1. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 17, 21:03 Reply

    We sometimes forget that darkness also has a colour
    That even a second will eventually become an hour
    Although black , the night becomes clear
    Just like the days eventually becomes a year
    Troubles come in our lives to pass
    Nothing in life is designed to last
    So even when the tides of life become high
    Don’t bend your head , sob or cry
    The scenic shore will soon be seen.
    When God removes the obstacles found in between .

    • A
      June 17, 21:48

      Phoenix… This is so sweet. I just love it.

  2. Kris
    June 17, 16:11 Reply

    The man had the weapon outside the court somewhere. It’s really horrifying.
    Amaica dear, who is your nephew, just give me the initials because I know all of them and past ones too. I know about the security risk in the job, we have to have police patrol around us at all times because of certain cases too. Sometimes police escort is necessary.
    At present there is a Jamaican caught with drugs and that man is totally annoying, he claiming we Trinidad government and police and Judiciary racial against him. calling is a racial country.

    • Amaica
      June 17, 16:44

      Kris…Did this incident happened in Mayaro..I read similar story
      About a young couple but chopping took place elsewhere..
      Young man was chased into the bushes and caught by police..
      R R…..I’m sure you know him.. Was assigned to Mayaro recently..
      Then Tobago… Not sure where he is assigned to presently.

    • Kris
      June 17, 18:18

      It’s the same story, but that was what was told to us by the CP of the court. maybe he got it wrong, but said it was not far from the court.
      yes I know RR very well colleague of my husband, my husband is also RR. I know the family very well also.
      So you his aunty. hmmm, ok, nice, small world, I know lots of his aunts and uncles too. I think he is in Point these days, he was supposed to go Arima, but did not want it, so my husband is there now.

    • SJ
      June 17, 19:44

      Hello AMAICA I hope you are feelling better
      Please take care and make your affected areas rest properly
      Take care love

    • A
      June 17, 20:30

      Kris.. .Yes he is in PF.. found out this afternoon..Shhhh..

      SJ..Thank you very much..
      I felt very guilty resting..but I did..and I feel great..
      That was excellent advice.. Amazing results..

      Heard there was some sort of storm in the US..Very tragic..
      Hope you and all your loved ones are safe..
      Even though I have close relatives in the US.. Whenever
      I hear anything happening there I think of you..
      SJ I want you to know that if at any time you feel like
      coming to T&T you’ll be most welcome to stay with me..
      Then perhaps I will get Suni and Kris to join in..

      Afresh same goes to you.. Thank you also my dear..
      Never ever feel that you are imposing ..I know you care..

      Suni what is new on your end.. Is the BF back..
      Hope everything is working in your favor..
      I know that you’ll ask God for his guidance and protection..
      I will remember you in prayer..Love you.. Bye..

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 17, 20:39

      Amaica dear , when I read things like what Kris posted , I sometimes think that it’s best to just be alone 🙂 . . He’s at work , he will return in July .
      Hope your good and healing well ❤️ .
      Good evening / night .

    • A
      June 17, 23:00


      There are all types of people in this world.
      We cannot allow the negative one to affect our lives.
      What about those whose lives are happy and prosperous..
      You will never hear about them. I will tell you a true story.

      Remember last week I mentioned that a Doctor called
      To say that he was coming over to visit.. Well he did..
      But because he lives in POS whenever he visits that late
      he usually spend’s the night..

      To cut a long story short.. He’s very successful has everything
      In his favor but is not married..
      On his last visit.. KR told him about his admission to the NH
      and my tremendous support to heal him back to health..
      However KR went to bed early and the both of us stayed up chatting..
      During our chat he said to me.. D,I have many regrets..
      I made wrong decisions earlier.. I have wasted many years..
      He said when I was young,I saw my Mom and my Dad quarrel
      and fight.. My Dad left home and went with another woman leaving
      me and my siblings with my Mom.I hated him for that and I promised
      myself that I’ll never get married and I’ll never give him grandchildren.
      But my parents were only one bad example..and that’s all I saw.

      Having returned home I am meeting so many people like yourselves
      Who are happily married. with children like yourselves.
      I notice from conversations with you all that you give your children
      their independence.. You guide and protect them but you don’t
      interfere in their lives.You allow them their space to grow .
      You both made me see things differently. He’s in his summer years..
      He has everything to his advantage but I can see that he’s lonely.

      My advice..Think carefully..Pray..it’s ever too late..only you can make
      that decision.. Finding a compatible partner is important..

      Suni.. Pls excuse all the mistakes..

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 18, 07:40

      I understand your point Amaica dear … .
      I also understand the doctors point . .
      These day I’ve grown so accustomed to just being free from anyone telling me how to do things that it’s difficult to go back to compromises and giving in , especially when I fell I’m not wrong .
      I just don’t know if I’m willing to give that up for him . He will start talking marriage as soon as he returns . I expect that from him . I somehow keep thinking that I’m making a wrong choice , maybe I will meet someone better . But , what if I meet someone worse 😐 . .
      I honestly don’t know 🙂 . ..

    • Amaica
      June 18, 10:09

      Phoenix.. Morning..

      I am glad that you replied.. Nothing in life is guaranteed..
      We have to take chances.. When you start a business
      It’s after a couple years that the business prospers or fails..
      Same with marriages ..you have to work at it..
      Afreesh and SJ spoke to you at length.. You are intelligent..
      You are studying at present.. Don’t rush into anything
      until you feel it’s right from deep within. Trust those feelings.

      I will be honest with you when I married KR I never thought
      it will work out..( I didn’t know then about trusting my inner
      feelings) because he made no attempt to change his old bad
      habits..(liming) But eventually he changed and things did work out..
      But I agree it’s a difficult road to travel.. Lots of challenges to face
      In the end the stronger party always succeeds..

    • SJ
      June 18, 14:37

      I am so happy AMAICA you feel better, rest does a good job, no guilty feelling
      Thank you for you
      R care and concern, yes we had some storm, but the area we live is the most safest area
      That whole mint I was home , will leave Friday , weather us pretty good now , seems beach time but I have no time all these crazy hrs
      So we are good , thanks for care and concern, same hoes fir you to AMAICA
      Keep resting little by little have high protein and calcium diet, you will npbe better love

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 18, 19:15

      Amaica dear , I don’t like to fail at anything I do . I took a long time b4 deciding to leave him , because I didn’t want that relationship to fail .
      That’s why this time I am taking my time to be certain of my decision . .
      Thank you so very much , both you and Kris are like 2 angels on my shoulder ❤️❤️ .
      I’m always happy to hear of both of your successful marriages . It gives me a lot of hope , just like the doc. who visited you got hope from seeing you and your husband 🙂 . ..
      I’ll be fine , sorry for worrying you both . Love you guyz a whole bunch , MWAH , MWAH . ..

  3. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 17, 15:06 Reply

    Kris , once you had asked me to relate what has happened on this new QH thus far .
    I’ve writen part of a synopsis on it , on QH page for you 🙂 . .
    I’ll write the rest later .

    • Kris
      June 17, 16:07

      Thank you so much Suni, I did read today’s update after a while, and so happy that Ahil is not Tanveer’s son.
      will read your synopsis later.

  4. Kris
    June 17, 09:54 Reply

    Hey all my beautiful sisters here,
    Yesterday I got some news that is so scary for us women out there,
    This woman went for a protection order against her abusive relative,
    Both were in the court and served their respective orders, the man to stay away from the woman, as soon as they stepped out the court house, the man whipped out a weapon and chopped the woman to death!!!, so horrifying, right there in front all the people, court officials, police and all.
    A piece of paper cannot save you, so women out there, learn to protect yourself, the first indication of violence against you, possessiveness and insecurity you see in your partner, get out, run far away, don’t give them the opportunity to do things to you, protect yourself.
    Take care all.

    • Amaica
      June 17, 12:15

      Kris…This is so sad.. Poor woman..
      Under no circumstances can this be right..
      Therefore this man entered the courts armed with a weapon..
      Are there no scanners in our courts..
      Hope the authorities get serious and implement some more safety
      Measures for the safety of everyone…

      My nephew who was a magistrate in South ( he has since moved)
      had some terrible experiences with people especially when judgement
      was not ruled in their favor.

      Thanks for sharing Kris…

    • Miss Unbelievable
      June 17, 13:25

      how did he get a weapon near the courts in the first place?


      she should have poisoned him slowly all those years

      until hes weak as a kitten

      even better she should have gotten her relatives and held his ass down and beat him down until he cried to die

      God will deal with him

      no prison straight torture and death

  5. Kris
    June 16, 18:56 Reply

    Someone shared this with me, thought it was worth sharing

    A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two of the men on it were able to swim to a small, desert like island. The two survivors, not knowing what else to do, agree that they had no other recourse but to pray to God. However, to find out whose prayer was more powerful, they agreed to divide the territory between them and stay on
    opposite sides of the island.
    The first thing they prayed for was food. The next morning, the first man saw a fruit-bearing tree on his side of the land and he was able to eat it’s fruit. The other man’s parcel of land remained barren!
    After a week, the first man was lonely and he decided to pray for a wife. The next day, there was a woman who swam to his side of the land. On the other side of the island, again there was nothing!
    Soon the first man prayed for a house, clothes, more food. The next day, like magic, all of these were given to him. However, the second man still had nothing!
    Finally, the first man prayed for a ship, so that he and his wife could leave the island. In the morning, he found a ship docked at his side of the island. The first man boarded the ship with his wife and decided to leave the second man on the island. He considered the other man unworthy to receive God’s blessings, since none of his prayers had been answered.
    As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice from heaven booming, “Why are you leaving your companion on the island?”
    “My blessings are mine alone, since I was the one who prayed for them,” the first man answered. “His prayers were all unanswered and so he does not deserve anything.”
    “You are mistaken!” the voice rebuked him. “He had only one prayer, which I answered. If not for that, you would not have received any of my blessings.”
    “Tell me, O God,” the first man asked the voice, “What did he pray for that I should owe him anything?”
    “He prayed that all your prayers be answered.

    • A
      June 16, 19:56

      SJ ..I second that Amen …. Great lessons Kris…


      Lord pls answer our sister MU prayers..

      Goodnight/ Goodmorning …. My Friends..

    • Miss Unbelievable
      June 17, 13:10

      thats very touching

      lesson: share your blessings with all

  6. Miss Unbelievable
    June 16, 12:23 Reply

    FIFA CUP 2014


    Dear God please let me marry some hot latino national footballer


    God its a sin to put so much hot talented men on one team

    Jesus I cannot handle it

  7. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 15, 09:38 Reply

    Amaica dear , you must never feel that you unimportant to anyone , ok .
    Your work alone doesn’t make you valuable , your wisdom and guidance is of great importance also .
    Those who know you will value your presence much more than what you can accomplish in a day .
    So , rest your mind as well as your body please . Your probably worrying about all the work is piling up while your foot is healing . But like they say ” wok doh go in box ” 😛
    Love you and may you have a wonderful day ❤️.

    • Kris
      June 15, 10:58

      True Suni, and also “Wok doe dead”
      Suni, it is raining so work stop, don’t mind, need the rest.
      Amaica deay, yes, boil the turmeric in milk and have every night, i try but forgets. They say it is good for everything whether you are sick or not you should have it. I notice whenever i sit flat on the floor after satsangh my sciatic nerve acts up, really got to see a doc now.
      Look down every now and then nah lol 😀
      Hey SJ Afreesh and others have a fantastic week.

    • pree
      June 15, 13:48

      Thnq so much my luvly suni muah a big hug nd lots of luv to u dr 🙂 <3

    • Pḣöєиịẍ
      June 15, 13:55

      You’re most welcome my lovely preeeee 🙂 . .
      L❤️VE you too !!

    • Amaica
      June 15, 20:38

      Suni..All the work was finished dear.. So I could relax..
      Don’t worry I will bounce back soon.. Almost there..
      love you too Suni..

      Kris you’re right I have to remember to look down..I sometimes
      forget especially when I am busy..I also move very fast..
      My walking area must be free.. No step up and step down..
      No centre pieces etc.. I’m a very strange individual..

      SJ… I drank Turmeric tea last night..
      Will have some before I go to bed tonight..
      it’s highly recommended by most people..

      Afreesh I went with the family for breakfast at Ve De France..
      Marbella ..this morning.. It was really enjoyable ..KR’s treat..
      I didn’t have to entertain any of the in laws for a change..
      Took your advice.. I need to take a back seat sometimes..

      Enjoy your night / Morning..and have a fabulous week ahead..
      I thank you all for your love and support.. May God bless you all..

    • Amaica
      June 15, 21:02

      Phoenix…Love you too dear.. I am doing just that ..
      I like your phrase..Wok doh go in box.. People do..
      Will remember that next time I have work to do..

      Kris.. Sure right.. I have to practice looking down..
      I move so fast anything in my way gets knocked down..
      Or vise versa… haha..

      SJ.. I’m drinking the turmeric tea.. Taste is okay..
      Hairline fractures.. Will heal with time.. Using ibuprofen ..
      Got some bad side effects but it’s only for short term use..

      Afresh ..KR took us all out for breakfast this-morning
      Everyone had an enjoyable time.Have not cooked since..
      Took your advice.. I’m taking a back seat for now..
      Everyone will survive…

      I thank you all for the love and support you have shown..
      It meant a lot to me..

      Enjoy your night/ day and do have a fabulous week ahead..

    • Amaica
      June 15, 21:07

      Oh My… I thought I lost my first message so I did it twice..
      Sorry. ….

    • SJ
      June 15, 23:37

      Dear AMAICA how are you feelling , hairline fracture is not good need to. Take precautions
      Once it happned in my foot , I ignored it still hurts
      If it need a light plaster get it, if not try to keep that place stable don’t move too much
      If it is a fracture , pain killer just Monterey relief , but it need stable shouldn’t move
      Please take care of yourself
      We all love you, stay well , we all are blessed to have you, your wisdom, your guidance
      Your. Love , your inspiration so much means to all of us love

  8. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 15, 09:21 Reply

    Amaica , I hope that you are better dear , mwah ❤️
    Kris you are hustling and stressing yourself too much over that land dear , it’s Sunday , get some rest , mwah ❤️ .

  9. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 15, 09:19 Reply

    Happy Sunday !!! 🙂 ❤️❤️❤️

    Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening / Night !!

  10. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 15, 09:17 Reply

    Afreesh yaar , you know I’m delinquent with responding to certain things sometimes 🙂 . That movie is difficult to analyze because I can’t justify their love at all no matter how I try I can’t stop thinking that they deeply hurt the people who stood by them and in a real world scenario their spouses wouldn’t have been as understanding of their affair .

    Anyways yaar , I watched 2 episodes of Coffee with Karan .
    Please tell me which one to watch in particular .


  11. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 15, 09:12 Reply

    SJ dear , what do you think if this upcoming movie with Sidarth Malothra , Ek Villain ?


    I can’t believe Ekta is one of the producers 😀 . I’m impressed with Sidarth’s expressions , he is so much better than Varun . And Mohammad Ifran has a nice voice .

    • SJ
      June 15, 23:20

      Hello Suni
      I don’t know about the movie but all the songs are awesome
      Sidhart malhotra and shridhar kapoors both are new and very very good actor
      Sidhart malhotra was in student of the year directed by Karan Johar was a hit movie
      Sharddha kapoor was in ashqui 2 directed by mahesh bhatt won many awards
      Songs are nice I like these kind of songs

  12. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 15, 08:04 Reply

    pŕééééé ýőú áŕé áńőťĥéŕ ýéáŕ őlďéŕ áńď ýőú ĥávéń’ť ćĥáńġéď á bíť ,
    ťĥáť’ś ġŕéáť béćáúśé ýőú áŕé péŕféćť . .. júśť ťĥé w͏ɐý ýőú áŕé.
    ťĥíńkíńġ őf ýőú . .. .. őń ýőúŕ B͏!ŕťĥďáý, áN͏ď ŵíśĥíńġ ýőú áll ťĥé béśť . .. í ĥőpé íť íś áś fáN͏ʇáśťíć áś ýőú áŕé, you deserve ťĥé B͏ǝśť áN͏ď N͏őťĥíN͏ƃ léśś.

    ĥáppý bíŕťĥďáý !!! mý lővélý pŕééééé !!!!
    lővé ýőú ❤️

    • SJ
      June 15, 23:22

      Hello pree happy birthday lots of love and HAPPYNESS, many more to come love laugh stay bless

  13. SJ
    June 14, 16:17 Reply

    Dearest AMAICA I am so sorry to hear your fall, how did it happned, are you all right , any fracture or you are ok, I feel so bad, you need to take care yourself , please take some time to yourself and pamper and try to relax .these things happned when too much too do and have so much in mind
    Can’t concentrate properly, please go to dr get checked everything and take sometime to heal mently and psychially , give some time to reax yourself , my mom give me sometime haldi ( turmeric) milk to heal aches and pains
    I hope you get better Soon, with my best and love

    • A
      June 14, 16:55

      SJ… I was shopping on line.. J C P .. Got fed up ..
      Came across here and saw you.. Thanks my dear..
      Girl I was being careful.. That’s why I was checking..
      No one would expect the water to settle where it did.,
      I am a cleaning freak.. Always getting buff for cleaning..
      As Suni said .. You fell and you got up.. I know what
      she meant..everyone kept telling me to use turmeric..
      Will try some tonight.. Thanks my love..

      I must confess that I consider all of you as my own family..
      I feel very comfortable and safe here.. It’s not for sympathy..
      You guys speak the truth… You each genuinely care ..
      Love Heals..I am improving each day.. Love you all .. Bye..

    • SJ
      June 14, 18:56

      AMAICA thanks for reply, I can never think , it is for sympathy, we really I mean everyone care for each other genuinely , not knowing it hurts , it feel goid to care and share with each other and it feels really a we are family
      I love you, we all love you, please take care of yourself, somtime I don’t come on forum, if I see any of thus feel like jumping and get upset , just get on forum right away
      Please rake card get well soon best wishes

  14. Afreesh
    June 14, 09:08 Reply

    Good morning. …Good Afternoon. …Good Evening. …♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥

    Ooh Amaica I felt very sad while listening to your fall….Few days back I thought how much you work for family without taking rest. Sorry to say but I couldn’t keep mute anymore. .. why are you doing so much work, Do your loved ones happy to see you with a lot of household activities? ….Please forgive me if I touched your sentimental aspects, I can’t tolerate my fellow women to sacrifice their wellbeing in the name love or something else. Please consider my advice, give a break to your body whenever it begs for rest. …if we don’t listen to it’s tune then later we have to pay the price for our negligence.

    • A
      June 14, 11:57

      Hello Afreesh .Kris.. Suni…

      Thank you all very much for your concern and advice..
      Afresh… No one was at home .. That’s why I did it.,
      I only have to cook and wash ( w/machine and dryer)that’s all..
      To be honest ..Our helpers are so unreliable.One is suppose
      To come in this morning and cut the lawn..
      He never showed up.. KR is cutting the lawn.
      I’ll be fine. .. But I’ve to be careful in future…

  15. Kris
    June 14, 08:17 Reply

    “No one can really know God. He is not perceivable to the physical senses. Yet, many souls have attained Him. He has a very important quality of being causelessly merciful. It is only with His grace that the souls can know Him or attain Him. But, we have to do devotion to obtain this grace. Do not procrastinate, life is short and death can knock on our door any time.”

    • A
      June 14, 16:57

      Suni… It reminds me.. My SIL fell.. Never got up..

  16. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 13, 22:46 Reply

    Amaica dear you fell 🙁 . .
    I’m so sorry to hear that 🙁
    I pray for your speedy recovery . Love you ❤️

  17. Kris
    June 13, 22:41 Reply

    Oh Amaica I am so sorry to hear that my dear, I know that fall all too well, that’s how I damaged my back, my mom once had a bad fall when she was babysitting my eldest when she was a baby, could not walk for a few months well.
    So take care of yourself my dear, rest, follow docs orders.
    Yea, I always going to the NH but this time he tells me I will get the best care since that grandpa is head of the clinic, and the cousin is doc there and the entire unit at her service.
    Even in the NH there is an excruciatingly long wait to see the specialists.
    good night, morning all, have a wonderful weekend

    • A
      June 14, 17:10

      Oh my.,Sorry to hear about the Mom..
      Kris my problem is this.. I walk too fast..
      And I look up not down..Had a couple falls
      because of that.. Will I ever learn?.. Need
      God’s help here.. Tired getting buff for that..

  18. Kris
    June 13, 14:21 Reply

    World only has miseries stored for us, it’s not a negative approach! It’s very much positive, as continuous thinking of same with “healthy mindset” leads us on the path of true knowledge and finally towards Devotion. Spasmodic happiness are also bad as when they end they leave behind sorrow. So let us realise the futility of this material arena and excel in devotion.

    • Kris
      June 13, 14:25

      The devotion done with your heart and mind is the main treasure which you earn. Whenever you take God’s name with loving remembrance even once, that is your earning. No one can spoil it. No one can take it away from you.

    • A
      June 13, 15:06

      Kris.. So true…”Take one step towards me and I will take
      A thousand towards you.., ” lord Krishna..
      You know after I fell I was so vex and disappointed that He
      allowed it …. that I went to the PR and actually cried out to
      Him..I must that He heard ..

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 13, 22:48

      I don’t understand this philosophy .
      It kinda seems negative and I don’t like any teaching that champions the fact that it’s premise is negative with good reason 😐 . .

  19. Amaica
    June 13, 10:54 Reply

    Good Morning Heavenly Angels…

    Kris still cutting birthday cake..
    MU is baking her BDay cake
    SJ is in surgery
    Phoenix is just happily flying around
    Lenor…No internet in POS
    Afresh… No internet in Dubai
    Trin… Marathon Honeymoon..
    A… Humpy Dumpy had a great fall ( true )
    Raji… Pree….Apple… Others in the east … Sweet Dreams..

    • Kris
      June 13, 13:20

      Hi Amaica my dear and all others here,
      been busy busy running around all morning and week,
      Amaica, I had to go to the new teaching hospital this week
      the place nice, not too long wait, the Pharmacy is the same ole same old without some of the meds, but the wait was not long at all, it was long yea, but not very. I got my meds.
      One of the grandpas head of the department so insists I take the child to the hospital to be treated instead of private, he made me join her in the clinic, she has a little onset of bumps on her face near the nose bridge. I’ve seen some people with it and it don’t really look nice, and the poor child being called ugly by the other little children in her class because she got a tiny, very tiny little bump,not even pimple looking for some months now and it not going.
      So decided to take her to the doc for treatment before more appears.
      But the thing I noticed with the spanking brand new place is 7am and the floor is all dirty. Don’t it have night cleaners to clean, or are they saying they cleaning and no supervision, they taking money for cleaning and not cleaning, or they don’t have cleaners at all, because I did not see any MTS guards or cleaners around.
      But the place is really nice.

    • A
      June 13, 14:55

      Kris… Yes, I have heard about it… They do have clinics there… A little wait is nothing compared to a fantastic NH bill.. Sometimes one has no choice but to use the NH..like in our case..
      I’m sure everything will work out fine for her.. Poor thing..better to correct it now..
      But those children are not nice. Tell her don’t invite them to her B/ Party..
      Kris…The administration seems poor.. They should have two shifts there.. Hmmm..

      My new drama … After finishing all the cleaning I decided to wash around the
      surroundings also.. on checking to ensure that no water got into the inside
      Just when I thought everything was Okay..I slipped on some wet tiles and fell down..
      It was like skating on ice.. No control… Just down .. down.. It was so fast..
      Luckily for The Tens Unit..and God’s Mercy I am doing much better… Did not tell the son anything.. NH for sure..I had so much plans for the week end.. Got to keep myself quiet..

    • A
      June 15, 21:38

      Just realize there’s a mistake… Should be Humpty Dumpty … Sorry guys..

    • SJ
      June 11, 10:10

      Good morning my Suni darling from cloudy rainy New York love to all my forum friends

    • A
      June 12, 12:45

      Hi Phoenix … SJ.. Kris.. Afresh.. MU.. Lenor.. Trin.. Raji.. Others..

      Hope each of you are happy and healthy ..
      Love and blessings to all..

      I have read most of the post… All I can say ..
      You’ all are an exceptionally brilliant group of people..
      Keep up the outstanding level of communication…

      Thanks for being my friends.. Mwah..Mwah.. Mwah .,

  20. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 11, 06:21 Reply

    Promise Yourself

    To be so strong that nothing
    can disturb your peace of mind.
    To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
    to every person you meet.

    To make all your friends feel
    that there is something in them
    To look at the sunny side of everything
    and make your optimism come true.

    To think only the best, to work only for the best,
    and to expect only the best.
    To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
    as you are about your own.

    To forget the mistakes of the past
    and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
    To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
    and give every living creature you meet a smile.

    To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
    that you have no time to criticize others.
    To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
    and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

    To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
    not in loud words but great deeds.
    To live in faith that the whole world is on your side
    so long as you are true to the best that is in you.

    Christian D. Larson, Your Forces and How to Use Them

    • SJ
      June 11, 10:11

      Nice Suni hope we can follow so life can be better

  21. Kris
    June 10, 17:29 Reply

    Hi all, Suni, I do hope you are keeping a record of all your poems.
    Today is my baby boy birthday, all of 15 years. He is growing up so fast.
    Time to cut bday cake,
    Keep good all.

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 10, 18:39

      Please wish him Happy Birthday from me Kris . .
      May he be blessed with tremendous happiness and enormous success . ..

    • SJ
      June 10, 21:23

      Hello kriss happy birthday to your baby boy, many many more to come lots of live from aunty sj

    • A
      June 12, 12:52

      Kris… It’s never too late to wish your son Happy Birthday..
      Big hug…. Pinch on the cheeks… High five.. (Big Boy)
      .May God’s Grace and Blessings be with him always..

    • Kris
      June 10, 17:30

      Hi Raghzz seeing you often these days
      Keep good dear

  22. Raji
    June 10, 01:30 Reply

    Hi friends 🙂

    Happy birthday to MU.
    Just Live Your Life To The Maximum. Nothing More Nothing Less. 🙂

  23. SJ
    June 09, 21:09 Reply

    Hello angel AMAICA , you are so sweet, even a simple comment from you us do sweet make my day
    You are too sweet, if am gonna keep loving you like that defenately I will be a sugar patient

    Hello kriss his are you , seems you are very busy , I live your beautiful religious advise
    MU, trinty pree , raji how are you guys muss everyone so much

    Suni how are you my darling miss you too much , have a question when ever Affresh is on forum
    Allthough she us hardly here you say ” AFFRESH why you are not sleep , what are you doing so late ”
    Dint make her sleep yar , it is very hard to get hello from princess Affresh

    Affresh how are you net problem hum, do the same thing Suni made me do one time , climb up on tree
    To get net, if she loves us she would and should do that right Affresh my spiky baby

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 09, 21:46

      LMAO 😆
      SJ you are too cute 😀 . .
      I think it’s Afreesh’s plan SJ 😐 , she knows that I will send her off to bed when she comes at 2 in her morning time . .. so she comes here at that time . … so when you ask , she’ll say that she came , and Suni sent her away. . It’s her master plan SJ 😀 . ..
      And you’re correct about her , she should climb a tree to get better service , but you see , she lives in the desert . .. and although there are good looking men there 😉 , there aren’t many trees , the most she could probably climb is a tumbleweed 😆 . ..

    • Afreesh
      June 10, 01:01

      Hello hello. …it’s not a net problem actually forum problem, probably I typed incorrect word just because of my irritation yaar…just before that I lost my long message which I typed for sj regarding the unfair comparison between that giant lizard barun and GC

    • Afreesh
      June 10, 01:10

      SJ….you asked me to find stick for suni, in fact stick is waiting for you…how could you say
      Barun looks better than Gc yaar….okay, I agree Gc ‘s nature is not so good as like the role he plays in telewood. I’m also didn’t find any attractions on his personality, at the same time I should accept he is the only handsome guy in TW

    • Afreesh
      June 10, 01:28

      Suni & Sj…..I concluded something based on your comments regarding good looks…

      Tom connects charms with their talent and personality, Jerry appreciates beauty with the condition on their beautiful personal nature.

      Guys…listen when we talks about outlook, we shouldn’t mingle with other aspects because we are not selecting our partners, just trying to express our taste. …right?….haha haha

    • Afreesh
      June 10, 01:42

      Suni….I remember the subject yaar, yes we should discuss that storyline of KANK and also the judgement is reserved for the debate on salman vs sharuk…♡♥♡♥

      Let me finish the first topic…actually, I’m not concerned about the justification of their choices. I was wondering about their desires, I told you to watch it just because to notice the irrelevant or irrational decisions of two individual who were believed as soule mate.

      If we watch it carefully both of them were not happy with their partners despite the abundance
      of love which they revived. Of course they are not bad humans, even though why couldn’t they provide the same which they received from their partners

    • Afreesh
      June 10, 01:57

      I remember you mentioned, they didn’t have any justification for their choices….my question to you, why should they justify? ??…they are soule mate they couldn’t help themselves when the destiny played with their life, it was very unfortunate that they found their soule mate when it is not required or in a wrong time. Yes, they spoiled other’s life, they became self centered, they didn’t worry about the society and also their image….why???… because of the so called magical word “love”

    • Afreesh
      June 10, 02:12

      It’s not that they were hurting their partners after locating thier soul mate, in fact they had already created a hell life for them as well as for partners due to lack of love and interest. They could’ve continued their unfruitful life if they wanted materialistic life, if they worried about the society. ..but they didn’t why????…
      How did that man lead his life as a home maker when his personality doesn’t suit with it, why didn’t he find a job for himself? ??…why didn’t he accept the responsibility of a husband? ??..why didn’t he appreciate the sacrifice & love of his wife???.,

    • Afreesh
      June 10, 02:26

      The answer is very simple ” He didn’t have much interest on life, he gave up and accepted his vulnerability.
      Rani part was matching with the females who are looking for another aspects to continue their unpleasant married life. She couldn’t make out herself to love her husband who was providing abundance on emotional and material things. She might have respected his love but unable to reciprocate it. Why???…
      Human desires are odd….we can’t justify the desires of human yaar….now you tell me what do you think about soul mate theory???…

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 10, 05:58

      Wow Afreesh !! , you make me wish that I was up at 2 in the morning like you 🙂 . ..
      Here you were , while I was asleep 🙁 . ..

    • A
      June 10, 08:48

      Good Morning Dearest SJ…

      Please don’t shower me with all those nice compliments.., I’m not deserving..
      Always remember that there are two sides to a coin… Just that I like one side
      More and try my best for the coin not to flip over..thanks nonetheless .. Love you..
      Suni… I second what SJ said… .also practice makes perfect..and I do enjoy reading..
      Hi.. Afreesh… You always inspire me..
      Kris… Don’t work too hard.
      MU.. Planning a big party for the birthday I guess!,,
      Trin.. We are all missing you… Check us out whenever the time permits..
      Lenor… I told you come down South.. We solve water problems with Water Tanks.,
      Rajive… It’s so nice to see you dear…pls visit more often..
      Pree… All the best to you and your better half..
      A… Will be busy all day long… Cleaning… Washing… Cooking.. Grocery..
      Have a blessed day my friends…I

    • SJ
      June 10, 10:27

      Affresh dear your intellegence is out of my reach, either you are getting too wild or extremely smart .i know we can’t match your talents
      I knew your are very smart ,
      If you watch iPkknd barun and sanya , tell you yoy will fell in love, a love and hate , hillarious and sad story, fell in love with it
      Barun is a better acter with a very handsome personality , he is very good looking yar
      How can you say that yar, he is better looking than GC hum.. You confused me need to think twice , barun is defenately better looking , you hurt my feelling calling him lizard man…

      You have analize my and suni’s,s discription how about you baby doll
      Well spike has stormy personality, I think too much brain ,to wise , a great adviser , solve problem in a very realistic way , no wonder everone misses her

      Affresh dear I get bored very easily, I like GC , than some How I got into gautum rohed, than I got
      In to Ashish kapoor, than Ashish SHARMA, rajat tokas in jodha akbar my fav show , now i am in to barun, I read so much about him , you can fell in love very easily after you get yo know him
      Very charming , I tell you if i find guy like baraun, will marry even without thinking
      Defenately he is better looking and a better actor GC

      Suni I was laughing on your comment , Affresh is back feel so good seeing her in the forum
      She is scolding me in the comparison GC and barun, I am sticking in barun, I know you gonna SIde with Affresh , how can she call him lizard yar
      Hum again I feel alone

      Another we don’t have to let Affresh succeed in her plan , she will keep getting away if you keep sending her to bed
      Suni I type so quick and in between classes , so many auto correct plrolem ans spelling errors and even word completely changes, please dint mind, try to get my point yar, I don’t hi back and check it again

    • SJ
      June 10, 17:13

      Affresh one mire time my barun is not big giant lizard , he is cute, vibrant sexy guy with good scence of humor , say it one time you are agree, what you think Suni

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 10, 18:44

      🙄 ,hmm SJ , I don’t know . . He is okish , not bad looking . .
      And Afreesh , I understand your point about me finding guys good looking because of their personalities , but honestly yaar , Manan Vohra is handsome I think and I don’t really care to know his personality 😀 . .

  24. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 09, 19:08 Reply

    So , I was just playing around with words, thinking about our society , and I came up with these :

    In a magical land very far beyond ,
    Exists a place where no reason can be found .
    Though learned men walk on every street ,
    Never an honest one , would you meet .
    There exists only one way ;
    his and her way
    Everyone has something to say .
    But no one listens to the other
    They think it’s just too much of a bother .


    The tree that forgets that it has roots in the ground
    Will reach too high , then one day it will fall down
    Because it’s from the earth that water flows
    And no matter how high the mighty tree grows
    It can never ever drink from the sky
    A tree that forgets its own roots shall surely die .

    • SJ
      June 09, 21:11

      Wow a gifted poet name Suni have been born , didn’t relize before

  25. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 09, 18:17 Reply

    Amaica , good people like yourself should never ever consider quitting . ..
    LOL , nice one , AC is having net troubles 😀 . .

    • Amaica
      July 25, 12:35

      Love poems Suni.. I look forward reading your
      Publications some good day and I’ll hail to all and say
      Harray !! Wha Wha !! Well done!! I know her…from PVivah.

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