Punar Vivah 25th December 2012 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 25th December 2012 Written Update by DesiTVBox.com

Punar Vivah 25th December 2012 Written Episode

Detailed Update:
Episode starts with Aarti managing to keep the diya on. She says to herself, no matter what I won’t let this diya go off, I won’t let my and Yash relationship go in dark. No matter how many difficulties come, but they will never be able to create any differences in our relationship. I know that Yash ji doesn’t doubt on me, but I will make him believe that there is no one else beside him in my life and I love him a lot. For me, my Yashji is everything. I will beg him to forgive me for my mistakes, but I can’t let Yash go away from me.

On the other side, Yash is looking at Aarti’s photograph and says, before I met to you.. I was alone, lonely, but whatever it was… I was happy. Then you came in my wife and taught me how to love once again. Taught me the values and meaning of love. And then when I learned the meaning and started believing that our relationship, Yash and Aarti’s relationship, is made by God, you went away from me. Why Aarti ji, why did you go away from me? Asks Yash. He demands for the answer.

Back to the temple. Aarti says, I have got true love after so many difficulties. Destiny can’t betray me once again. I will do anything to keep this love alive.

Yash is coming out of the hotel and thinking what Aarti said to him (thinking it was Prasahnt) that she could never think about anyone else besides Prashant, but she had to do this punar vivah. He then recalls her words that Aarti loved Prashant more than herself and that’s why she would want Prasahnt to be happy wherever he stays.

Back to temple, Aarti asks blessings from the God that no one can come between her and Yash and they stay together and happy like this for next 7 lives.

At Prashant’s house. Prashant tells Taija that everything got messed up. Aarti pretended him as Yash and said everything. He says, I don’t know what to do and how to tell Aarti everything.

On the other side, Yash is saying that he wants answers to his questions. Why did Aarti do this? Then some sadhu (priest) comes there and says, whatever happens.. happens for good. He then starts walking away from there. Yash follows him. Priest asks him, where do you want to go? Yash says, I don’t know. When everything started seeming so good.. when it started feeling good, at that time.. I found out that nothing was good.. everything is betrayal.. betrayal of heart .. betrayal of mind.

Prashant says to Taija, I will have to tell mum (Shobha ji), only she can explain this to Aarti. Taija stops him and says, you did everything to hide the truth, but Aarti opened her mouth.. by mistakenly but she still did. And this was going to happen one day.. no one can hide truth and it’s wrong to hide the truth. Taija tells him, don’t forget.. Aarti is your wife.. and it’s sin for a married woman to live with some other man. She says, it’s good that Yash found out the truth.

Yash says to the priest that he is very unlucky in matters of love and he has lost everything now. Priest says, whatever you lost was never yours.. and whatever is yours, no one can take it away from you. Yash says, but someone who shows that they are yours from outside, how would you know if they are yours really? Priest says, this puzzle is the life. You should never regret for what you lost.. and whatever you got, take it as God’s gift. He says, this is the truth and leaves from there.

Prashant feels that this is wrong, but Taija shuts him up. She says, destiny has came back to you. She also says, Shobha was praising Yash a lot right, but let’s see what he does now. This is the real time to find out how good Yash is. She then gives example of Ram and says, we have to this what this Ram (Yash) does. She asks him just to stay quiet.

Yash is back to his house and in his room. He’s looking at Aarti and his photos on their room wall and song plays in background “Ya Rabba.. Pyaar Hai Yaa Sazaa”. He then takes out their photo from a drawer and looks at it. Aarti also returns to home and comes to their room. Before she enters their room, Yash sees her coming and he goes to sleep. Aarti seems very sad. She slowly goes near him, sits down beside him, and looks at him. She then puts her head on his chest and sleeps. Yash opens his eyes, but doesn’t say anything.

It’s morning now. Taija sees Prashant going somewhere. She asks, Pappu, where are you going this early? Yash’s house right? Prashant says, yes.. I can’t stay quiet anymore.. I can’t betray Aarti more. I will go and tell her that what she did yesterday unintentionally. Taija says, I told you na that you haven’t betrayed her. And by now, Yash must have questioned her and she must be coming here very soon. I am sure, Yash won’t let Aarti stay there anymore after knowing all this. Shobha ji comes there and both, Taija and Prashant get quiet.

Shobha ji tells Prashant, I couldn’t talk to you last night.. but it’s good that you reached there on right time, else God knows what would happen. She says, you gave new life to Yash-Aarti relationship, and I am glad that after hurting Aarti so much, you did something good for her. May God bless you and keep Aarti happy with Yash. Taija taunts Shobha ji saying that she never seen any mother like this who kill her own son’s happiness for someone else. Taija then asks Shobha ji, you never gave me morning tea, but did you give to Sattu? Shobha ji, he has quit drinking tea in the morning. Taiji says, I don’t know what revenge I took with Sattu by allowing him to marry to you.. poor Sattu can’t even get morning tea.

Aarti wakes up and doesn’t find Yash besides her. She looks around for him, but cannot see him. She then gets up and Yash enters the room. She tells Yash, you slept very early yesterday? Yash says, yes.. I was tired so got sleepy. Aarti tries to talk with him, but he quietly walks away. Yash is about to sit down, and there is a pin on the bed. Aarti sees it and quickly takes it away before Yash sits on it. In this Aarti hurts herself. Yash gets worried and asks Aarti if she’s fine and if she got hurt. Aarti says, I am fine.. it’s just I saw pin there and if you had sit down, then you would have got hurt. You might have to go to hospital and take injections.. and you scare so much from injections. She says, and this time blame would be on me.. as mistake is mine. She then taps herself on head and asks, when will you change Aarti? Ansh calls Aarti so she goes outside giving pin to Yash.

Yash looks at the pin and says, you worrying about this small pain after giving me so much pain. May be I never understood you fully till now. I was proud that I started knowing you well, but I was wrong. Pin is in his hand, and he hurts himself. Blood starts coming out from his hand.

Episode ends.

Precap: Prashant gives a paper to Aarti. Aarti opens it and it has “I Love You” written on it. Aarti stares at Prashant. And Yash is quietly looking at something (probably at Prashant and Aarti or could b something else)…


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  1. Sophia
    December 26, 09:30 Reply

    Life is a combition of sucess n failures even also happiness n sadness.when ever we fail in somthing thn only we can enjoy ur nxt sucess.even if we experience only sucess life bcomes bore n dull.
    It is really so sad to c arya this condition.but let’s c how they will embark upon themselves/theirselves after many misunderstandings.
    This christmas vaccation is so boring for me.that side india lost the match.

    • shla
      December 26, 10:30

      I agree. I wish PV writer can portray Yash as fighting for Aarti’s love and supporting her in this delicate time instead of suspecting her. He should take the bull by horn (and stop feeling sorry for himself) and tell Aarti that how much he loves her in his own words. And then find out why she did not tell the truth from her directly? Isn’t what is the true love – to search for the truth and exploring the facts without putting his/her love in more pain then they are already in?

      Didn’t Aarti confessed her love and helped (most importantly supported him unconditionally) to find out that his first wife wants him to move on his life when he boxed himself to death? Didn’t she walk the hot coal in search of her love when Yash suspected that Aarti was trying to replace his first love in his heart? Even though she was merely helping him gently to ease his pain.

      It’s too much to make both Aarti and Yash suffer more like this and keep that Prashant and his cronies around to keep the story to drag on. Please stop this unnecessary pain and find positives in life to keep the story line going.

  2. Afreesh
    December 26, 09:26 Reply

    Suni….I Know you are disappointed with Arthi’s attitude as well as worried much about her life. Infact, I felt heavyness at my heart while watching Yash’s pain & became restless more than Yash when she was making fun on him as if nothing has happened. I don’t know why the writter’s are disgrace with us by portraying such female role and trying hardly to disguise us….
    Anyway…I understood Yash’s concealment is bothering you very much & you want him to control the situation instead of reacting to that unfavourable conditions…but you know suni, what he is doing right now is absolutely correct…
    Yes… you are right his conscience guided him through that saint by convincing his painful heart with timely medicine.I’m sure he will follow those words.
    when he noticed at Arthi’s arrival and made himself unavailable to her….He proved the depth of his eternal & sacred love(yeah… it’s a helpless state to that pure soul & didn’t have courage to face her with black spots.)
    First time,I got relaxed by Arthi’s action, that physical touch might have provided him some relief from his torment & also tapped his wisdom. (yes…it opened the channel for relinquishing her statement “how can I imagine another man at your place”)
    When he worried about her pain…it’s a tangible evidence that his love is pure..(yes… there is nothing is unfair in love)
    When he hurted his palm for not understanding her properly….There, I have seen a responsible man who is blaming & punishing himself for the unfavour condition on his life (yes, yashji…Suni also complained about your blind trust)
    Suni…This is the support I was expecting from Yash. What you want him to do???…
    He became blank yaar…he got the point it’s a group deceit not only Arthi’s deceit. Now, he will open his eyes and find out everything.
    And our Anti-hero won’t disappoint us…he will do the needful by challenging Arthi’s innder spirit. As I metioned earlier, she did one part perfect while giving her speech…yeah, she opened Prashand’s eyes by saying all good things realted to him & his family. Perhaps, he was watching her inner pain & dedication helplessly….So, I’m expecting positive attempts from the that confused ANT
    I didn’t want to say anything about Arthi…but for the sake of my suni I need to think about her controvercial behaviour
    I will continue….

    • Afreesh
      December 26, 10:39

      Suni….I too felt very funny when Arthi wanted him for seven life ….(there is no curse can be given to him better than this curse)
      Yes…..old witch was very funny while preaching moral & taunting shoba for not taking care of Dubeys
      Suni….again, I’m repeating …..unless we prepare ourselves for change nobody can change us…..Arthi didn’t change yash whereas she tolerated yash’s rudeness patiently. That was the maximum support given by her. Similarly Yash is going to tolerate her deception patiently until she shatter her past attachments.
      And, you mentioned his jealous emotions heightened instead of concerning her feelings….No Suni….it’s not jealousy at all, thoroughly hurts….. when she quoted “how can she think about other man” that too while she is carrying his bhang baby…how could a decent gentle man yash wouldn’t be disappointed????….

    • Afreesh
      December 26, 11:21

      Suni…..I’m remembering your words…BE CAREFUL ABOUT YOUR WISHES, YOU MIGHT GET IT
      This is what happened with Arthi…
      Yes…she was wishing Prashand’s return in her life & without getting it she made anther wish for getting yash’s love……Now, she has attained both the wishes…..what she has to do???….
      She knows that her true love is yash & she wanted yash in her life not Prashand, but his presence disturb her why????…. if she solve it, nobody can make problem in her life.

  3. Hima
    December 26, 05:02 Reply

    Yash ,i love ur character very much.u like her a lot,so u were not able to tell anything to her when she lies on ur chest and slept after knowing the truth

    Aarti also likes u so much and want u to be happy and I like yash not asking anything to Aarti and try to avoid her ,but not able to ,when shee sleep on her and when she was hurt by pin ,he even hurted himself-i love the way Yash hurt himself-but at the same time i feel very sad for him

    I dont want Aarti and Yash to suffer like this and i am not able to bear pain of them ,But even in this way also both will understd more and will be happy -i Love u both and
    God is making my family situation so worse ,not able to take any decision. and very pianful in my life ,not able to share with anyone

  4. Shameemah
    December 26, 02:24 Reply

    I h8 Prashant and dt old hg thy jst wnt 2 dstry Aarti,s mrrg and i dnt thnk dt wll hppn c,se Aarti nd Yash lv each othr

  5. adidas F50 Sale
    December 26, 02:04 Reply

    I want to encourage yourself to continue your great posts, have a nice day!asdf456sd4f6s4ad6f5

  6. Raji.trs
    December 25, 23:37 Reply

    Hi namashkar to all. . .

    Aarti’s truth and past life, she wasnt go on talked to yash directly. . Yash turn back and block light at that time aarti think he is prashant so aarti talk to prashant not yash. So aarti, sure ah she dont proof her love(aarti loves yash) to prasanth so she wasnt tell i love yash.
    Otherwise aarti was tell all to prasanth that is
    she goes on talking to prashant. Po she says that its turf that she loved him at one point of time and that they have shared memories and moments of their life. Together that she cant forget but if has to understand that aarti’s yashji else’s wife now, a family’s daughter in law, mother of 3 kids and mother to yash’s unborn child and therefore she has a responsibility. She tells line that now its too late and she would never come back to him now, how can she, leaving that person who gave his name his identitily and his love to her son and aarti asking now to go away from my life to never come back.
    Andro that truth all directly Aarti said to yash i think will be too late and gathering ur enoug courage she tells him that she and her parents had a secret from the scindia family and u that is she is a divorcee with prashant her first husband and nov a widowee. aarti defending herself in front of yash shill in her lap that she did not mean to hurt him and asks for forgiveness that she kept such a big part of her paru life hidden and that now she can swear that her life is only concerned with the well being of yash and the scindia family complitely and me and ansh with urself. I love u yash.
    Now aarti is clearly in his life and love. Aarti know that yash doesnt doubt on me but i will make him believe that there is on one else beside him in my life and aarti love yash a lot. For aarti, his yash is every thing so aarti will beg yash to forgive me for my mistake, but i cant let yash go away from me. But yash not clear , yash lover aarti. Y not yash believe to aarti… He punish himself.

    • Suni
      December 26, 06:34

      Namashkar Raji , Aarti wants Yash to accept and love her , but he has already done that . The sad thing is that he is now questioning ” who did I love ? ” . If she goes to him and explains the situation he will understand her situation better . When Aarti spoke thinking it was Yash , the only person in the light was Prashant . If Yash and Aarti do not uphold their wedding vows , Prashant is a clear and present threat to their marriage . Yash has certain knowledge now , but it isn’t the whole truth . Aarti should not stand before God and ask for happiness when she isn’t doing the correct thing even in this lifetime . She was supposed to hold her marriage vows as sacred and forsake all others living or dead for Yash . This is her second marriage . Did she fall asleep twice during that part ? Life is simple sometimes when we follow the rules . Husband first , others after .
      Yash saw only innocence in her , he needs time now to see her as a human being and prone to mistakes . He needs to love her despite her flaws , but this type if love is not that easy . There is a difference between white lies and this type of deception . All the people Yash began to trust outside his family have disappointed him … There will be a lot on his mind . Aarti has to reach him before he succumbs to that inner pain .

    • shla
      December 26, 10:51

      I think you may be unfair to Aarti and giving Yash little more than doubt of benefits. This is my opinion only. 2 things.
      I don’t think Yash has clearly told Aarti that he loves her (he has said that in own head and not to Aarti. His heart and his mind has to get his first wife out of them let Aarti take her deserve place first ).
      Ofcourse Aarti is going to tell Yash about her past (as soon as she fulfills her promise to Shobha Ma. Why Yash can fulfill his promise and risk both his and Aarti’s life when he wants to keep his promise to get that Minister’s daughter to marry her love? Why not Aarti is allowed to fulfill her promises- even though I have now less faith in Shobha Ma). Until the promise is fulfilled she can only explain to God and hoping that God will lead both of them, Yash and her, to same place

  7. ani
    December 25, 21:45 Reply

    Why r u doing like this prashant? I cant see yash s unhappy… plz

  8. sathya
    December 25, 14:42 Reply

    prashant,wht will u do tomorrow? I can’t understand ur activities while I see the precap.

    • Anonymous
      December 25, 18:11

      Ikr plz update it cause I’m not in India

  9. sathya
    December 25, 14:37 Reply

    yash plz see ur unborn child. I advise u not to ask anything to her and plz act like a happy man behind her. This is my request. Plz do it for ur fans. plz plz plz plz.

  10. gurmeet rockz
    December 25, 14:22 Reply

    refresh ur mind my dear gurmeet then u can come out from ur sadness.

  11. sabari
    December 25, 14:14 Reply

    hey u already told na, in one or two hrs we will update with pictures. Where r the pics. I wanna see them.

  12. sabari
    December 25, 14:03 Reply

    hey pumpkin(taiji) wht do u knw abt yashar luv. Ur puppu(white pig) is a useless reptile. He betrayed her more and tried to ruin her life but god’s grace she is punarvivah with yash. How dare u to give him adherence.

  13. sravya
    December 25, 13:53 Reply

    pls update fast i have to sleep

  14. sabari
    December 25, 13:51 Reply

    I’ll gonna sleep. Plz update quickly.

  15. miss unbeleivable
    December 25, 13:43 Reply

    taiji you old haag i swear if she and that witch bua became friends omg the show would definitely end

    prashant is eveil i dont care what anyone says i dont pity the cancer he ha. it should bite his ass for screwing up arti’s life

  16. sabari
    December 25, 13:34 Reply

    yash plz dnt think like that. Now she loves u more than prashant. And I think u love her more than ur arpitha. Thats the reason for ur upset. But aarthi can’t do anything for that. She was in helpless . That’s why she lied more.

    • Suni
      December 25, 17:23

      I agree

    • SJ
      December 25, 20:24

      You knw Suni and Afreesh , I am very upset with arthi, she s saying front of Durga maa, I will not let my and ash love die, I will save it at any cost, I love yash jee so much, finally true love came n my way , why she dd not not say all these thng front f Parsant, while she saw yash ack and though he is Parsant.it is a triangle .
      taijee s corrupted Parsant and Prsant s changing his mind, if Parsant was clear at heart
      Why e dd not tell hs mother SHOBHA the truth why did he Hyde it.
      Now Parsant knows the whole truth, yash knows arthi does not know that yash knows her truth and Parsant was here too
      Arthi des not knw yash knows the while truth? So Parsant will keep showing up in order to get arthi back, because he knows tha yash did not see him
      So when Parsant will b coming as will observe them nd keep feelling hurt

    • Suni
      December 25, 21:11

      SJ , yes yaar , God will help those who help themselves . Yes Prashant might do that . For now at least, until Aarti speaks , he has the upper hand in this situation .

    • ksfan
      December 26, 09:42

      suni u r correct.yash u have to understand aarthi`s pain that prashant had given her and aarthi its time 4 u to scream to the world that i love yashji more than my life and never leave him especially in front of yash and prashant too.if prashant is correct he can say the truth to shoba so that she can tell to aarthi that she said all to yash thinking its prasanth. but he hadnn`t done it bcoz of his cruelty.these pv writers are always trying to make yash and aarthi apart from each other.i cann`t see aarthi and yash`s pain.let this pain end soon.

  17. sabari
    December 25, 13:26 Reply

    yash aarthi romance scenes will be cut for( i think) one or two months.

  18. Raju
    December 25, 13:21 Reply

    Great update. desitvbox rocks.

  19. sabari
    December 25, 13:18 Reply

    waste fellows..,
    have you brain or not desitv? Please update quickly.

    • Suni
      December 25, 17:19

      My dear Afreesh , you were very correct about Aarti keeping that flame alive herself . I wasn’t sure that she could do it on her own . It seems like the writers are going to use those plots that I mentioned earlier with regards to placing more doubt in Yash’s head . If he finds out that Aarti was alone with Prashant after the second BMT and when the Schindia’s had gone to the temple , how would he react ? You know , I try my best to support Aarti , I know that she is good , but why oh why do these writers continue to keep her character down ? I can feel SJ’s pain . Why are women portrayed as betrayers over and over again ??
      Yash treated her so terribly , she forgave him without him ever asking for forgiveness . She has tried to be everything to his family , saved them so many times , could he get a better wife despite this one flaw ? He deserved to live with a damn ghost ! He is all up on a high horse about lies but he is withholding the truth from Pratheik because he doesn’t want to hurt him . The day Pratheik finds out that truth Yash will feel Aarti’s pain . For Pratheik will accuse him of being a liar to him .
      People in glass houses should never throw stones . Yash needs to also think of himself . He is no saint . He was stuck for years on the brink of madness over a Dead woman . Aarti brought him out of that despair . Now that she needs him , it is yet again all about Yash and his hurt and pain !! What has he really done for her that is any different from Prahant . He rejected her , abused her physically and mentally and changed his tune for Ayu and because of Prashant’s encouragement . How is Aarti supposed to know for certain if a grown man cannot own his feelings ??Now is the time for him to prove that he married for better or worse . But I know Afreesh , Aarti has to seek his help . But why can’t he sense her distress ??
      Forgive me Afreesh , but as a woman , I hate that women are always wrong . Why isn’t Yash thinking about Prashsnts betrayal ? Why isn’t he remembering his advice on how to woo Aarti ? No Prashant is not at fault in his head ! He can only think of the hurt she caused him and not of the hurt Prashant must have caused her . Didn’t he hear Aarti speak of Prashant’s betrayal ? All of a sudden he is fully aware of jealousy, but he can’t understand Aarti’s pain of having been betrayed by the man she loved . He recognizes his own emotions , not hers .
      Aarti is no saint either . Crawling into bed and lying rather than laying in bed next to Yash without any sense in her head to finally speak the truth . How can she face God and ask for seven lives of happiness if she is lying to her husband ?? Why have they turned her into such a hypocrite ?? Like you said Afreesh , no word in the dictionary for this character or for the PV team either , for that matter . Anybody considering a second marriage out there , please watch this show as a guide on what you should not do .

    • Anonymous
      December 25, 19:06

      I agree with all your comments here Suni. As far as Aarti telling the truth I see she wants to and she will as soon as she does jeevandaan and keeps her promise to Shobha Ma (remember she trusted her more than anybody before). I would love to hear Afreesh’s point of view here.

      I think in the interest of prolonging the life of the show, PV team is unnecessarily creating multiple threads to keep away from Aarti and Yash to trust each other instead of letting the love between them to blossom.
      I do like the way Yash handled the situation today and took the short but first step of deciding to find the answer from Aarti himself and did not get angry with Aarti when she came close to him. Now I feel better:)

    • Suni
      December 25, 19:31

      Yes , good point he didn’t get angry when she came close . I got so upset when he hurt himself with that pin .

    • Suni
      December 25, 20:12

      Afreesh now that I have calmed down a bit , I have realized that Yash’s conscience appeared to him today in a physical form again ,in the form of that priest ..also Afreesh , he followed that conscience to try to find an answer 🙂 .

    • Suni
      December 25, 20:48

      Afreeh it took a very long time for that conscience to appear to Yash before when Arpita died . This Yash is not going to overreact ( fingers and toes crossed ) he needs time to fight an inner battle .
      How will Prashant face him yaar ? Do you realize that the witch is there to provoke Prashant’s negative side . If they silence her Prashant will change for the better . Shobha is also being challenged . She needs to fight to save Prashant from that witch . Prashant really has no good person in his corner , he is constantly being reprimanded by Shobha . Why doesn’t she try to understand her son ? Get him remarried ( not to Aarti ! ) or find Nida . Like I said before , this witch will highlight all their flaws . She will do them a great favour eventually , for at present they are too close to their faults to recognize them . The witch claims to be like Prashant’s mother , Shobha isn’t dead let her do her duties .
      All the characters have a long way to go in terms of development but I wish to not see any more blood .
      Afreesh , the witch was so funny , she was advocating for the truth but wants to destroy Aarti’s marriage .It was like giving someone poison with a spoonful of sugar .
      If Yash loves Aarti and doesn’t reveal it or tries to surpress it , wouldn’t that make him a liar as well Afreesh ? The biggest lie that you can tell is to yourself . Yes , I know , Aarti has to talk . I keep coming up with the same answer which is your answer Afreesh .

  20. saadish
    December 25, 12:24 Reply

    jxt cant wait plz update faster??????????

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