Porus 30th March 2018 Written Update

Porus 30th March 2018 Written Update by MA

Porus 30th March 2018 Written Episode

Puru tells Bamni that he attacked Kanishk and not Hasti. Anusuya says Puru is trying to protect Hasti, she saw Hasti walking towards Kanishk’s and when she tried to stop him, he attacked her. Bamni angrily tries to hit Hasti how dare he is to attack Pourav rastra’s queen. Puru stops Bamni again and says Kanishk just followed his orders, he wanted to attack Kanishk, his brother is innocent and just obeyed him. Bamni asks what is the reason. Guard informs that Vaidya/doctor is calling him to inform about Kanishk. Bamni rushes towards Kanishk’s room followed by others. Vadiya checks Kanishk and says he is out of danger and will be conscious soon. Kanishk wakes up. Kadika thanks god that Kanishk woke up. Bamni asks who attacked him. Kanishk reminisces seeing Puru behind him and says Puru.

Anusuya asks he is sure Puru attacked him. Kanishk says he already replied. Bamni asks why will Puru attack Kanishk. Anusuya says she has same question. Kadika says Anusuya is blindfolded in son’s love and cannot see truth. She says Bamni that she needs justice and when he could punish his own brother, he should not hesitate to punish his son.
Bamni asks again why will Puru attack Kanishk. Darius says he will explain, if Kanishk marries Barsin, Puru’s chances of becoming king will be less, so he wants to kill Kanishk. Bamni reminisces Puru asking Kanishk not to marry Barsin. Darius continues that sometimes upbringing overpowers blood, maybe Puru is Bamni’s son, he is dasyu by upbringing and his motto is to loot wealth, so he looted groceries and wealth ship with Dasyu team’s help, good Pourav soldiers could stop further losses. Truth is Puru is a traitor. Anusuya warns to shut his mouth and not spread his dirty mind in family like he did in our country. Darius continues that she is blindfolded by son’s love, her son is a traitor whose aim is to just loot, now it is up to Bamni to spare his blood or not. Bamni asks Puru if he attacked Kanishk. Kanishk says he already told that Puru attacked him from behind. Bamni says he is asking prince Purshottam if he attacked Kanishk and tried to loot Pourav rastra grocery and wealth ship. Puru says this is true. Bamni says Puru is proved a traitor of country and will be punished like other traitors. He will be punished in the middle of the city tomorrow, till then he cannot have food or water, else will be lashed 50 times. Kanishk smirks. Bamni says like other traitors, Puru also has right to defend himself.

In Macedonia, Cleitus and Ephastian bring war robe and bend in front of Alexander. Alexander announces them as his army chief and says their journey will start from conquering Bharath where sun raises. Aredius chants king alexander murdabad. Olympia and Oracle get angry. Guards bring Aredius. Cleitus is about to behead Aredius when Alexander stops him and says who gave him right to attack Aredius, nobody will touch him, already Aredius’ life is spoilt because of him and orders whoever disobeys king will have bear his wrath. Guard informs that Greece has revolted against Alexander hearing Philip’s death. Alexander asks Cleitus and Ephastian to be ready to attack Greece and how their power.

Precap: Puru is lashed. Kanisk asks if he is thirsty, he should lick dirt for shedding my blood. Darius taunts Puru that his dream of free India will die with him. Puru walks towards hanging noose thinking if he dies, his country will be burnt, says death may have chosen him, he has not chosen death yet.

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