Punar Vivah 18th October 2012 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 18th October 2012 Written Update by DesiTVBox.com

Punar Vivah 18th October 2012 Written Update

Episode starts with Aarti saying everyone that doctor suggested her to abort the child and if she doesn’t do that then her life could be on risk. Yash gets worried, but Aarti says, no yash ji.. I want to give birth to this child.. I am a mother and mother gives life not take it away. She says, I will put my life on risk but I will give birth to this child. No matter what doctor says, but I will give life to this child. I will give birth to our Aarya, she says to Yash. She holds his hand and says, I need your support, please don’t leave me. Yash gives her a hug.

Back to the hospital, Shobha is getting worried and her husband is just staring at her. She asks, why are you looking at me like this? He says, I am looking at desperation/pain of a mother. No matter how tough a woman is from outside, when a mother sees her child in problems.. she melts down. He says, everything will be fine. We won’t let anything happen to our Prashant. Doctor comes there. Shobhaji asks what happened to Prashant. Doctor says, until we don’t get all report.. we can’t say anything.

Back to Yash’s house. He says to Aarti, I understand and I respect you, but you shouldn’t continue your pregnancy. I don’t want to and I can’t even try to put you on a risk. Aarti says, I want to give birth to this child.. this is sign of our love.. it identifies our relationship. She says, I will take you to the doctor. He said, there is a solution for this case.. an operation. You may or may not succeed but I will take this chance. Doctor needs your permission to start this operation.. please come with me Yash ji. Vidhi says to Aarti, for God sake be practical.. what if anything happens to you. Aarti says, you’re a mother too na bhabhi. You know how amazing feeling it is to be a mother.. God has given this to women, then how can I abort this child? Pankaj says, it’s time to think with brain, not heart. You have three wonderful kids.. I know this decision is difficult, but it’s not right to play with your life. Buaji shouts and asks, what has happened to all of you?

Back to the hospital. Shobhaji is in a shock knowing Prashant is diagnosed with cancer. Her husband asks doctor, what are you saying? Doctor says, this is the truth that Prashant has got cancer and it’s in advanced stage. I am very sorry to say that he has only some time left. Maybe 2-3 months, that’s it. Shobhaji is blanked out and thinking about how Prashant said he can’t take this loneliness anymore and asked her to allow him to stay with them. She has tears in her eyes.

On the other side, Buaji says, you all are talking like this in this new generation? Those days are gone when there were no hospitals, no doctors, and women still were giving birth to child taking lots of pain.. and sometimes they were giving up their lives too. I agree that Aarti will have little pain and her life could be on risk too, but we will do her best treatment. Thanks to God we have everything unlike Aarti’s house who would not be able to afford treatment cost. Yash’s father shouts, MAYA. Buaji says, I am just saying all this because Gayatri is so desperate for this kid. Even after huge operation, she is getting fine so fast. And she wants to come right now to hug Aarti and her grandson. What will happen to Gayatri when she finds out that her grandson is not anymore. Her condition will get even worse. She asks Yash’s father to make a final decision between Scindia family’s bahu or son, as he is the head of this house.

Yash’s father says, it’s true that Gayatri and I prayed days and nights for Yash-Aarti’s kid and that’s why our decision would be in favor of this child. But it’s not only about what we want.. The question is whether child will come out as healthy. It’s not about only Aarti’s life..it’s about both mother and child’s lives. Neither me nor anyone else from this family can take any decision about this. He says to Yash and Aarti, only you two will have to make this tough decision and that too after thinking a lot. I just want to tell you two that you don’t have to make any decision in any pressure.. make a decision that you two think is correct and which is best for your kids. And I promise you that whatever decision you make, whole family will be with you. Yash and Aarti stare at each other.

Break 1..

Prashant’s parents come to see him. He’s unconscious. Shobha ji says, what kind of mother I am? My son was so ill and I had no clue about it. She says, but we won’t let anything happen to you prashant. We will admit you to the biggest hospitals and give you the best treatments.. We will spend everything that we have but we won’t let anything happen to you. Prashant’s father also says, we won’t let anything happen to Prashant. He says he talked with a cancer specialist doctor already and they have an appointment tomorrow. He says, there is a saying.. world lives on hopes. Shobha ji is crying and leaving from there, but Prashant holds her hand and stops her.

Prashant opens his eyes and says, don’t have tears for me. I have bothered you a lot. I have hurt you two a lot and I am paying for that now. Shobha ji says, why are you saying like that? That day I did your sharth (thing that you do after someone dies) even though you were alive.. but now this same mother will fight with death for your life. You will stay in front of my eyes living happily until my last breath.. and this is a promise of a mother to her son.

Break 2..

Yash and Aarti are in their room. Yash reads the reports and says, I am not a doctor but it says clearly in your reports that this pregnancy is very risky for you. Aarti says, this report is of when I was too stressed. But since we met, I am not stressed anymore. I am very happy and I take care of myself. I am sure that there is no complication now. Aarti then bends down to get something but Yash stops her and give it to her. Aarti then asks Yash to go to the doctor with her. She says, we will do all tests again and I am sure everything will be fine. At least, come to the doctor with me.

At the hospital, Prashant says because of his illness.. his 2nd wife left him. He says, I tried a lot to stop her but she didn’t stop. I wish she was with me in this tough time, then I would be able to fight with death. He asks Shobha ji, why maa I am so alone? I can’t take this loneliness anymore. I have made many mistakes in my life.. will I have to pay for my mistakes my entire life by dying in pain alone like this? Shobha ji kisses his hand.

Episode ends.


Precap: Ansh, Yash, and Aarti are in a room. Ansh asks Aarti to select one of his two hands. In one hand, he says, it’s happiness and the other .. sadness. Aarti chooses one. Ansh says, what did you do? This hand had sadness.

Pics will be added short after update is done

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  1. mkkbp fan
    October 19, 13:09 Reply

    great episode… aarti is such a great mom she is going to give birth to her child …… muje ye pasant hai… i am sorry for my wrng typing of hindi because i am used to dutch pleas forgive oke πŸ™‚

  2. xxx
    October 19, 02:50 Reply

    in our city lot of power cut. as a working woman i couild not even watch the day time recaps. if the serial recaps telecasted on sundays i will be more happy. the story is good now. but it is all fate such a power cut. 18 hours power cut per day.

  3. Gauri
    October 19, 02:35 Reply

    Luved 2days episode. . . Hope that Yashji will take care of Aarthiji forever. . . I kindly request PV not to add prashant in Aarthi’s life bcoz he is a mess. He doesnt know what is right and wrong for him. Hope that Shobhaji tells the truth to Yashji thus clearing all the confusion. . . I cant understand why dere is a need for Aarthiji and Shobhaji to hide the truth from Yashji. . . Yashji has already accepted Aarthiji so this is the high time 2 tell the truth. . . Otherwise Yashji will loose trust on Aarthiji if he comes to know the same from outsiders. . . Main Yashji aur Aarthiji ko hamesha ek dusre ke saath dekhna chahti hun. . . Hope that there are no complications in Aarhiji’s pregnancy. . . I m desperately waiting for todays episode. . . <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 πŸ™‚

  4. nisha
    October 19, 01:59 Reply

    wow the episode is so wonderful and I’m really eager to see this yash and not the anger one…this DESITVBOX website is awe some their written episode is so clear and fast updating they follow exactly what happen in the episode. Good and keep it up and thank to the updater.

    • Suni
      October 19, 08:14

      Agreed , they do a great job .

  5. Anonymous
    October 18, 21:19 Reply

    Pankaj is very correct..

    “Its time to think with BRAIN not HEART”

    Arti will doing abortion, if pregnancy is very difficult..

  6. rk madhubala fan
    October 18, 17:59 Reply

    There is a lot going on now in PV
    1. I know that Yash somewhere loves Aarti but rather than giving her mixed messages like “I”ll try to be a good hubby and keep you happy” I would really like to hear him tell Aarti that “Aartiji, I love you”
    2. I understand both Aarti and Yash regarding their decision on wether to keep or abort the child. But Aarti should not forget that she can’t only think about Ayu, she has 3 other lovely kids who really need her in their lives
    3. I just hope that this whole Prashant thing does not affect Aarti’s marriage. We all know how emotional women can get( take shobhaji for ex) . If Aarti starts feeling quilty/pity for her ex husband and the Scindia family find out about him, I don’t think anyone will be able 2 save her marriage. A man can deal with anything except his wife with another man.

    4. Seeing Pari acting all normal everyday like nothing happened really creeps me out. How can one be so calm after killing someone (even if it’s an accident)

    Well let’s all hope for the best

    • SJ
      October 18, 20:36

      Yash still confuse about his feeling for arthi
      The way he looks at her, the way he treated before
      He is confused and giving mix message , so don’t know he lives
      Hs kid or arthi too

  7. roxana
    October 18, 17:21 Reply

    I do feel sorry for Prashant’s illness but irrespective of that it should not come in the way of Aarti and Yash’s life. Well Prashant is married too and more over he left Aarti high and dry I don’t think Aarti should worry about him or feel guilty, she should concentrate more on being a loyal wife and a mother to Yash and his children. Does not matter how much time Prashant has that is his problem, she should not get involved cause she is somebody else’s wife now. That is our Indian culture and tradition to standby your husband and immediate family and not run back to your ex husband, society will never accept it no matter however soft and kindhearted you are.

  8. hauwa
    October 18, 17:09 Reply

    9z episode @afresh i knw yash will eventually fall 4 aarti but didn’t expect him to accept the child since he tot of the night the spent together as a sin.

    • afreesh
      October 19, 03:15

      Yes it’s true …..Arthi as well as we all are not expected that he will accept d child. But he took d child matter easily & constantly said how can I don’t accept my baby…..this is what alarmed me and made me to think that he is trying to be a responsible & caring & loving hubby and still he doesn’t admit atleast to himself that he is in deep love with Arthi not suddenly from long time back and without her there is no life exist to him…..may be it will take time for him to acknowledge d above

  9. SJ
    October 18, 16:41 Reply

    it makes me sad, to think Arthi’ ‘s problem are not over yet
    now all of a sudden Shobhajee’s love will take place for her son
    She wants to save her son on any cost, Prsant would like to have his have his family back, shobhajee who we’re showing she is so strong and is at Arthis side will weaken for her son and would emotionally
    Black Arthi, Yash and his family will find out about the truth about Arthis divorce, when Arthi will find out about Prsant condition , she willbe double mind Prsantand yash, she is a kind person and without
    Thinking and knowing Prashant is going to die ,she will try to be his
    Side, a misunderstanding will take place between arthi yash andhisfamily off course buajee will put butter in fire and will characterize arthi. About her character.she is going through her own health and emotion herself, she aid not have a week to be in love and in Yash arm to feel her love with him and this bomb will burst. Prashant is not going to die, he did not join PV for just a short roll I liked Adesh Choudhry , I do not know why e has such a small roll
    Let hope arthi and Yash take care of each other and can stay in love for a while,

  10. Anonymous
    October 18, 16:28 Reply

    Fuck the pple who have disliked my coment

    • SJ
      October 18, 16:45

      No absuve language please. Be good, stay n cntrol

  11. Punar Vivah
    October 18, 15:59 Reply

    Wowwwww…. today’s episode was nice. We finally know that Yash does love Aarti for Aarti and not because she is pregnant. I think the baby is going to be okay, but what’s up with Prashant? Suddenly he has cancer, what the heck? I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s episode, it seems good.

  12. Arya lover
    October 18, 15:25 Reply

    some huge spoilers for Aryaa fans!! The latest development in Punar Vivaah is a Romantic Sequence between the leads. Yash who now knows about Aarti’s Pregnancy and the complications associated with it will decide to cheer Aarti up and thus plan a surprise Dinner for her. Yash wants the evening to be special, and goes out of his way to make it’s a special and memorable one. Yash will be shown showering all his love and care on Aarti who he has now accepted as his wife, his Jeevan Sangini with full heart which will be the highlight of the episode. For this special Sequence the gorgeous Kratika Sengar will be seen donning a β€œBlack” Saree and Yash will be seen sporting White. The evening will turn out to be a really wonderful one but here is the tricky part amidst all this happenings Aarti will be reminded of her similar past moments with her ex-Husband Prashant. The coming week will be a treat for all PV viewers who have been dying to see some romantic and happy moments between their favorite Jodi Yash-Aarti.

    • nisha
      October 19, 01:53

      hi arya lover, can i know where u got the arya romance sequence will be held next week episode? whc website? u saw it or read the upcoming one? please let me know eager to see it!

    • Arya lover
      October 19, 07:40

      on the facebook page called Punar Vivah!! That is where i saw the spoilers πŸ™‚

    • nisha
      October 19, 13:29

      thank u dear…

  13. afreesh
    October 18, 15:03 Reply

    Hi Suni… though we are very glad about yash lovable changes somewhere inside me there was huge confussion going on without answer…..I think today episode cleared

    Eventhough yash doesn’t confess his love by words we believe that he freely started falling for Arthi without any guilt & obsession .

    1 . He promised that he’ll try to give her all the happiness (Try????? Trying a best hubby and being a best hubby is different things know?)

    2. Whenever he takes care for Arthi ( my mind was bothering who is showered by love Arthi or Ayu ?…)

    3. He knew very well that Arthi love him deeply and also she confessed to him many times despite of his rejection . But Yesterday’s episode he vigorously encouraged her to say it…. so he doesn’t like to confess himself (why????)

    4. He became a funny & teasing husband….ok fine!!! (Why he teased about her collision with wall while she adored him…..So he is very proud that his wife is dying for him????

    Anyway, today’s episode cleared that Yash needs ARTHI than AYU….His facial expressions and body language and his constant rejection words delivered his love

    SUNI …..I just like to discuss with you. Pls share your feelings

    • Anonymous
      October 18, 21:58

      Hi Afreesh πŸ™‚ I got home late :(. I think that Yash is doing the best he can considering how far he has come . He is smiling now and is very much aware of , not only Aarti, but everyone else around him . The change ,as you said once before , was occurring slowly within him. He is still moving forward cautiously .Yash was prepared to spend his life with one woman, whom he was very comfortable with . He may be a macho man , but he seems shy around Aarti . He got all flustered when he thought she was going to say I love you :)… . He doesn’t yet know how to vocalize those words to another woman . He used to tease Arpita as well and it is one of the ways he uses to express his feelings .Actions speak louder than words , and Yash is a man of action πŸ™‚ …..He is a perfect gentleman and I had full faith in him , that he would want what is best for Aarti ;even if it means losing the baby . I don’t believe that he wants to lose another wife especially not one as perfect as Aarti . Also interesting, to me , is the parallel stories, of Shoba and Aarti ,both experiencing a mother’s pain . No loving mother wants to lose her child .Maybe the writers want Aarti to understand when Prashant is accepted by Shoba .

    • Suni
      October 18, 23:01

      Hi Afreesh πŸ™‚ . Sorry yarr , I got home late πŸ™ .. . Aarti has accomplished a Herculean task , by turning Yash into the man he is now . His behaviour has changed , not only towards Aarti , but towards his entire family . Yash has only loved Arpita before … Though he may be a macho man , he seems shy around Aarti . He was all flustered at the thought of her saying “I love You ” . Not because he doesn’t want to hear it , but because he doesn’t yet know how to vocalize those words to another woman .He used to tease Arpita as well , I guess it is one of the ways he expresses his love . Actions speak louder than words , and Yash is a man of action ! He is capable of very intense love .He has accepted Aarti as his wife and , he knows well how to be a good husband .I had full faith that he would choose Aarti over the baby . He does not wish to lose another wife ,especially one as perfect as Aarti . Like you rightly said before , changes occurred slowly within him . Look at how far he has come from the man he used to be . … love has rekindled the love within him and that fire will only burn brighter in episodes to come .

    • Suni
      October 18, 23:06

      Would you believe that the 1st time I sent that , it did not get sent πŸ™ ! I had to type it over and forgot most of what I said at first . ( kinda tired , long day . Sorry for the two responses πŸ™ .

    • afreesh
      October 19, 03:39

      THANKS SUNI….I was awaiting 4 your reply. Whatever you said It’s all are practical fact about yash….fine

      Now we should make out d calculation of yash love ( is it 80%????)

      His teasing actually bothered me …but you convinced by Arpita (I don’t remember any incident that he teased her while she gave him adorable look) I feel like he is completely seeing Arthi in different eyes inspite of thinking her as a wife he sees her as a lover….( whatever he admires on her attitude is coming out as a teasing comment ????) May be he is experiencing unique love feelings which can’t be concluded even by himself…..

      Anyhow we are going to have nice time with this couple atleast for few days….enjoy

    • Suni
      October 19, 07:03

      I do believe Afreesh , that you are right. I understand your concern . I did not like the way he snapped Aarti out of her stare when they were both staring at each other on an episode a few days back . It was as though he was still in control of his emotions while Aarti is completely lost .He hasn’t moved much in your estimation , I remember you saying that he was 60% stuck before he found out about the baby , so that meant 40% love , now he is at 80% you think .We want yo see a Yash madly in love , shouting out to the world , all google eyed right ? Your concern is that his love seems forced not natural ? As though he has accepted his faith . Aarti fell in love with no encouragement from him . She admired the man that is Yash . She fell despite herself , she fought against it and eventually admitted defeat . I think we have not been allowed , by the writers , to see how that transisson came about in Yash . That is why there is doubt . At which point did he realize that Aarti is his world ? Why doesn’t he silently observe and be amazed by her ? When Aarti put Prashant behind her Yash became her everything . I agree 80% . I don’t think that Yash has come to that point as yet . The writers have not yet allowed the 100% we are waiting for .

    • afreesh
      October 19, 08:44

      Suni last time I gave 60% for his hidden love and 40% for stuckness ..( until birthday party) .

      Yes…. I very badly disturbed that yash is forced to accept Arthi as his wife through AYU (you are deeply catching my feelings yaar ….wow I’m impressed by u). But , I strongly believe that ARTHI has remarkable place in his heart from d begining & it was growing smoothly and steadily . Eventhough we analysed d creator’s point of view towards AYU chapter still I’m wondering is that child entry only can make d man to melt and realise or responsive ?…or this is d message for the remarried couples those who stuck in past memories especially like yash need such force in their life???? We should always remember that these two characters are basically emotional idiots who can’t think & take decisions practically…..so creating bond to these idiots may be necessary…..fine

      Let us discuss about ARTHI’s love ….. Arthi believes love is not only romances & intimacy despite it is caring,supporting , accepting, trusting, sheltering, respecting, selfless…etc when she found it from yash she become surrendered without any second opinion. When d situations & time forced her to confess it to him….she did it …. ( most of d man can’t appreciate such motherly love of a female….this is may be d reason for prashand ‘s rejection on her love & he was happy with other female but yash is a right man for Arthi) whatever she really wanted from a man was received l yash with emptiness (without love) .That’s why she tried enough to continue her relationship with yash just b’cos she got her priorities from him….

      As you said ….yash side is not disclosed by the writers…… I think d love balance 20% is not stuckness only hesitations. It need to be removed by healthy way …..let’s see

    • Suni
      October 19, 08:55

      Afreesh you made me go look at old Arpita flashbacks πŸ™‚ I wish I had a symbol to indicate me shaking my head :):) . Now I am convinced that you are right . There was the scene where Arpita wore dress and was not confident about it. From what I remember( scene was in Hindi ) Yash had teased her and said stay home and he would go alone and find a woman in a mini dress πŸ™‚ . Arpita said with with confidence that that could never be done ,because her name only is written on his heart . Aarti does not yet have that confidence πŸ™ . The other flashback , where Arpita ironed his shirt ( he used to wear such beautiful colors ) , was such an intimate and powerful scene . The love between Arpita and Yash , was almost tangible and it touched us . Those writers are cheating us when it comes to Yash and Aarti . I am getting kinda angry now . I hope the upcoming episodes brings us the magic we are longing for .

    • afreesh
      October 19, 09:06

      Don’t worry Suni…there is lot of things on d way….pls go through myedunia & punarvivah Facebook page there is many sbb segments for their romance scene . And I have given 80% after watching those scenes….

    • Suni
      October 19, 09:16

      Thanks yaar for bringing me back to the present . I am as bad as Yash , remembering Arpita πŸ™ . I am going to look forward the 100 % . I expect it to be amazing when that happens . I will need to buy more paper towels to wipe my happy tears πŸ™‚ .

    • SJ
      October 18, 17:00

      New Prsant (Veenet Raina ) is very good looking and much better acter than old Prsant (Server AHUJA) new Prsant ‘s acting is very nice and very natural and full of emotion.

  14. jia sabharwal
    October 18, 14:08 Reply

    I thnk no harm gng 2 unborn child harm 4m prashant thats y sadnes cm 4m ansh hand.

    • SJ
      October 18, 17:16

      Maybe not, but I do not know , writter will show Arthi and Yash are
      Parents of four children that is kind of too much they are so young.. arthi should tell Yash about Prsant As soon as possible, god forbid , If Yash and family find out about Prsant their own and Arthi loose baby, here you go again relationship will
      Be back to square one. dubeje and SHOBHA should tell Arths in law
      That This is not Arthis fault, frist she did not know , you di not know secondly when she find out , you are unaware of her divorse , we stop
      Her not to tell you, because we want her to we’d nd have a happy life for herself and for Ansh.
      so storyline could be turn either way

  15. mubs
    October 18, 14:07 Reply

    wow…..yash hugged arti.

  16. suki
    October 18, 13:51 Reply

    yash wants arti to be with him… he wont let anything happens to arti:) he loves her alot……

  17. Anonymous
    October 18, 13:47 Reply

    srsly y does someone dislik other’s comments without any rason

    • lala
      October 18, 13:48

      do u have a problem!

  18. ArVi Lover
    October 18, 13:46 Reply

    Aaw! Yash hugged Aarti! These are the times that I’d die to be in her place. As for Miss ‘Mere bhagwaan ki kasam'(buaji) she needs to get over her misery and stop being jealous of Aarti. Love ArYa!

  19. Anonymous
    October 18, 13:43 Reply

    I think the story line is going on well…..

  20. Yusra
    October 18, 13:42 Reply

    What kind of woman is this buaji…. She has no human sympathy in ha at all…

    • SJ
      October 18, 13:59

      May be buajee bhagwan is from hell, that is why she think so creepy
      Tha is why I hate “dhongy ” people

    • Gauri
      October 19, 02:52

      I Hate Buaji. . . She is acting like typical old woman in the modern world. . . Woh sirf jhuthi bahgwaan ki kaasam leena janthi hai. . . Use pehelein ghar se bhar nikalna chahiye. Woh sirf kanafusi hi karna janti hai. I hate buaji

  21. Ayu
    October 18, 13:33 Reply

    That Raabta song was frm d movie “Agent vinod”

    • Angel
      October 18, 13:40


  22. Angel
    October 18, 13:31 Reply

    hey can anyone plz tell me which movie the song in yesterday’s episode is from?

    • Arya fan
      October 18, 13:35

      Hi angel the song is 4m da movie agent vinod. The song is named raabta.

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