Porus 6th April 2018 Written Update

Porus 6th April 2018 Written Update by MA

Porus 6th April 2018 Written Episode

Puru escapes with Laachi and hides in jungle. Pourav soldiers search him. Anusuya meets him and asks what they will do, Pourav soldiers are searching them. Puru hides with them behind tree and throws his knife. It hits masked warrior and he falls down. Puru catches him and sees his face, says he tried to kill him before, who is he. He says if he reveals his identity, he will not believe. Puru points knife at him and warns to reveal his identity, else he will kill him. Warrior says he is the one whose kingdom was looted by Bamni and he is Pourav rastra’s biggest enemy, he is Takshashila’s prince and Ambhi’s son. Anusya gets emotional hearing he is her nephew and says she saw him when he was a child, how is her brother Ambhi. He says Ambhi hates Pouravs and he was sent to kill Puru,

but he stopped when he saw Puru is Pourav rastra’s traitor now. Puru says enemy’s enemy is friend, let us go to Takshashila now and plan to take revenge from Pourav rastra. Warrior says he will find out way out while Puru can wait there. Anusuya reminisces Ambhi’s hatred towards Bamni and how he cheated Anusya, etc.
Mauses informs Darius that Puru is found no where. Bamni hears that and fumes that he will catch Puru at any cost.
Darius brainwashes him that Puru is backed by someone and cannot be caught easily, says he did not see Anusuya after Puru escaped, where is she.

Anusuya asks Puru not to go to Takshalshila as Ambhi hates him a lot. Puru asks her not to worry, he is going to fulfil his dream of one Bharath and this is his first step towards it. Anusuya emotoinally wishes him good lucky, pampers Laachi and then Ambhi kumar and waves them good bye.

Anusuya returns back to palace and asks Bamni if he called her. He asks how can she be so calm after a traitor escaped and where was she when Puru escaped. Darius interferes. Anusuya warns him not to interfere in her family issues.

Alexander drags Oracle to punishment area and asks what did she brainwash her mother. Oracle says she told truth. He asks if she thinks he will die if he goes to Bharath. She says she did not say that, nobody can defeat him, but he will not return back to Macedonia. He says he did not start the journey to stop and she should be punished for her mistake. She pleads to spare her. He slits her throat and kills her. He then tells Olympia that he has taken a path and will never back off.

Precap: Anusya challenges if someone thinks she helped Puru escape, they should prove it, else keep their mouth shut. Puru reaches Takshashila and sees Ambi wrestling and defeating opponents.

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