Punar Vivah 13th August 2012 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 13th August 2012 Written Update by DesiTVBox.com

Episode starts with everyone at beach. Aarti asks kids if they can catch her and they run behind her. Kids come to Yash and tell them mum runs so fast and tell him to catch her. Aarti says he won’t be able to catch her and reminds how he lost in morning. Kids force Yash. Yash goes is it so? Let me show you then. Servant takes kids away and Yash is running behind Aarti now.

After running a lot, Yash finally catches Aarti. Yash is holding her hand and says I caught you, now show me if you can run. Aarti starts shouting, ‘Save me, save me. See how he’s giving line on me’. People gather around and ask him to leave her hand. Yash leaves her hand and tell everyone, she is my wife, first ask her. Aarti has ran away already and she says from there yes he is my husband. Yash again runs behind her and catches her. This time they fell on ground. Both are lying down and laughing. read full updates with pictures only at . Aarti suddenly says, “I love you. I really love you a lot Yash ji”. All smile disappears from Yash’s face. He has an angry and shocked look at her. Aarti then starts laughing and says look at your face. You got trapped. Yash is still serious. Aarti asks him to say something and says she was just joking. Yash stands up and says kids must be waiting for us. Aarti says yeah let’s go. Yash leaves from there. Aarti then says, I wish you could hear the truth behind this lie. I wish some magic make all this true.

Back to Mumbai’s home. Aarti is writing a letter that how changed after coming to Mumbai. How she started feeling happy all of a sudden, even mirror says to her that she wasn’t like this before. She asks what should I call this? Season’s magic or something else? She says yes, ‘I have fallen in love with Yash ji and I have passed first test today. I feel like shouting and tell everyone that I am in love but I can’t do this now. I will have to share this feelings with diary’s blank pages only for now’. She then says she can see changes in yash and she will be able to fulfill her promise that she gave to Gayatri very soon. She hopes Yash start loving life again, and that’s her only wish. She then goes to sleep.

Yash is sleeping already and she is looking at him and smiling. Aarti sleeps now. They have a pillow in between them. Aarti turns and her legs go on Yash’s legs. Yash wakes up and moves his legs away. He then sees Aarti sleeping with a diary. He forwards his hand to take the diary but right then Aarti opens her eyes and Yash turns. Aarti gets up and says Thank God he didn’t read else her trip would end right here. She puts it away.

It’s morning now. Yash opens his eyes first and looks at Aarti’s face. Aarti also opens her eyes now and looks at him. Both suddenly get up right away. Yash says he will go to kids room and leaves.

Break 1..

Yash is sitting outside. Aarti comes there and says something has stuck in her hair and says she will have to get a haircut. Yash says there is no need to cut this beautiful long hair. Aarti then asks him to help her as she can’t see it. Yash says it’s a chewing gum. Aarti says there is only one way to remove chewing gum. She would need ice so chewing gum gets solid and easy to remove. Yash brings ice and puts in her hair. Cold water fall on Aarti’s back and Yash wipes it after thinking a lot. Finally chewing gum is removed. Before Aarti thanks him, he has left already.

Break 2..

Aarti is looking at mirror and trying out a pant by keeping it on her legs. Yash comes there and stares at her in a weird way. Aarti says she was just checking which clothes look better on her because they are going pub tonight. Yash says pub? Aarti says you came to Mumbai many times so must have went there as well. But it’s first time for her and she obviously can’t wear a dress. Aarti says she also wants to see pub and asks him not to say no.

She requests him. Yash remembers about him asking Arpita to go with him. But he says to Aarti that he has no interest in going to a pub. Aarti says but Yash ji.. Yash says to her, you don’t have to argue in everything. Aarti has a sad face.

Episode ends..

Precap: Aarti is in a saaree in a Maharastrian way and dancing on a stage with a group of people.


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  1. Aynaz
    August 08, 17:30 Reply

    my favorite serial punar vivah❤️

  2. A
    August 13, 22:21 Reply

    Getting better

  3. puja
    August 14, 08:40 Reply

    pls uplaod pics as soon as possible

  4. Rabiya
    August 14, 08:33 Reply

    Hi d chemistry btwn yash n aarti was amazing go gyes

  5. lita
    August 14, 08:31 Reply

    pls upload some more photos 🙁

  6. shree
    August 14, 08:29 Reply

    loved 2days epi…. <3 <3

  7. vani
    August 14, 08:06 Reply

    nce epi…….loved it <3 <3

  8. Nexi Vino
    August 14, 00:48 Reply

    I think Yash is going to fall for Aarthi soon, bcoz the way he looked at her in the morning seems to be like that.

  9. aarti
    August 13, 19:50 Reply

    Wowwwwww I loved it and enjoyed it

  10. Anonymous
    August 13, 14:10 Reply

    I wish yash reads de diary but acts as if he didn’t at least by next week or week after he might read it becoz he has an eye in it normally wen he finds sth different he wants 2 know wat its about.

  11. Anonymous
    August 13, 14:02 Reply

    Yash’s curiousity of the diary will rise when he begins to fall in love with Aarti

  12. Aarti
    August 13, 13:57 Reply

    nice episode thanks for update

  13. Aarti
    August 13, 13:41 Reply

    why pictures till midnight

    • moderator
      August 13, 13:43

      my midnight which is an hour or so from now

  14. anonymous
    August 13, 13:36 Reply

    I think yash will end up reading that diary n then all the drama will begin

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