Punar Vivah 07th January 2013 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 07th January 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Punar Vivah 07th January 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Yash’s house
Ansh says to yash that would dadji never forgive them and that he misses them very badly. yash explains that just like ansh’s teacher punishes them by keeping them out of the class, similarly dadaji is angry at them and once he forgives them, he too would call them back. He puts ansh to sleep. Then he says to arti, who is turned away from him on the bed that she doesnt need to feel sorry or guilty for the fact that this happened to them due to her. She says that she cant help but feel that since its her fault after all. He asks her to look from another angle that staying away from them has made him realise their importance in their life. She says that ansh has already started missing his family and she can see sadness in his eyes. He says that he too can see thesame in her eyes. He comes to her and turns her around and wipes her tears saying that its true that he has never been away from his family for so long and that saddens him but he needs her support to see them through this or for that matter any difficulty in their lives. He is determined that soon dadaji would forgive them for their good behaviour and accept them back. Thy just have to keep faith in themselves and also prove to be the best parents to their kids and set up an example for them. yash holds arti’s hand and starts to say I LOVE …but is stopped in the midway by the sound of ansh falling from the side of the bed. yash is surprised and instantly gets ansh back on the bed. He sleeps on one side of the bed and arti on the other to prevent the kids from falling while asleep. yash and arti share a silent romantic eyelock after which they doze off.

Scene 2:
Location: Prashant’s house
Prashant wakes up seeing a bad dream and screaming for ansh. He opens his almirah and takes out ansh’s letters and happily looking at them thinks that he’s not as noble as shobha wants him to be. He decides that he is not those to move on, rather he would open up the closet of his past and reclaim his lost life. He is determined that he would definitely get his home, his identity and his son ansh, back to him at any cost.

Scene 3:
Location: First floor on yash’s house
Arti, while praying upstairs, hears gayatri too praying and singing hymn in the morning prayers and is smiling to herself while praying. while gayatri waits, arti begins with the next verse waking up yash too. gayatri too joins in with her and they both take turns in singing.

Ansh too wakes up and smells jalebis. he opens the door and goes out. Arti comes in the bathroom, where yash is shaving and starts talking about the shopping to be done and the daily chores of the day. yash stops to look at her and then jokingly asks her the no. of tiles in the bathroom and locks the door saying that he wouldnt let her out till she answers. She too amusingly says that she would have, but right now she doesnt have the time as she has to take care of the kids. She pushes him and tries to leave, but yash holds her hand and pulls her back to him and they share a romantic intimate moment, with arti’s eyes closed in anticipation.

Palak calls out to arti. Yash tells arti in the bathroom that the kids are awake. She opens her eyes and unlocks the door and is about to leave, when she turns back and asking him to wash his face leaves. She comes upto palak and asks for ansh. When palak says she doesnt know, she asks her to look after payal and goes out to search for ansh.

Downstairs at the dining table,ansh finds everyone eating jalebis, from the stairs. Arti, who sees him like this, tells him to go ask for jalebis from dadiji if he wants. Ansh says to gayatri, that he too wants to eat jalebis. Meanwhile, yash too joins arti and asks if she sent ansh there. Gayatri, on the other hand, lovingly takes a piece and is about to feed him when she sees suraj watching her as he enters the room and is scared. Yash and arti too are at discomfort in the awkward situation. Suraj nods his head in disapproval at gayatri’s act. The screen freezes on his face.

Precap: Prashant is feeding jalebis to ansh. Arti sees this and stopping ansh from eating, she warns prashant that ansh is hers and after her remarriage yash’s son only. she leaves with ansh. Prashant however continues to tempt ansh by eating jalebis in front of him and motioning Ansh to come and join him, while arti has her back towards them. ansh tries to jump the fence in order to get to prashant to eat jalebis.

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  1. prsv
    January 08, 09:23 Reply

    hi suni,pv is going wwell and now it is in correct track.yesterday,s episode superb.just now arya romance had started.next week is vacation for every one.so i hope it will be more intresting.

    by by i observed one thing yaar,pv is favarouite for thosands of members and they are watching but comments here are comparitively less.i think i too dont have a word to say in it(as my self is not commenting due to my exam busy.i want share many thingd,waiting for my completion of exams.)

    i want to thank suni,sj,afresh,raji,renu and all other fans for bringig it 2 position.great job guys.a kind request to all the fans,please leave a comment daily(i too will make it a point).

  2. Afreesh
    January 08, 09:21 Reply

    Suni…there are few sbb segments on myedunia…..pls check it…..
    I couldn’t understand why yash wants Arthi to start romance yaar….I don’t like to see him as like as a child especially at romance time

  3. Suni
    January 08, 07:21 Reply

    Afreesh , SJ , Amaica , Raji , thak you all so much 🙂 . I am better today , thank God . SJ I took 2 panadol multi symptom and slept soundly all night . Sleep is the best remedy . Thank you all so very much for the concern . Afreesh , I love ginger tea 🙂 .
    Yes guys they need to make haste and sort out Ansh’s confusions . I realized while writing before that as a child I fed off the adults energy and emotions and I understood what my dad was like . They should tell Ansh the truth , but I know he is at a very tender age . Prashant is one confused messed up guy at present . He should be no where near Ansh . But he will try to work on Ansh’s innocence . He has to correct himself if he wants any involvement in his sons life .

  4. Panu
    January 08, 06:57 Reply

    Aarti and yash u both r really made for each other.yash u r such a wonderful husband.

  5. Swapna
    January 08, 03:51 Reply

    Simply superab Yash and Aarti chemistry is Awesome .he is very good husband ,comsoling Aarti very nice and Eyelock is simply superab between them

    Gayatri Ji ur simply superab

    Yash rocks’

  6. Anonymous
    January 08, 03:43 Reply

    nice episode
    wondrful episode
    evil prasanth …….

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