Punar Vivah 2 12th June 2013 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 2 12th June 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Punar Vivah 2 12th June 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: In the car
Gaurav looks at divya’s burnt hand, which is a sign that she shouldnt do this. Divya gets a director’s call, who tells her that she’s in bhopal, and he too is and wants to come meet her. He tells that they heard about her marriage cancelled, and wants her to come back to the TV, if not for a daily soap, then a reality show, which are very popular. Hearing the name of reality show, Divya gets an idea.

Scene 2:
Location: Jagotia’s residence
While sarita is working, she looks at raj, and thinsk that she’s being courageous in getting Divya in the house, to get raj’s love for herself. she thinks that she would do anything to get his love as a husband.

Sohan comes and starts taunting Raj, for working on himself too, just like he’s working on the fan. He says that he needs a woman in his life. raj shows his anger by breaking the fan. as raj is about to go, sohan stops him saying that he’s the father, and talking from experience, he should atleast listen to what he has to say to his son. He asks Raj not to cry over love, as its not becoming of a man, as he can attain that in a second, and asks to take an example from him, who has more age yet two woman, one for the household, one for his pleasure, and has the best of both worlds. He asks Raj, if he is impotant. Sohan asks raj to just name the woman who he would want to ignite his manhood, and he would have her in his feet anytime. he says that he just needs the proof of Raj’s manhood. raj breaks the fan and gets very angry. Sarita hears this and is tensed.

Hearing the doorbell ring, Raj opens the door to find Divya waiting outside, and is very shocked. Sohan sees this and is surprised that choti bahu is in their house, and goes to call sundari, the younger wife or rather the mistress, as she woulod be very happy. sarita also rushes upto him. raj thinks that he knew that she would come to Raj, and his wait wont be in vain, that why she came to him, leaving her marriage. they both enter into a romantic eyelock. he caresses her cheeks, while she is teary eyed. they are interrupted, when sohan comes in barging along with his family. Sohan’s wife exclaims that she came again. The younger daughter and the fatso tell him that she had come here also. raj is surprised and asks her if she came earlier too to meet him, and asks that she has come to meet him again. Raj says that he thought what not, seeing her getting married, but actually she came for him. But before he can complete, Divya crosses him and says that he isnt here as Divya Malhotra, but to greet this family as Choti Bahu, as the bahu of this house has won the contest, and has gotten a chance to spend some time with her, and calls in her camera crew. Raj is surprised while his family is happy out of their wits. shiela comes in asking which contest is she talkinga bout, and they dont know about any such contests. Divya saya that there was one such contest. Before she can complete, Raj holds her back and asks why has she come here. Divya again ignores him, and says that Sarita had given the best slogan on marital relationship. She tells the poetry that supposedly Sarita had given her. Granny compliments sarita for this, and asks sohan’s wife to respect sarita more, as the world is now doing. Sohan butts in, saying that he is the head of the family. He, along with the family welcome Divya into the house. Divya says that she just came for the announcement of the results, and the contest starts tomorrow. She informs them that she would stay with them for the next one month, hearing which they are very happy. After divya leaves with her camera crew, raj is highly confused and surprised, that she came here for the contest. sarita wonders if raj got to know that sarita got her to come, then there would a big problem, and hopes that raj doesnt know this.

In her room, Shiela asks why is sarita doing all this, in her room. sarita is in denial. Sarita tries to make her see why is she right in calling divya to their home. Shiela reminds her that she shouldnt do the same mistake that her mother did. sarita says that when she had called, she didnt hink so much. shiela asks him to see what is raj facing, and that this story would only rekindle the past, that would destroy her future with raj, due to divya’s past with him. Sarita tries to tell her that Divya is engaged. Shiela tries to tell her that for TV personalities, changing partners is like changing clothes, and they dont give much importance to relationships. Sarita tries to tell her that not all people are alike, and some are good and some bad. She says that she doesnt want to discuss this anymore. Shiela asks her not to repeat the mistake that her mother did, and not let another sundari come in this house. Shiela leaves, but sarita is tensed.

Scene 3:
Location: In the car
Divya tries to explain her reason for this drama, to gaurav. Guarav says that he isnt bothered what the world would say, but about her and what would she do, when the family and particularly raj finds out that there’s no such contest, as it would come out eventually. Divya says that she isnt bothered about that. He says that the media would splash this news. she says that she would stay away from the media. She apologizes for this irrational anger, and that he is just to be angry at her. He says that he’s just concerned for her. He asks what if raj cant control his heart. divya asks him not to worry as she has more faith on him, than even herself. Realising her msitake, she faces an awkward pause with Gaurav, while they both look away from each other.

Scene 4:
Location: Raj’ shop
Raj remembers what happened, and Divya’s statements. Sohan happily asks raj why didnt he tell that they were in the same college. He says that he would welcome her grandly in the house, and goes to make preparations. Raj is determined that he wont sit in peace till he finds out what is divya upto and her purpose of coming in this house, as she might lie to others, but not her, as he knows that Divya has come for him only.

Scene 5:
Location: Jagotia’s mansion
The daughters are gushing about Choti Bahu’s arrival in the house. shiela comes in and reminds them to finish the work that Sohan had given, or else he would be angry. After they leave, shiela asks sarita what drama this is. sarita says that she wont let Divya sleep on the old mattress, as she’s used to be comfortable and luxurious lifestyle, hence is spreading out the mattress that her father had given her, on her wedding. She says that for the first time, she is seeing a foolish woman, who is laying out the bed for her husband’s lover. Sarita reprimands her for talking like this and asks her not to forget that she’s older to her in age and relation too, and she shouldnt talk like this with her. Shiela asks her not to repeat the same mistake that her mother had committed. She asks that today she is giving divya her bed, then tomorrow when she asks her husband, would she give that away too. Sarita slaps her, at this and she is hurt. As shiela leaves, the screen freezes on Sarita’s tensed face.

Precap: While divya is surrounded by goons, who are trying to ill treat her, raj comes in and beats the crap out of those people, all the time shouting how dare they cast their evil hands on his Raj. Divya is apalled, while continually asking him to stop. Gaurav sees this and is surprised to see the ferocity of raj’s passion.


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  2. Afreesh
    June 13, 11:50 Reply

    Suni…. I’m here yaar….sorry for not checking in between… no problem dear we will chat today, in fact I’m spending my time for watching the scenes by episode. I finished around 95 episodes. I think according to maneeet scenes it may reach 180 episode. But I’m not going to watch only maneet scenes hereafter…

    Suni…. even symbolic indications also copied by pv writers yaar. How can we expect good storyline from pv2???… no way yaar…
    We just use this forum for our privacy…. I don’t think our forum friends has problem to discuss about other stories…..
    yes Suni the dialogues are easily understandable….I checked the written updates… Punjabi junction updates are detailed, if you couldn’t find try India forums updates…

    Suni….finish the first 26 episodes quickly yaar… the total story was about how did Geet cheated by Dev and his wife Nayandara, and then how did Geet’s family illtreated Geet…. in between that tragic storyline , the arrogant Mann was helping Geet intentionally or unintentionally as well as created problems too.

    You know what, the initial arrogant Mann had attracted me very much yaar. Once you complete those scenes you will understand why???…

  3. Raji
    June 13, 06:08 Reply

    Hi friends, namaste. . .

    • Suni
      June 13, 06:52

      Namaste Raji. I am always so glad when I see you 🙂 .

  4. hatepv2
    June 13, 05:43 Reply

    yay yay pv2 TRP 1.1 .serves right.hope it will be 0.5 someday…waiting for that particular thursday.

    • Suni
      June 13, 06:53

      Lol .

  5. Afreesh
    June 12, 23:48 Reply

    Suni…..I didn’t watch geet by episodes….if so, I would’ve stopped within second episode itself yaar…..that’s why I told you only to read the updates until 26 episodes. I watched only maneet scenes until 315, once you started watching then i followed episodes and finished around 58 . It has provided clarity to the entire story. Anyway I’m waiting to discus with you once you complete atleast 100 meanest scenes. Did you see Mann entry and maneet scenes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    • Afreesh
      June 13, 00:05

      Sj, my boss…. I won’t disturb you until you finish your exams… once me and Suni starts the discussion about Geet, I’m sure you will start to watch my dear…. it has much things to discus….I will wait to catch you
      Okey…we will give chance to Sw after finishing geet….it’s better to see the story continuously without waiting everyday….

      Sj…. if we watched geet before Pv, we wouldn’t had expected much from Mittals writers since they copied almost all arya scenes from maneet scenes my dear… only ridiculous kidnap & bhang & alcohol nights were created by those sick minded writers
      So, I don’t expect much for pv2, I don’t know where they copied the present storyline … let us use this forum for our discussion without any expectations from mittals…’ll

    • Suni
      June 13, 07:22

      Afreesh , I need to watch yaar , at least a few more episodes . I need to familiarise myself with the characters so that I will know them when I read . Episode 4 was really good . I watched without reading and I understood everything . The acting was great by all .

    • Suni
      June 13, 07:24

      Had I known that you would be here at that time , I would have stayed awake to meet you . Tomorrow you have a holiday so you may also come early. . . Right ???

  6. Suni
    June 12, 21:27 Reply

    “Love shouldn’t hurt, drag you through an emotional roller coaster or leave you feeling like less of a person.”- Michelle Hall

    • SJ
      June 12, 22:05

      Yah Suni you are right hi precious, how are you, how many you geet epic you ave watched

    • Suni
      June 12, 22:39

      No more , I can’t seem to go back to them . I am not getting addicted like Afreesh 🙂 . 13 episodes before I see GC . That has me disheartened . I think that it isn’t good that I know that the guy who wants to marry her now , isn’t good . It kinds of kills the interest when you know what is going to happen . How was Saraswatichandra today ? And how are you ?

    • SJ
      June 12, 22:51

      I. Just watched sc , I did not have time for pv2, not much intrest anymore, did of have time either. Was on floor rotation
      Sarasvati Chandra is nice Little slow both jenny and gautum looks very cute
      It remind me stay meet ray’s novel

    • Suni
      June 12, 22:56

      Today PV2 was just as always . No silver lining just yet .
      You know , they didn’t immediately sign Rubina for this show , they had another actress in mind . I feel that they just had an idea for PV 2 , but they can’t develop it very well . It seems like a plane taking a nose dive .

    • SJ
      June 12, 23:23

      Yah Suni, may be writter and ph have a valid concept in their mind but not alble and delever, story line is vey poor,watching pv it feel they are no able o execute story it is all over
      And. Fel tasteless for now

  7. Annaba
    June 12, 15:12 Reply

    ??? Won’t even bother anymore, divya going to stay in the house of her lover pretending to film a reality show, to bring he and his wife together. OK I think I need to take a break. But if raj and his ‘wife’ remarry that is not punar vivah. What is punar vivah in this show then…..SIGH!!!!!!

    • Miss Unbelievable
      June 12, 15:23

      like i said the only punar vivah is with raj & and divya

      end of story

    • Miss Unbelievable
      June 12, 14:06

      Shiela is the smartest girl in this entire drama. so young and wise

    • SJ
      June 12, 23:25

      Yes mu you are right , and she us pretty and smart looking too

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