Punar Vivah 06th February 2013 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 06th February 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Punar Vivah 06th February 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Yash’s house
Arti doesnt know how to respond to Bauji. Buaji reprimands dubeyji for doing this to her own daughter and her husband, and says that he doesnt deserve to live. she says that anything might be said, but he cant still consider his daughter inlaw as his daughter. She tells that yash has had so much respect even aftre prashant’s episode and got them back

shobha says that she doesnt what helplessness drove him to this and that he cant be let off the hook for this and being his wife, both of them deserve punishment. she says that they dont deserve to live in the society and that they deserve to be behind the bars only and urges them to call the police. Dubeyji says that shobha isnt to be blamed for this, as she doesnt even know that something like this was up. He says that prashant’s death and his attatchment to his dead son, drove him nuts, and that he stooped to differentiate between right and wrong. he held arti responsible for his death and had assumed that if prashant couldnt get his love, then he wouldnt let arti get hers and that he was ebhind the divorce and the talk of a second marriage. He again clarifies that Shobha isnt to be blamed for this and that he’s ready for punishment. He asks arti never to call a selfish person like him her father, and asks her to always be with a true mother like Shobha. He says that he wishes everyone should get a mothger in law like shobha. She says that when she has been with him through thick and thin, he wouldnt face this punishment alone, she would definitely be with him to face punishment together. Arti says that something must be amiss in her love and respect for him, therefore this happened. Dubeyji says that he is to entirely blame that he idnt value the love and respect that they gave him and he did this to them. Arti asks him not to talk like that since he gave so much love to ansh, brought happiness in her life by remarrying her to yash, and that she would have done anything for his happiness, had he just given her a hint of the sadness and pain he was going through. Buaji again taunts arti and shobha for being so sensitive and crying their hearts out and forgiving each other, but what about the pain that yash was given due to this. She says that she’s sure yash wont forgive him. All eyes turn to him. He says that he understands their pain of losing their son and that he doesnt like anything worse than seeing his elders with folded hands in front of him. He says that he too is their son and that he isnt in a position to punish them. Shobha commends this step of theirs saying that they proved that the relations of the heart are stronger than blood relations.

Just then, Ansh comes running into arti’s arms, who is super happy to see him. She says that now they would never part and would forever be together. Ansh is also welcomed by his sisters who tell him how much they missed him, and that they have kept jalebis for him. Ansh too says that he missed everyone and asks yash if he would now play wiht him and the girls, to which yash nods in glee. After the kids leave, Dubeyji says that he doesnt know how to face them now and asks for their leave. when aysh asks where are they going, shobha says that they deserve punishement and the only resort is that they go on a pilgrimage but tells them that they would definitely return back.

Yash says that they too need to apologize to the daughter and their family, that now he wont be able to marry the daughter. Suraj and gayatri too tell him to face the fact that they would never forgive him, for its unheard of, that a girl returned as a maiden, after finishing half of the rituals and gayatri asks him to leave along with arti and the kids and that theyw ould manage here. yash says that he wont be that coward and run away from this responsibility that is entirely his fault and that he would get down on his knees and ask for forgiveness if he has to. He asks arti to come along with him to face the girl’s family. Akash sees all of this and thinks that he too would enjoy the high profile drama of he high profile people.

Ishita’s father is very angry that he would see that they dont get away with this. when he sees them arrive, he all the more turns into rage. yash says that he wont be able to marry and that just a sorry wont suffice for what she suffered through. He introduces ishita to his family, arti and the kids and tells her that he has a responsibility towards them. He says that he cant marry her and make her his wife sinc he cant shy away from his responsibility. ishita asks him why did he say yes, when he had a family. He says that he had a big helpless compulsion behind saying yes and goes on to tell her the entire story. He says that he’s guilty of leaving her stranded at the aisle and says that he’s ready for whatever punishment he gives her, saying that whatever he did was for his family. Ishita’s father says that he cant dare to spoil his daughter’s life for his own family’s sake, and gives her a gun and asks her to fire point blank at yash for what he did to her, much to yash’s family’s horror. arti pleads to the father not to do something like that. Ishita loads the revolver and points it at yash. The screen freezes on Arti’s tensed face.

Precap: NONE


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  1. Anonymous
    February 06, 20:55 Reply

    love this show! keep up the good work pv team!

  2. Miss Kris
    February 06, 18:16 Reply

    Something is not feeling right still with this episode. Feel like something is missing. Some parts are missing and still have some loose ends that is still not so clear to us the viewers.
    Well anyway, this usually happens, we always read more into what the situation really is, it’s over suspense and then deflates like a hot air balloon on the ground and bam, is done.
    Loved Yash today, he was so happy to see Ansh, but I think they should have let him hug Ansh at least.
    Vidhi seemed genuinely sad and concerned for Arti. Hope she forgives Arti, and understands her majburi in keeping her secret. She did promis her parents and could not break a promise made by her to her parents.
    I loved G3 today, loved the sari she wears too.
    Suraj for once was lost for words. What will he say, hope he too forgives Arti and they’re once again one big happy family.
    Well folks, it carnival season in my good island and virus season, so not feeling well and clocking in early tonight.
    Good night keep well folks.

    • Punar Vivah
      February 06, 20:04

      Hi, Miss Kriss, what do you mean by somethings that the writers haven’t cleared up, like what? And yes, I think that Gayatri was very loving and concerned today, her character used to be very rude, but she is moral now. I also felt that Ansh should’ve acknowledged Ansh, but you know. I also thought it was strange how Aarti was so calm about Ansh running up to her, wouldn’t she question where he has been or at least act a little stunned. But, I guess at that point, it really didn’t matter to her. I do hope that Suraj and Gayatri forgive Aarti and they all live together as a family again as well. Hopefully, this will actually happen. Feel better. 🙂

    • Anonymous
      February 06, 21:07

      yh its here too flu and carnival and i agree with you Miss Kris. I feel something wrong also. I mean akash was like a bloody parasite a just jump in a di people dem mix up and blend up and sous-sous. He’s a spectator for the drama.

      While Suraj was looking perplex will he tell the girl’s family no need to fear my other son will marry her.

      Of course shock and devastation on the family member’s faces. Suraj would have to state that akash is his adopted son therefore a scicindia as ansh is adopted by yash as his papa.

      Now Gayatri will readily agree to save Yash and her family’s reputation ignoring this fake lie or secret. Possibly after the shadi and good byes before they can say what, Dolly walks in claiming akash is her son and Suraj is his real father. I can see this happening

    • Miss Unbelievable
      February 06, 21:09

      damn nabbit why does this website mess with my username. that was me by the way folks

    • Madurai
      February 06, 21:29

      Miss Kris did u used to be ME before on the Pr forum because u sound the same way? jus curious .

    • Anonymous
      February 06, 23:36

      Not clear why Arkash hlped Papa Dubey? No bdy frm Shindiya fmly helped Arkash and Papa Dubey

    • Anonymous
      February 07, 06:27

      No Madurai always K or MK

    • Miss Kris
      February 07, 06:29

      Oh sorry Madurai Oh sorry name disappeared Madurai is it,

    • Punar Vivah
      February 07, 07:21

      Hi everyone. In think that Aakaush was just someone who needed some extra money so he carried out Mr. Dubey’s work. Also, I like your suggestion anonymous, but still, I wouldn’t want Aakaush to be set up as a second son for the family, then he would have to live with them and I wouldn’t want Yash or Aarti to get into more problems involving him. I would see it as the girl about to shoot the gun, when Aarti pushes Yash out of the way and then Aakaush stops everything by saying that he will marry Ishita instead, as he is a friend of Yash. The marriage will happen and then everyone will thank Aakaush until he says that he carried out Mr. Dubey’s work and everyone will be mad at him, but ask why and when he says that he needed extra money and this was an easy job, then everyone will forgive him and he will go live in a separate house from the family, forever to part ways. I see this happening.

  3. shla
    February 06, 18:03 Reply

    I thought Ishita and her parents did not know that Yash was married and had 3 kids and 4th is on the way. Am I right?

    • Punar Vivah
      February 06, 20:05

      They didn’t, he explained that to her after Dubey was exposed and they went to the alter

  4. Punar Vivah
    February 06, 16:58 Reply

    Very interesting episode. I think that Aarti is going to jump in front of the bullet, or Aakaush is going to stop her. I can’t believe that Dubey did something like this. He is the one who went crazy with his son died, not Aarti. How can someone do such deeds? That is very very terrible. Dubey should get the punishment, not Shoba. She is such a good mother and wife. She sticks by Aarti and Dubey and Yash too. She defends what is right and helped Aarti discover it as well. What a great person. I always thought of Dubey as someone who loved his son more than himself and was helpless but I lost all respect for him. He seriously did this to his own daughter? What the heck is wrong with him? No normal person would do anything like this. The keyword is normal. I believe that he should get time in jail and no one else, but I respect Shoba for staying by his side even after he did something so despicable. Also, I respect Aarti and Yash for forgiving Dubey. I don’t know if I would be able to do that. But, I was very happy when Ansh was reunited with Aarti. It was very beautiful. Also, when Palak said she missed Ansh, it was very cute. These are the moments where I prize Punar Vivah. When the dad got mad, I was like calm down. He gets so mad, he is no better than Dubey. He wasn’t understanding at all, if it happened to him then wouldn’t he do the same thing? Well, anyway, when they pulled the gun out I thought four possibilities. Possibility one was that she wouldn’t shoot and then Aakush would volunteer to marry her. Possibility two was that she would shoot, but it would miss and then Aakaush would step into marry her. Possibility three was that Aarti would push him out of the way and maybe take the bullet and then Aakaush would volunteer to marry her. Possibility four was that Aakaush would stop her and step forward to marry her. I know Aakaush will marry her because of the news and I saw his face when she started to get ready to shoot. I think it was a good episode because Yash backed out of the marriage and now there is nothing stopping Aarti and Yash from being together, besides the whole bullet situation. I wonder if Aarti took the bullet if her baby would die, that would be devestating. Her face looked determined so I think she might try to take the bullet. Yash seems ready to take anything, he is so brave and understanding. I think that it is great that he said he was not running like a coward and he is going to face her. Kratika and Gurmeet did a great job expressing emotion, as always. Overall, very thought-provoking episode.

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 17:02

      Remember he took a bullet for Ansh before, during the first kidnapping.
      He will not hesitate to take a bullet for his family again, so will Arti.

    • Punar Vivah
      February 06, 20:06

      Yes, Miss Kriss, but hopefully no one will have to take any bullet.

    • Punar Vivah
      February 06, 20:16

      Has anyone else wondered what will happen with the divorce issue, wish Yash and Aarti get remarried or not? Well, it doesn’t matter as long as they are together.

    • Miss Unbelievable
      February 06, 21:14

      tear the divorce papers i say

      and secondly if yash or arti got shot i wouldnt give a damn about akash marrying the dumb broad because i would happily send her and her crazy papa to the jailhouse. with so many witnesses who stood there as dumb as daylight someone should call the police. we are civilize people not villagers no offense to them but they strongly keep their thakur bedni and servant ways. this is the 21st century people the dark ages are over if they still live in darkness we need to go over there lighten their path

    • Punar Vivah
      February 07, 07:24

      H, Miss Unbelievable, your response was very passionate. I see you are a big fan of Punar Vivah. I like your suggestion of tearing up the divorce papers, that would be a very easy solution, but you know everyone in Punar Vivah likes to do it the hard way, so we will see.

  5. lisa
    February 06, 16:30 Reply

    Thanks 4 da update

  6. Miss Kris
    February 06, 16:23 Reply

    Amaica, yes girl, saw yr cmt about Machel being from siparia, well that one of my hom towns too, you know we’re a small island, to penal siparia n fyzabad close together so they’re all my home ground.
    When Machel won his first jr calypso, met him at school with him mom. A cute sweet and witty 8 yr old he was. Quite the shy one then too. There was a radio station in school at lunch time and to this day I still remember Machel signing his winning tune and being interviewed by the most popular DJ of the day and still one of the best radio show host with all the girls going gaga over him and want to give him hugs and kisses,, seem like just yesterday, now Machel is all grown up but still all the women go gaga over, when you good you good.

    • deep
      February 06, 16:33

      Miss kris,i have been to african west part of african they don’t pratice such type of marriage,they are develop but i would say north african are yet to come of age,i have traveld round african for 3years,so i was able to explore all the region of that contient,they lovely people.

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 16:37

      Yes I’ve got a friend in Kenya and another who migrated to Canada, so I get a lot of the stories from their part of Africa. Thanks

  7. Amaica
    February 06, 15:30 Reply

    Hello Everyone…..
    The suspense drama is over.are you guys taking some days off to relax…Suni..Afreesh..S.J. Punar Vivah,Shla,Ms Kris, Ms Unbelievable,(I like Ms J for you.)and other friends….
    I am very comfortable with the fact that the Scindia family had nothing to do with the kidnap….Spokeswoman Maya…
    Dubeyji still have me baffled.Poor Shobha.
    Yash did the most honorable thing…to apologize to the family.
    Ishta finally spoke and ask Yash why did he say yes to the marriage…
    but why didn’t she or her family inquired before marriage about Yash .
    They would have known he is a married man with wife,three kids fourth on the way.
    No, they are marrying their daughter into the Scindia’s family…so ask no questions…Family name is all that’s important.
    The man could have fives wives…who cares!!!
    Django bride with gun…how dumb..If her father had told her to go jump in the lake she would have done that.
    Father told her to marry so she marries.How outdated.
    Suni and Afreesh I don’t know whether you guys are aware of this, There is a Hindu concept…. That daughters are quest in the parents home….she is married off,leaves the parents home.. to henceforth live with her husband who will supposedly provide her with a happy home,love, and security.
    It is now an outdated concept since our daughters are educated,Employed and independent and do not require a man to look after them.Thus the reason you see so many young men and women prefers to stay single and enjoy their freedom.

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 15:42

      True Amaica, my mom is second generation Indian, her both parents came from India, she did not attend school and is totally illiterate. And that is her belief, that girls have not right on family property etc, only the boys are entitled to everything, no matter how much the girls sacrificed for the family, work, help provide basic necessities for the family, and yet they are kicked out and told nothing here is for you, you are to get married and your husband to provide for you.
      So in other words my father worked hard all his life to provide a roof over our heads only to put the daughters out, bring another persons daughter to live in your daughters place and dump your daughter upon any old fool whether they can provide for her or not. Whether she has foo, clothing etc. does not matter, all they care about is their daughter is married, man and they say it with so much pride.
      Their son in law could be the biggest crook criminal or the best in the world.
      Their daughter could be unhappy they don’t care.
      Girls according to some Indian folks are not be be educated and if they are, not to advance themselves,.
      Sorry I am going on and on, but this topic is very close to my heart for I know first hand how it is. I am a victim of that type of thinking so I could identify with it.
      Sorry to have gone on so long folks please accept my apologies

    • Miss Unbelievable
      February 06, 15:49

      another Hind concept I have learned:

      A Father’s daughter is not really his daughter. He is her caretaker (thats why they perform Kandayain at the shadi). A daughter’s real home is her husbands home where she itruly belongs. A shadi is her welcome to her true home.

      So I said to myself so the man who was basically sired me and loved me for all these years is nothing but a stranger but a caretaker who is prepraring me to play the true role of daughter for someone who didnt have to sire me to father me but didnt know didly-squat about me until the marriage interview I must call father?

      Nonesense I say!

      My parents house (or mommy’s house) is my yard and when Im ready to get married and move out just ensure the room is untouched because when I want to come home I must have a bed to sleep on.

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 15:53

      miss unbelievable..well said! actually i feel the same way. My room in my parents house is still there for me. 🙂

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 15:56

      Well said MU well said.
      I fought for that right but lost. Sad isn’t it. But yet still I’m am expected to do the duties the DuPont in the house is supposed to be doing.
      That kind of thinking in this day and age is total crap.
      It has nothing to do with religion but its a guideline for decent people is my belief. But is total nonesense I say.

    • Miss Unbelievable
      February 06, 15:58

      Miss Kris we appreciate it. Dont apologize some of us may not experience this but you are informing us what it really is like. And wisdom is always accepted her and openly received on this forum

      In the eastern countries and even Africa that sticks. But Africans are more likely to take back their daughters. In africa the groom pays a bride-price for the girl. Her parents have calculated it based on how well they have treated her and what background she is from. If she has a bachelors and is working thats a very expensive bride price even better if she;s untouched’. But a daughter’s labour contributes to the family and if she marries it would be missing so its like a compensation to the bride’s family.

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 16:01

      Thank MU
      Appreciate the support and the information.
      Heard of the African marriages as well.

    • deep
      February 06, 16:02

      Miss kris,just read your comment andit was touching,about educating girls e.t.c,am still amaze how so many people, manage all these excruciating believes,that can ruin some entire existence and life.

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 16:08

      Yes deep, it still happens

    • Amaica
      February 06, 16:36

      Ms.Kris…Ms unbelievable,(ms j)

      My elder sisters were trapped in this system.
      My Mom gave all her properties to her three sons
      and my eldest sister who took care of her and also
      her mother got nothing…Was told to live in the house
      until the end after that it belongs to the son.
      However, my sister’s son challenged this issue and the
      matter is in the courts…My Mom and that son is no more.
      The wife and children of that son never did anything
      for my Mom….but joint tenant properties are always a big confusion among family members…because who lives
      last takes it. That’s an old system and Lawyers should
      advice their clients otherwise.

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 16:44

      Yes Amaica, that’s usually the sas and unfair part of life wwe have to deal with.
      In y work if seen so much unfairness it’s sickening.
      Some lawyers do advice these people but they don’t take it. They feel the lawyer want to thief their property and give it to the oth children or for themselves. I’ve come across hundreds of cases where the person who got the property, kicked their parents out, do not look after them and the one who did not get squat now take their parent or parents in and look after them.
      Sometimes they even mortgage the property while their parents are living in the house, don’t pay the mortgage and the bank then ceases the property and the parents are kicked out on the streets.

    • Punar Vivah
      February 06, 20:11

      Yea, but sometimes there are old- fashioned in the present. Dubeyji surprised me too, he is very bad on the inside. He seems helpless but actually is very cunning. I think that he is genuinely sorry for what he did, but that doesn’t erase any of the pain and suffer he caused to so many people. I am mad at his character because I used to think he was good, just loved his son more than himself, but he lost himself on the way of trying to help his son. I hope that Aarti is okay, I would be crushed if my dad did something like this.

    • Amaica
      February 06, 21:06

      Ms. Kris….Just missed out one point…
      Many times the parents are placed in Homes
      after the property is signed over.
      Therefore it is best for parents to have life
      interest on their property..and upon death it
      goes to the beneficiary.

      With all of this said…How do you think Maya ended
      up in her brother’s home after her husband died…
      It’s probably because the Scindia’s Manshion was
      gifted to him by his parents…
      So Maya is lucky…her room was kept safe for her.
      Suraj and G3 are not bad people after all..
      But still I don’t like how Gaytri is quiet and
      Ms Maya has the final say……I would have wished
      that she go on pilgrimage with the Dubey’s but she
      will taunt the daylight out of Shobha so better
      she stays back…her turn will come soon.

      Sorry, we drifted away from P.V. this afternoon
      but I think it’s because of Ishta’s marriage…
      to Yash and Yash being a married man..which I presume
      they did not know.. made us speculate as to why would
      parents do such injustice to their daughters….And I
      brought up the topic that …Daughters are guest in the parents home until marriage.We apologize if anyone think that we were not focused on P.V..

  8. Miss Kris
    February 06, 15:27 Reply

    Hey Fiusa saw someone mention your name in another serial comment.
    Is it you?
    Well when in Trini you can still keep updated with your favorite show.

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 15:32

      yes im also in another forum..what did they say?
      i love trinidad!!!
      i live in the USA.
      yes i usually take my ipad and read updates at bedtime!! hahaha

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 15:35

      i read the updates when im in tt

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 15:46

      Oh they said something about some comment you made
      Well I love TT, and one of my NY friend is begging me to bag a Trini to get married to, so she can come live here, lol poor kid
      Don’t think I could live anywhere else.

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 15:50

      which serial was this discussion under??
      Where are u currently living? a bit confused..

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 16:00

      ok..no thats not me. i dont comment under there.
      maybe someone using same username.

      Ok so ur in tt as well. what part??
      My hubby is from chaguannas.

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 16:04

      Oh the commenter mentioned about another serial in PR and her cousin, and some misunderstanding, not sure what she was trying o say though.
      I’m from San Fernando., that south, I guess you know that lol.

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 16:07

      miss kris…i went n saw..SMH>
      These girls need to grow up! I did the WU for HJNH (another show) and apparently “her cousin” copied n re-posted my WU on the same site by mistake. It looked like the person was trying to copy and probably paste on another site. She applogised sayign it was her “Cousin” doing it. Anyways..i actually let it go but seeing their stupid comments i realised how many young and immature ppl u have to deal with. SMH.
      anyways not going to let these ppl ruin my day!

      San fernando..i think i visited there once..

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 16:12

      You’re right Fiusa, I used to comment on that site, but realized I had to also deal with a lot of very young people, and their lack of intelligence, so don’t bother any more.
      Yea is the second city in tt, well we only have two cities he, POS and S’ndo, it’s second.
      You’re welcome to visit I live in the main area in the city.

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 16:14

      Ms. kris..thanks!! i absolutely love love trinidad. everyone thinks im nuts. i go alsmost every yr since ive been married (5yrs).

      Anyways my sis in laws in tt also love PV and they ask me for updates sometimes! hahah

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 16:26

      Of course yuh, nuts, for tt that is, lol
      Don’t blame you one bit. It’s beautiful here.
      Tell your sis in law she can visit this page on the web. That’s if she has access, I know my big sis is a big fan but does not own a computer so she calls me everyday for updates too.

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 16:29

      hahaha..yes they have internet etc. i think she goes to another site but when she doesnt get time she asks me if i have been following.

      sometimes i realise im too much into this. im actually an accountant, work full time and a new mom and still make time for this. (i know im crazy) i go home and take care of the baby and make dinner and prepare for the next day. LEts just say i have a very busy work day. PV is the 1st show i started watching and even at its lowest point i used to still come and comment here.

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 16:36

      I guess it takes you away to a different place, away from the the everyday duties.
      It’s also the first show I’ve been commenting on so much and spend lot of time with, because first of all I’m a mom of 3 and 2 teenagers and a 6 yr od and it very stressful, so I escape on this site. The commenter here seem very mature and there comments are very interesting and very very well written.

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 16:41

      Wow.. ms Kris..you are a full time mom then. That is a challenging job. And yes you are right on.

      I do enjoy the comments here as well. Very mature.

    • Hauwa
      February 06, 19:31

      Actually I’m from Africa Nigeria to be precise,we hv over 300 ethnic groups in the country and each ethnic group have its own way of performing marriage (arranged,forced, love marriage whatever) and there r also challenges in educating the girl-child because some parents do not want their daughters to have any formal education, they feel that only the males r entitled to that privileged bt over the years a lot of parents have realized the importance of formal education and they r trying to put their children esp the girls through school.

    • Amaica
      February 07, 08:08

      Hi Hauwa….So wonderful to have your input.
      Really,that is what happens in Africa to the
      girls….Some women has to go through such
      tough times in life…it unbelievable.
      The Hindu system has changed drastically
      because modern day parents do think differently
      from those of the past….
      The free education system provides education
      equally for the male and female…
      Our girls are educated has good jobs and are
      independent in every aspect of life.
      The older generation would have had to live
      their lives by that system.
      The old tradition will soon fade away.
      There is always hope for a better tomorrow.
      Thanks again and please continue to share
      your views with us this forum.

  9. deep
    February 06, 15:05 Reply

    Buaji is a broken record and one hell of a twist lady,for heaven sake,we all knew the girls she would definetly bring for the marriage wil also be twisted as her.it seems ishita father really hates her,why on earth would a man give a gun to his daugther to shoot the groom.
    And if she had succeeded in shot either aarti,yash or other family member,then she wil be charge for murder or 2nd degree murder,and then her father wil be happy that they finally gotten rid of her…..

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 15:31

      Hey deep you’re right
      These people are so screwed up is almost funny.
      In this day and age, people getting married within one day, not knowing squat about the other, what an upside world they live in. Ll only on TV .

    • shla
      February 06, 15:42

      I have not seen the episode yet but after reading here I wonder why Shobha Ma said she needs to be punished too. By saying that she indirectly let Mr. Dubey get away with the crime he committed. By doing so she elevated him to the same level as her and probably generated softness in both Yash and Aarti’s hearts

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 16:24

      i think its just a line she used because apparently shoba and dubeyji are going on pilgrimage so they are making room for the 2 new characters (akash and ishita) plus her/his family. I liked shoba. She was the best MIL a girl can ask for.

    • shla
      February 06, 17:39

      Yes Fiusa, I like Shobha’s character very much too and she should not suffer and should not be denied the motherly love from her family in her old days. But what Dubey did was disgusting and he needs severely punished, especially since he was witnessing what suffering and pain so many people in the family went through. Just my opinion that pilgrimage for both is not ok.

  10. Miss Kris
    February 06, 14:34 Reply

    So, a girl’s father would agree to the marriage of his daughter to someone, who was married before with kids, he does not know the background of that person, agrees to marry at the home of the groom instead of a Mandir or hall or whatever it is, or even at the girls home and yet still he expects things to go smooth and end up like a fairy tale marriage, and when it does not, then, gives the daughter a gun to shoot the groom?
    What madness is this. Total arrogance. Yash is not to be blamed, she should shoot her father, or better yet he should shoot himself for getting his daughter in such a situation and then want to blame it on Yash.
    Crazy people yes.

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 14:36

      Oh and Buaji was all too quick to get Yash married to this girl, she is not so innocent after all. Always want to break Yash and Arti marriage

    • Miss Unbelievable
      February 06, 14:46

      Hey Miss Kris and you are so correct. The father should be shot in the ass. He agreed without asking questions. A wedding so quick in one day after proposal? Why is it so urgent? Is the groom in problems what rumours have you heard about a divorce in the Scicindia family?

      Golden rule of marriage: who the heck are you marrying and why?

      Arti and Yash had their reasons for a punar vivah and now have found love.

      Did Ishta even enquire about her groom? No she didn’t. She just went with whatever her papa said and therefore this is her fault as well.

      The arrogance and ignorance of this family. Its Buaji’s fault as well lol. They should shoot her first.

      If Ishta ever shot Yash, we all know this is impossible but I gurantee this foolish man is sending his daughter to jail because i know Papa S wont stand for that BS.

    • shla
      February 06, 15:23

      MK, MU,
      Seems lik all Papa’s in PV are behaving crazy and stupid.

    • Amaica
      February 06, 15:43

      You know what Miss Krissee and Ms J …I think the directors of this show should invite the both of you to direct a set for P.V….but Baugi must be in the lead role on that day….It will be interesting to see what you guys will do to her….Ms.J no guns allowed .I don’t want you shooting anyone.

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 15:48

      Amaica, you can join us as co director, then that’ll be so much fun. Already have a script in y head

    • Amaica
      February 06, 15:54

      Hey Shla….The Papa’s are all silly old men…Some of the women are all very well poised…..Check out Gaytri,
      Ishta’s Mom stands their and witnesses this lunatic in action without saying a word..
      Akash best of luck with this lunatic.

    • Amaica
      February 06, 16:00

      Kris I find you behaving a bit like S.J.
      don’t get so hyper….You know S.J…she
      is quick to say O.K this is too much..
      Ijust can’t take this anymore,
      Suni, Afreesh ,check me in an………at once.

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 16:06

      Oh no Amaica, me not hyper at all, I’m always cool as a cucumber

    • Miss Unbelievable
      February 06, 16:37

      hey hey look Ishta’s dad’s gun is already there they should point it Buaji. Its up to her to shoot but she should shoot herself in the foot for being so stupid

      The world needs to accept that women are intelligent beautiful beings. We can easily manipulate men. If you let the man think he rules then let him rule just ensure that whatever idea is yours becomes his and manipulate it to your own benefit and thats why gold-diggers are notorious for their work. its an evil deed but hats off to them for fooling men.

    • shla
      February 06, 17:54

      Hey Amaica, I think not all women in PV are normal and I am sure you agree that Maya Buaji is no where close to be normal. I do agree with that all MIL in PV were always poised and always seemed caring and giving.

  11. RENU
    February 06, 14:03 Reply

    @geetha:m trying 2 write in tamil.i hope it work so but not upto raji’s level

    ennaku theriyalla,enna reasonkkaga dubey ethellam pannarnu.aana avar pannathu thappu athu mattum illama athu manikka mudiyathathu.avarudai pathi nan,athanalla naanum equalla porupeduthukkiren.ennave ,naanga eerandu perum thandikka pada vendiyavargal.

    atlast,…namma erandu perum nallathu kettathu ellathulleiyum onna erunthom athanalle,naan ithuleyum unga kuda eruppen

    • diya
      February 06, 14:44

      wow wow wat a tamil madam so nice

  12. Fiusa
    February 06, 13:30 Reply

    where is miss unbelievable and miss kris?? Ladies im visiting T&T in may!!

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 13:57

      Really? Wow that’s so great. Ours is a very lovely island.
      By the way, where’re you from?

    • Miss Unbelievable
      February 06, 14:48

      I wanna visit T&T too :(.

      Jamaica is lovely so is Trinidad. I promise to get to Trinidad so I can around with Machel Montano and others. Destra too.

    • Miss Kris
      February 06, 14:57

      MU would they allow you to go around with them?lol
      Just imagine som crazy fan. Wow funny scene trying to picture it lol
      I knew Machael as a little boy, his mom was guidance counsellor in my school.

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 15:15

      hahaha..ladies carnival season!
      Ive been too Trinidad a few times already. My husband is from there. 🙂

    • Amaica
      February 06, 16:11

      Hi Kris….Machel Montano is a Siparia boy…
      He is a darling.Recently I met him in Tobago,
      The energy around him was great.He took some
      pictures with us on the beach.He is so cool
      I guess he likes I….n. W…..n.
      I don’t care what others say about him.
      Ms. J… I will be in Jamaica in March..
      Montego Bay…So you coming to rough it up
      for Carnival….Best of luck and BE SAFE..

  13. Fiusa
    February 06, 13:25 Reply

    so much drama..and what kind of father gives their daughter a gun to shoot a man because he didnt complete the marriage and sincerely appologised?? Did he think of the consequences after the man dies? His daughter will be freed from jail because she killed her husband to be? How silly…

    Anyways im happy to see the turth revealed and yash and arti can go back to their “normal” lives. Im sure there will be many obstacles ahead but for now they are together.

  14. deep
    February 06, 13:25 Reply

    Ishita has no right to aim a gun at yash?,why i said so, is that both her and her parent are dumb and stupid,they didn’t check the so called grooms to be, background.they should have, because of the society they live in take everything damn too serious and they castigate a lot.
    Am really sorry to say this and i don’t mean offend anyone,who might think am crossing my limit too,by comments today am just being factual.
    HONESTLY are they realllly dump,stupid, and down right foolish,where they that desprate to get rid of their daugther,give me a break” it is common sense to always enquire about the person you intend to get married to”

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 13:27

      i guess since buaji approached them and the scindiya family is well known they thought that its a good match. anyways i still agree with ur above however the father of the bride is even more stupid to give his daughter a gun to shoot yash.

    • Siri
      February 07, 06:16

      Yes deep u r absolutely correct.. I completely agree with u.. I too felt the same.. I think the story writer has gone mad. How can the bride’s parents so stupid.. Apne beti ke hath us admi ke hath me kaise de sakte hain jiska already 2 shadi ho chuka hai.. Ek biwi margayi hai aur dusri zinda hai.. Aur ansh ka kidnap story bhi bahut bakwas tha aur akash ka bhi.. And i also agree with SJ, Affresh and suni.. U guys comments are really good:):):)

  15. zeenah
    February 06, 13:18 Reply

    she isn’t going
    to kill yash akash will come forward to marry her and yash and Aarti wil re-unite woooow punarvivah rocks!

    • Fiusa
      February 06, 13:28

      tfs. also read the same. lets see how the story unfolds after these 2 gets married. wondering if akash will now live with the scindiya’s

  16. RENU
    February 06, 13:08 Reply

    wow wow wow,…

    after so many epi,we saw a +ve flow through out the epi.

    m not at all afraid of ishika n their family coz we can see 2morrow,she gonna marry aakash.

    friends,4m 2day they r cutting off shoba-dubey pair 4m the serial,i think so.

    & i expect dubey 2 convey his truth of making aarti 2 lie in her laws.but m dissapointed.its ok,let us watch,what this new couple do with our aarya.

    • Afreesh
      February 06, 13:22

      Yes Renu….This is removal of Dubey & Shoba track from the serial as long as the new characters perform their plot.
      And why you bothered about that lie now….Dubey & shoba informed to SP already when the truth revealed by Prashand & witch

    • RENU
      February 06, 13:33

      ya afreesh,…u r ryt

      but i want 2 hear those words 4m dubey once again n also about prashant cancer matter.so,only m some wat dissappointed.

      but,leave it,..afreesh,i had some doubt whether cv will give more imp 2 aakashika pair.then we will again gonna miss aarya scenes,hei na?

      & my another doubt,…dont laugh at me
      aarti is nearly 5 month pregnant lady,hei na?
      where is her tummy i cant see it,…

    • Geetha
      February 06, 13:44

      Hi renu today episodela shoba enna pesranga tell me plz

    • Afreesh
      February 06, 13:58

      Renu….already I’m worried about the lack of chemistry & mismatch of Yash & Arthi especially after Yash’s haircut & outfit improvement. Now you want to see Arthi with tummy….pls dear don’t talk about that. Let them portray the real romance between ARYA….
      Yes…the new pair looking good than the other 3 couples….I don’t think they’ll give more importance to them….if so, I don’t mind….I’m very depressed with ARYA’s dried & artificial acting. The director & the writer & production & the cast should consider our opinion.

    • RENU
      February 06, 14:19

      afreesh,,..plz dont scold me.

      i want 2 see aarti with tummy n also their romance while aarti tummy hitting yash n he is leaving behind n some funny scenes b4 her pregnancy.

      i agree with u afreesh,till now i cant see their real romance.i have a doubt.whether it is due 2 storyline of 2nd mariage r gurika lacking chemistry.i dont know.

      dont mistake me afreesh,on seeing yday epi,that pheras scene it reminded me mb.now m seriously having lot of emotinal turmoil in mb.every tym,i will have this due 2 pv n now its due 2 mb.

      its ok,atleast by now,i want 2 see some natural romantic scenes bw aarya lyk rishbala.

      sry afreesh,i dont know but i wanna share this with u.so,i said this dear.again,dont mistake me dear.

    • Afreesh
      February 06, 14:24

      No dear….it’s okey….I’m going to sleep….Good night Renu….

    • SJ
      February 06, 17:15

      I am a curious George right now, and not able to grab the whole thing. How come Akash was doing things for Dubeejee, how did Dubeejee knew Akash. Who was the lady who was giving
      Paper to read to Akash when yash ask kidnapper to give gift to ansh
      How Come ansh just and came like that, why no one ask ansh who brought you, where were you per
      Ansh s a very bright child,that way at least they will know who else was involve in he plot. Wow
      Ash s ell of a forgiving man, need to find man like this, s I can ake countless mistake without a fear. And be loved.no oe life us going to e same after tat truma.
      Yash and arthi need to get out for a Minnie vacation at least, because we are tired crying too

    • SJ
      February 06, 17:34

      Affresh no I do not want to see Arthis tummy right now, it will happned eventually
      As far as ARYAs romance , there are some beautifully acting in between the epic
      Like when yash sit on bench.and arthi come and hug him and they stand up
      And veer Zara song. That was awesome, and when ash was sitting near pool and ari comes
      He put duetta on her. That was very natural and heart breaking. Arthis acting was superb and yash expression were awesome, yes ther s a lake of chemistry. Now ansh got back they should change Arthis wardrobe more exciting, se was wearing od saries
      And new makw up litte diffrent airs for a change and soe bright chiffon saries or diffrent outfit, if they go on vacation, but yash is conservative , he might no like it

    • Suni
      February 06, 17:52

      Hi Sj , I know exactly how you feel . This recent turn of events doesn’t make any sense . I feel that a lot is being left out . All that you have mentioned are valid points . There was a woman advising Akash how to proceed . The only explaination for that being Mr Dubey , would be to assume that Mr Dubey is a secret transvestite . Anything is a possibility on PV . I am relieved that Ansh is finally back home . You have been suggesting that vacation idea for a while now SJ , I hope that they listen to you this time .
      SJ , I heard that another storm is heading for NYC and surrounding areas , hope that you will not affected too badly .
      Hi everyone on the forum , lovely comments , grat job , keep it up .

    • Amaica
      February 06, 20:32

      Hello Suni,Afreesh S.J….. You guys are the original,
      This forum could never be the same without you. None of us could ever match your standard so please let your presence be felt…I joked this afternoon with Ms Kris…making reference to S.J….but honestly I meant it in a jovial way…I Love S.J. style …she is so original/dramatic…Her ideas are superb and she sees things that we the viewers fail to see…I will never use S.J.”s name in a demenial way…May be I am not good at jokes..I love you S.J….I love your style.

    • SJ
      February 06, 23:20

      Dearest Amacia you are so cute and funny, do of worry about these thing when we get tence , Suni me and Affresh. Make fun of each other all time to calm each other. All of us give our view
      And analize the situation and argu . That is why our team name is 3 idiot. I am fun person actuall I find it funny, after I read your comment giggled so much , I said oh my god Amacia Excately
      Analize me , ths is excately I am, Suni s my moral suporter , Affresh get firm like a teacher
      I make fun of everything and give my view. So feel free we enjoy each other comment
      Yah the story line did not Make scence, jump so fast, if Akash s. driver why he stand with them and hear all the conversation, surajpartap should say please go outside we are discussing family Issue. When ash was keep saying kidnapper s from family why hey I’d not doubt Akash
      There are an loop hoe a ave een ignored . Think when writer saw he audience getting frustrated, they jst close the story leaving many story lie out.
      Ansh ca running ad hugged her mom, he know how much he loved yash and how much yash loved him, ansh should run to him ad hug him to Make it feel natural. Ansh have been returned
      After month, it felt ansh came running from another room was never been away
      Arthis acting was very nice but when bride poiint gun to yash arthi should stand front of yash
      There are other people involve in ash kidnapping , how come yash and arthi and family did not try to find out fom Dubeejee , with whiome elp , he did kidnapping

    • Amaica
      February 07, 07:50

      Hi S.J….Thanks for understanding….you are just too
      sweet….You get us all excited and charged up
      with your keen observation with what’s happening on
      the show….You are quite right Dubey must have had inside help…The lady in the sari…who was she….but again as you rightfully said they probably wanted to shorten that
      part of the episode….Lets see what’s next Doc.

  17. diya
    February 06, 13:02 Reply

    superb episode shobama really superb acting and palak,ansh both r so nice but wat ill happen next. how tat family member react and they accept arthi and yash again???

  18. nani
    February 06, 12:55 Reply

    thanks for update and eagerly waiting for next episode

    February 06, 12:42 Reply

    omg ishita u have gone mad ….. why r u going to shoot yash

  20. tulip
    February 06, 12:34 Reply

    omg wat’s to hapen next?

  21. Swapna
    February 06, 12:26 Reply

    super episode-i like yash aarti-i dont now how these family members react after this incident

  22. Jeremiah
    February 06, 12:16 Reply

    Guys i have never seen an updater dis slow becus naturally it shld have been out as soon as the show finished

    • Rimjhim
      February 06, 12:27

      Hey dear….i can understand your impatience but just to remind you the show hasnt even finsihed yet…a dn the update is done completely…hope you enjoy reading!!!

    • admin
      February 06, 12:37

      yeah Jeremiah.. Rimjhim is one of the fastest updaters.. she finishes update before the episode ends on TV (unless you’ve HD channel 🙂 )

    • swathi
      February 06, 12:40

      thanks for update

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