding rituals. She says no. He says obviously as she will performing wedding rituals with him. Laachi feels shy. Anusuya walks in and holding water pot and says tomorrow she will perform her son’s coronation ceremony with Jhelum river’s holy water. Puru takes pot from her.

Next morning, coronation ceremony starts. Other dynasty kings walk in. Rajguru performs havan. One of king says he attended Pourav rastra annual festivals before, this pooja is unique, what is it for. Rajuru says it is for coronation ceremony. King says already Kanishk’s coronation has been done. Soldiers bend down. Puru walks in with family. Kings are shocked to see him. Voiceover says on one side, her son Puru is getting ready for coronation while Alexander stepped on Pourav rastra for the first time.

Precap: Chanakya throws sword in front of Puru and asks to complete his promise, his enemy is in front of him. Puru lifts sword and raises it swiftly towards Alexander..

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