Punar Vivah 26th October 2012 Written Update

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Punar Vivah 26th October 2012 Written Update by Rimjhim

Punar Vivah 26th October 2012 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Blue moon lounge
When yash goes to get her favourite dessert she is drawn back to the memory opf a similar date that she had with prashant wher he very similarly took care of her likings like the smiley,pizza and jalebi with butterscotch icecream.She is worried that the new friend of yash might be prashant.

Scene 2:
Location: Yash’s house
The kids pester arti about prateik and pari going on a honeymoon and payal asks arti whats a honeymoon.Both yash and arti are embarassed but seeing arti at a loss of explanation to the kids,yash takes over and tells them that when a husband takes his wife out to a nice place for fun thats called a honeymoon.The kids ask when would their parents go on a honeymoon.Arti gets extremely shy hearing this and yash too is a aloss of words.Just then the kids are called outside for the waiting school bus and the topic gets diverted.The kdis leave leaving arti and yash alone in the room.Arti comes upto him and asks her to take the honeymoon and keep them on the bed.yash is startled to hear this but arti rectifies saying that she meant pillows instead of honeymoon.They both have a nice laugh over it.However sshe realsies that she has to go to her mother’s place as she had promised and takes yash’s permission to go there.

Scene 3:
Location: Yash’s house
In the kitchen vidhi is teasing pari about their honeymoon in sweden and is asking her in a mischievous way to keep him warm in winters as its a very cold country.She says she means it by getting him proper woollen clothes for bearing the cold.Seeing pari embarassed arti and vidhi are enjoying.But then vidhi doesnt even spare arti by telling her to give some tips about how to spend a honeymoon as she has had previous experience with yash in mumbai.Arti gets overshy and gets at vidi for teasing her like that.While they get busy having fun,pari is shown worriedly pondering over something.

Scene 4:
Location: Arti’s house
Prashant shobha and dubeyji are discussing arti’s arrival as she had promised.shobha is made to be detrmined that she would ask for ansh’s bone marrow for prashant’s transplant.However prashant doesnt want to be in front of arti when she gets to know about him.A ususal round of arguments and counterarguements follow which is finally put to an end by a knock on the door.They all know its arti ans while shobha proceeds to open the door,prashant hides himself behind the bedroom door.

Shobha opens the door to find an impatient artio waiting outside complaining that off late she has started opening the door very late.Then sh comes inside and starts non stop blabbering about how romantic yash has become and how she is indeed very grateful to her and her father in law that they got their daughter in law to remarry and that too o a man like yash who loves her so much now and has become the perfect father for ansh and has filled the gap that his original father had created by levaing.While arti is gloating about yash,dubeyji motions shobha to talk to her about ansh’s bone marrow.But everytime she tries to talk arti shuts her up with her overbubbly exuberance and her non stop stories about how ansh and yash comeplet her.Shobha congratulates her on the surprise.Arti is surprised where did she know it from.She fumbles and then manages to say yash,arti presumes that he must have told her too.Next arti sensing shobha a little disturbed,she ask her what did she have to talk to her about,the minute shobha mentions ansh,again by her presumptuous nature she presumes that she must have been sad that ansh hasnt called her.But she defends him saying that he is obsessed with his dad,yash these days.Prashant is hearing all this with emotions welling up in his eyes.Sh goes on to ramble about how thy hav become the bestest of friends and goes back to the time when prashnat had left hr and she used to console ansh who wanted his dad to fulfill his demands.She comments that now he doesnt have to write his demands on a chit under the pillow as yash fulfills them even before he says it,being the ideal father.She then scorns at herself for bringin up old topics and in a bid to change the topic,she asks shobha why has she not started cleaning up the house before diwali that she normally does and asks if anything’s bothering her.She replies in the negative making up an excuse of time flying by through the day.Arti assures her that she would assist her in cleaning.She turns around to start and notices prashant’s watch lying on the table.She picks it up,to shobha and prashnat’s horror and recognizes it to be the same one that she had gifted prashant.The screen freezes on her puzzled face.

Precap:Arti tells shobha that soon yash would be here and he would know that something is wrong with her seeing her upset face and he would ask her a million wuestions and she wont be able to lie to him.this startles shobha and prashant who’s still in hiding.she says that she cant reveal the truth also because that is what shobha and dubeyji too wanted that nobody in the scindia family should know that she is a divorcee nd not a widow.

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  1. SJ
    October 28, 13:56 Reply

    Suni and Afreesh, ArthiS other expression are very very good
    Only she is lacking in chemistry between yash and her.
    arthi delever very good chemistry between her and Yash in Mumbai
    See Arthi was scared too with yash temper, yas was keep schooling at her, you are not arthi can not be one, when hey hav intimate relationship in Mumbai he pushed her and screened at her called her sinner. Now their relationship is brand new as wife husband, YAsh is not doing very well either, he s so far Away when he is with her there is not much attraction in his look, you said well she has no experience in love life, what about with yash he is living wit debeena from 8 year.
    Like I said in geet he and dhrasti has teen bad obsessive kind o love
    Here is they have 4 kids. But somehow Gurmeet is not doing very well either, Why no be citizen him because they think of him cute and handsome, si he gets away too. kartika is so beautiful and have suc a nice smile. If you see her some of her music video and Kasoti gindgee ke , awesome I saw her n my I pad, because do not ve all he channel
    In us. So if you analyze Kartika expression , she is amazing the only thing s both of them are not delivering chemistry when it comes to romantic scene, one time producer told them lip locking is necessary , they agreed, it is up to the directer to correct them when they are far from each other doing some scene, When Kartika said we can say no
    It was meat like so much of bed scene. Like in badly cagey lag the hi
    Whic audience citizen, so it s not all actereithe this is up to written and
    Directer also.

    • Suni
      October 28, 14:38

      I understand your pov . I was thinking about their reason for casting Kratika in this role . They must have known about her aversion towards certain romantic scenes .The majority of the audience look forward to the intensely romantic moments .From what I have read , a lot of people are disappointed in Arya’s on screen chemistry . Shashi and Sumeet Mital are experienced writers and I think they would be able to consult with their directors on what kind of intensity they want from a scene . Like Afreesh said , on other shows there are couples who are not as beautiful as Arya but they give memorable performances. I will never dispute that Kratika is excellent , when it pertains to her lighthearted , fun interaction with Gourmeet . I am in a quandary as to whom I should blame for their lacklustre romantic performance . They seem to all be complicit in some way ….writer , actor and director alike . We may disagree on who deserves most blame , but we all agree that improvement is needed .

    • afreesh
      October 28, 14:43

      I agree SJ….the mistake is from Director side too… and I have no problem with all her expressions. Her chemistry with Ansh is awesome & she does proper acting whenever she has safe distance with Gurmeet. They are really rocking in funny scenes & makes us Cool when they laugh together……

      As u said Mumbai they had good chemistry….but now what happened to them?….

      we can’t blame Gurmeet right now b’cos yash has hesitations still now but Arthi was waiting with her abundant love to see this romantic yash. Once she noticed d changes on him she should express her melted feelings & eye sight instead of artificial looks & unnecessary laugh

    • jow
      October 28, 14:58

      i agree wid SJ…..v shouldn’t blame aarti…..i hav seen her role as P2 in kasauti zindagi ki…..she had an awesome chemistry wid her co-star saksham(sunny nijar)…..so v cant say dat she is nt comfortable wid romantic scenes…..as her role in kasauti was vry romantic nd her chemistry wid saksham was vry natural……

    • Suni
      October 28, 16:01

      You are absolutely correct Jow . I looked up the show you mentioned and her performance was indeed exceptional . I also looked at the clip with her and Gourmeet with the ” Mud Dance ” and she certainly does not seem shy about romantic scenes in that !!! She is very capable of brilliance ….

    • SJ
      October 28, 21:12

      My dear sun and Afreesh, you are right on ur point and I am on mine
      See if you remember , one of her interview, she sad after JKR she was tired shot ting in sand, horse and sword, she wanted to to some romantic roll and show, she is happy sh got it.
      See when gurmeet was doing jhalak dance prog, and paradi was asking time off , only Artika was angling the whole show, she was user she sad something about gurmeet and leena taking so much time iff. gurmeet got upset, because kartika talk sometime too much.
      I do not know f that is the reason, I see loke Gurmeet does no like Kartika very much either as personally.
      In Mumbai their intimate scene was very nice , kartia av no problem.
      Many time Gurmeet expression are not good eithe allthough he s aster in tat. He is scared with hs wife too, since Geet , his wife has problem with dhrasti. I think both of them need t improve., Artia’ s facial are very god accordingly to th script. This s all directors fault. Th

      Bag ance jai ai ships hanker was o nice and very well executed.
      So not only kartika need to improve Gurmeet need to improve too please don’t mind I like him very very much .

    • afreesh
      October 29, 00:37

      Exactly SJ… I too was thinking d same reason (media news of Kratika’s upset on jalak) but I’m not sure whether it was a rumour or true…..now their mutual stiffness proves something is not going with them smoothly.

      I’m not trying to support Gurmeet just b’cos of my likeness….I know he has to improve his acting pattern in all angle not only in romance scenes ( he sounds good only at screaming time) but somehow he manages through his expressive eyes as you said he can kill at anyone through his eyes.

      And d other thing according to d story yash currently trying to rectify his mistakes through his love & care and not yet tried to pursue husband’s right. The current track says he is giving extra care as per d doctor advice. He need time to reach her without any hesitations and shyness…..in that aspect only I told we can’t blame Gurmeet right now.

  2. miss unbeleivable
    October 28, 10:59 Reply

    all this romance love

    so sweet

    lets hope prashant`s ex wife comes back with a change of heart

    lets hope prashant stop his selfish ass dad from reeving havoc on innocent ppl`s life mostly ansh who had to suffer his past discretions

    lets just hope if the truth is revealed yash will still be here and will say Ansh is my son not yours and I wont allow him to be in pain

    lets just hope that package have the answers to prashant`s problem without having to hurt ansh before its too late

    lets hope for pari to get away but in truth i didnt like how they imaged teh working woman. I understand she has dreams and wants to pursue them but i didnt like how they are setting up indian woman to say its safer to be a housewife than a working wife due to that stupid drunken night! I blame her for going up to his room to drink she should have stayed in public viweing of a bar tell the bar tender to call her mom and go home!

    I feel sorry for Prashant but destroying other ppl`s life is one thing then going back and destroying the same ppl at a second time is just evil!

    All i can say the truth will come out one way or another its just how these character`s will handle it

    thanks for the update

    • SJ
      October 28, 21:22

      Well if all that happned than what to show, shw will ended

  3. sumit
    October 28, 04:24 Reply

    Mahaepisode of punar vivah on 2nd nov

    • Suni
      October 28, 13:06

      Thank you for the info . 🙂 . Ansh is said to be interacting with Prashant and Aarti will also be there . Sounds complicated ….

    • SJ
      October 28, 21:23

      Where did you red or there s any promo about his

  4. SJ
    October 28, 01:31 Reply

    Afreesh I am teasing , yash has to work hard t raise four kids
    Was a tease yar . In rel life gurmeet is 28 and Kartika s 26
    That are acting god as parenthood,both of them make ready to kids
    Drop them to school,play with them. yash is taking care of Arthis morning sickness.
    arthi did a very nice acting serious acting, of nausea and vomitting
    Some hiow when they were in Mumbai , they ha much better fun full
    Chemistry rather than now while they become close and as wife gan husband. See it seems the chemistry s gone , before they used to see each other secerately , and would laugh, new there is no reason

    • afreesh
      October 28, 04:57

      SJ… you and Suni are emotionally involved in Pv than me. I started looking at this serial just because of ARYA couple. If they do natural acting we can feel better.

      You are right… there was chemistry when they had steal looks and staring….now they solved all conflicts and become closer only little hesitation is left but no chemistry….

      I think Arthi was very comfortable only with Aman…Even d latest scene of Prashand & Arthi also doesn’t look natural…

      My strong openion… she couldn’t do well with facial expressions for emotional scenes especially love scenes

    • jow
      October 28, 08:47

      hi afreesh…..can u pls post d links of PV’s promos here…?? i couldn’t find dem on fb…..

    • Suni
      October 28, 09:13

      I agree with you Afreesh . I wonder if it is because she lacks personal experience in this area . I mean she is 27 , does not have a boyfriend and lives with her dog Donut . All well and good , but where are the life experiences on love that could be transferred onto her acting ? Method acting is sometimes necessary . My favourite on screen couple ,of all time .was Sushant Singh ( Sushant was amazing) and Ankita Lokande . But , I understand that they were a real life couple as well . I don’t look at PR much anymore , because I cannot stand the lack of chemistry between her and this new Manav . My point is , that Ankita was able to act so brilliantly with Sushant , which makes her capable of such acting , then why is there a lack of chemistry now , when the actor was changed ? Is it that nothing can be done to improve the chemistry between Gourmeet and Kratika , because they did not match from the beginning ? Or as SJ says , are there subtle changes that can be made , to make us view them differently ? Afreesh , I think that Gourmeet is also a bit stiff when it comes to romantic scenes . He is better , in my opinion , at being comical and macho . With Sushant when he acted , I saw his conviction to the role of passive aggressive but lovestruck , desperate but deeply romantic young man , as though he WAS Manav . He was brilliant with emotional type acting .

    • afreesh
      October 28, 11:39

      Hi Jow….there is no link for this promo video…It is in FB front page…check d following title(Their dresses are that same black & white)

      “Zee Rishtey Awards Nominations Special 27th October 2012 – Yash & Aarti”

      And d other video suni has already sent to you…

    • jow
      October 28, 12:21

      thnkuu suni nd afreesh….. 🙂

  5. basmattie.nandcoomar
    October 27, 13:25 Reply

    Yash is so romantic and now starts liking artie but now prashant might start loving back artie and he would want to take revenge

  6. afreesh
    October 27, 08:09 Reply

    Suni…I think it’s right time to say you GOOD MORNING ¤¤¤¤¤¤

    • jow
      October 27, 08:52

      i juz luv dat dialog wen aarti innocently tells her mother “muma yashji has become very romantic dese days…..” a mixer of shyness nd affection is shown in her eyes….dat was d expression wich should be shown in dere date……

    • Suni
      October 27, 10:00

      Aww, thank you Afreesh , GOOD EVENING to you 🙂 . I just love how we could find a way to work around the time difference 🙂 .

    • afreesh
      October 27, 11:15

      Are u watching risdey award….yash & Arthi ‘s visit to Delhi telecast is going on …they look very nice…..and Yash (OMG)

    • afreesh
      October 27, 11:17

      Suni….if you couldn’t watch it on tv try with online

    • afreesh
      October 27, 11:23

      Jow….I couldn’t able to appreciate Arthi for anything as you
      Know very well how much I was disappointed by her dry & irritated performance on 25th episode…….

    • Suni
      October 27, 12:31

      Afreesh , I don’t have that on Zee by me 🙁 🙁 🙁 . Sometimes they show it long after the actual event . I tried searching and I can’t find it either 🙁 . I wish I spoke Hindi , I always see them laughing on these videos and feel left out . Indian men are the most handsome on tv , Yash is the best looking of all though .

    • afreesh
      October 27, 13:01

      Suni, I thought you are Indian…. (no????)….

      Actually, all d zee tv family were doing promo for risdey award. Your link of Arthi’s visit to guruwar is for this promo only. I don’t think it will come on PV episode. I’m sure it will be posted very soon in myedunia …..

      And check punarvivah Facebook front page there is some romance seen is there. (Arthi is in pink Saree & yash in black shirt)

    • afreesh
      October 27, 13:33

      Suni… I couldn’t control laughing when I read SJ comment about yash & his 4 kids….
      One month back I enjoyed one comment from myedunia’s viewer…ofcourse it was in Hindi….let me share with u…
      This is d comment …..

    • Suni
      October 27, 14:05

      Tfs Afreesh lol .Yes SJ’s comment was funny , lol . I saw on another forum where they showed Yash lamenting about how his life had changed since the PV . He was saying that he used to have 2 children , then 3 now another is on the way ! He used to be happy as a wedding planner but now he is a homemaker and a cook ! I am a West Indian 🙂 . I myself am of mixed race . My father is white , from England , my mother is of East Indian decent and from the Caribbean . I grew up hearing my grand parents and older folks speaking Hindi so I know a little when spoken . There are people of African decent here as well , about half the population . There are also Chinese and white in the minority .

    • Suni
      October 27, 14:13

      Oh , and he was complaining about what the PV team had one to him after his role on Geet 🙂 . To expand a little on our culture , we celebrate , Dewali , EID and Christmas alike . But , your country sounds amazing , from what I have read 🙂 .

    • Suni
      October 27, 14:34

      There is a Metro Masti article on fb that says that Mr Dubey will reveal the truth to Aarti . I swear Afreesh , if she hides this any longer from Yash , I am going to buy ticket to India and find Shashi and Sumeet Mital and try my best to give them a piece of my mind before guards throw me out!!!! . I hope they show Zee in the Indian prison :(:(:( . . LAST STRAW YAAR . I am very patient and I keep lying to myself that these characters do not disturb my reality . But I really would not be able to look at Aarti if she tries to hide this from Yash ….

    • afreesh
      October 27, 15:24

      I have seen Kratika interview in Facebook front page …they asked her you are doing a mother role that too for 4 kids then she said right now I have only one and d other two are yash’s kids while saying it her facial expression tried to say something else but she covered it. I’m really wondering why I feel as if you are just near to my home ….you know your views clearly states you really fond of Indian culture …..hopefully you will get attracted only by an Indian man ….And I think PV won’t let them to have baby soon . Due to high popularity of Arya jodi & high response of d viewers they should create a perfect love story now….so prashand never die or disappear within month & for his treatment yash or Arthi may donate but not Ansh….My place is very good for all d nationalities to have their life peacefully & gracefully . I’m a south Indian …by d way when d interviewer asked her whether she has any hesitations to do wife role as it need intimate relationship & closeness then she replied we have our own liberty to refuse things

      I don’t think Arthi is acting as per d writer & director’s need as you said. Actually she lack of expression when it comes to love scenes …

    • Suni
      October 27, 17:31

      The points that you have raised are very interesting . I was willing to give Aarti the benefit of the doubt , but you have made me see things differently . We should both be grateful for being brought up in a society where there is peace and understanding . I am more closely connected to the Indian culture as it is all that I know growing up . I grew up with lots of Indian music and songs and we uphold much of the traditions when it comes to weddings and religion .Being very personal , I have never met my farher , he the same as Prashant for my mother, so , I can identify with that theme on a personal level . By West Indian , I meant from the West Indies .

    • Suni
      October 27, 17:44

      Thank you for giving me some hope that sweet Ansh may noy be called upon to donate bone marrow . Afreesh , you must know about Cricket right ?? Well , I know a lot about Sachin Tendulkar . Have you ever heard of Brian Lara ? He is from my country .

    • afreesh
      October 28, 06:09

      Ofcourse I like Brain Lara very much yaar… fantastic cricketer in WI cricket team. I used to feel he is WI’s Suchin Tendulkar.Before I used to be crazy with cricket…but nowadays I lost interest on it due to their politics & gambling….

      Now I got it why you are attached with Arthi role deeply. Please make your IQ alert to visualize them as creator’s own level of imagination.

      It’s better for us not to have any expectations from PV team writers. Actually they are very good spoilers of the story & events & d characters.

      Now I’m seriously doubting why suddenly ARYa union has been formed?….My IQ alarms may be to get best Jodi Award from Risdey Award Ceremony?

      You know why I doubt? During their Mumbai Trip…ZEE Golden Award function was going on.

      So, Please make your IQ wake up….

    • afreesh
      October 28, 06:52

      Good Morning Suni♥♥♥♥

      Check FB …..ARYA ‘s all promo came…..

    • Suni
      October 28, 08:20

      Good Afternoon Afreesh ! Here we agree again , my friend . My feelings are the same about cricket , you know . I used to love the old “stars “( lol ) , of the game ….the ones who played for the love of it and not the money and recognotion 🙂 . I admire that Sachin did not leave the game as Lara did , and went on to become even more of a legend now …..There was so much healthy competition between those two Giants of the sport ……. What you said about Kratika had me thinking last night . I found an article that was released when the show had recently started . Kratika said that she is not a romantic, but , more of a realist . She says that she is a Tom boy who prefers Paulo Coelho over Mills and Boon romances . Now , I have read more than my share of both these types of books ! From what she prefers , I can get an idea of how the real Kratika thinks . Have you read any of Coelho’s books ? Coelho encourages you to be the person you are and not what society wants you to be . Therefore , your point about her refusal to see and do things the writer’s way , is very valid . The article also said that she gets annoyed when anyone says that Gourmeet looked better with Drashti than with her .

    • Suni
      October 28, 08:38

      Oh! Thank you for the reality check 🙂 . Much appreciated . The fool in me always wants to believe that these writers can have a comprehensive plan that does not wreak havoc on our emotions . I know all about their ratings ! But I was hopeful that for once the writers of a show would take a stance and say to the people judging ” This is the path we must follow in this show , for proper plot , theme and character development and we will not play games with our audience and put them on an emotional roller coaster for your ratings !!! ” Wishful thinking on my part ….

    • afreesh
      October 28, 09:04

      I didn’t read anything from Coelho’ s writings but I’m fond of Deepak Chopra’s books…..he has a vital role on changing my personality, many themes & worldly things has been viewed by him in a distinct way . He initiate us to focus for peaceful & harmonic state of soul, heart & mind. He explains how to wipe out dirty negative feelings of heart & mind through non attachment theory…..if possible try to read his book ” The seven spiritual law of success” this is d tiny book in his writings but with heavy concept …..

    • Suni
      October 28, 09:23

      Thank Afreesh , I have heard much about Depak Chopra . I will take your suggestion and read one of his books . I see them in the book store . Coelho is also an inspirational author , but with a different type of message , he urges you to go after your dreams and makes you think about life and love in a very unconventional way . His work is good , but I do not agree with all his theories . If you can get it , I would suggest you read a book called ” Veronica decides to Die ” . Don’t be alarmed nor turned off by it’s title , it is actually an inspirational novel that explores many interesting themes .

    • afreesh
      October 28, 09:51

      Yes Suni….PV are much concern about their own things than d viewer’s needs and expectations…

      The most popular soap IPKKND doesn’t have handsome & cute couple like Arya but they do wonders through ARSHI natural romance and d creativity of d storyline & naturaliity of events etc…(although I’m not watching this soap I can make out points)

      PV team has everything to promote themselves at first level but they struggle due to lack of creativity.

      There is no meaning on Kratika’s annoyance & denial of Drasti & Gurmeet pair success . Kratika really has to work hard to improve her comfort zone with Gurmeet. I think, infact through her strong personality she keeps Gurmeet to feel uneasy & fearful & shy during romance scenes. And Drasti encourages her co-actor by her ease & polite appearance which I have seen evidently from Madhubala ( seldom I used to watch this serial )

      Upto my opinion Drasti may be d reason for d success of their jodi on Geet ….and Kratika is d reason for d incompleteness of ARYA chemistry

    • afreesh
      October 28, 09:58

      Thanks Suni….I will try my best to get that novel & read it.

    • Suni
      October 28, 10:08

      Brilliant point, I will admit Lol ! Kratika scares the crap out of poor Gourmeet !!He is probably afraid that if he touches or looks at her inappropriately , she would go all Jansi ki Rani on him , lol . So maybe her lack of ability in the romantic scenes affects Gourmeet’s performance ?

    • Suni
      October 28, 10:31

      Great points . Aarti’s character seems to have a bit of Kratika’s personality . Kratika claims in her interview to be more of a Tom boy than a romantic and that seems to transfer to Aarti . Yash may be a bit uncertain about how to be romantic , when Aarti is not so much into the scene .

    • afreesh
      October 28, 11:11

      Yes….we will start our battle with Kratika to improve her acting style….
      From today we have to criticize her honestly until she rectify her mistake♡♡♡♡♡♡

      PLS NO GUILTS…..we have every rights

    • Suni
      October 28, 12:09

      The 1st comment on Kratika did not go through , I received a message saying ” awaiting moderation ” . I thought that I had violated a forum rule by being too openly critical of Kratika , so I decided to be a little less harsh . When I sent the 2 nd message , both went through :$ .

    • afreesh
      October 28, 14:17

      Who is gothroughing our nonstop discussion & promptly says dislike….

      I think people are getting irritated by our comments and most of our PV friends are not commenting nowadays except our gang (SJ, JOW, HAUWA)

    • Suni
      October 28, 14:49

      Do you know , I felt the same way 🙂 . But we have NEVER excluded ANYONE from joining our discussion . All are as free to comment on this forum as we are . On other forums there are on going discussions just like what we maintain . I always appreciate other people’s point of view . They add to our understanding of the show as we do not all recognise the same things .

  7. Anonymous
    October 26, 20:04 Reply

    Artti does’nt get it as yet, if she saw the same watch she give Prashant then Prashant will be somewhere in the house.

  8. ArVi Lover
    October 26, 16:00 Reply

    Aarti, please tell Yash about Prashant soon. He can’t get angry @ her coz she’s pregnant so she has an advantage.

  9. Punar Vivah
    October 26, 15:52 Reply

    Today’s episode started out to be romantic, but ended in a tragedy. Aarti seemed perky and happy and was totally burning Prashant, by the way. I dont think they are revealing the truth though, and now we are going to stay tuned for more drama! Ugh!

  10. Hauwa
    October 26, 15:40 Reply

    @y’all ur comments r supperb!! from the precap I think they(Dubeyjis) want aarti to take the risk of letting ansh go tru this procedure wotouts yash s’ knowledge (if that’s the case its really absurd).aarti made me smile wen she told yash dat she want him to take her 4 honeymoon n dey will always b in bed hahaha!!!

    • Suni
      October 26, 15:50

      If Aarti agrees to that she would be very foolish . I will hope that she has more sense . Fear should never be allowed to rule anyones life …

  11. fan from south america
    October 26, 15:07 Reply

    i am so sorry that that i did not reply rimjhim
    no i am not new to the show but i will be happy if u can please tell me what the new promo is all about

    anyways thanks for this update and still u are amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Anonymous
      October 28, 00:55

      tx dear…love the admiration of the readers…

  12. afreesh
    October 26, 14:23 Reply

    Suni…pls check my reply on yesterday’s WU

    • jow
      October 26, 14:30

      hi afreesh im confused from today’s precap…..wt u think??

    • Suni
      October 26, 14:36

      I checked it Afreesh 🙂 .

    • jow
      October 26, 14:42

      hi guyz…..wt u ppl think frm todys precap….wt next…?

    • Suni
      October 26, 14:54

      Hi Jow 🙂 . I had read somewhere that Shoba would reveal the truth to Aarti . There is no way around that revelation at this point as Shoba and Mr Dubey want desperately to save there son . There is an SBS segment( I posted the link on yesterday’s discussion ) , which shows Yash and Aarti praying together , so hopefully there will be peace on the show for a while yet .

    • SJ
      October 26, 14:56

      Afreesh, Suni, Jow.
      Did anyone see how beautiful Arthi looks in that Sari Plain with trim
      Border. She is looking so pretty. arthi is in love, before she couldnot express, bu now she a jump out of the hoop. I am n love
      w knew that episode, going to happned , Shobha is scared to tell her about Prsant, Dubeyjee jee wants immidetaily to tell because time s running out fr Prashant, Why are they wasting time , in meanwhile could think other option

    • Suni
      October 26, 15:07

      It seems as though they are taking your advice SJ 🙂 . Aarti has been in love with Yash for quite some time now . But , because of the position Shoba and Mr Dubey placed her in , with the lie about Prashant , she is not yet allowed to have the peace of mind she deserves . The longer she waits to tell Yash the truth , the more complicated the matter would become .

    • afreesh
      October 26, 15:12

      Seems like d coming week may testify our patience extremely. I don’t understand why PV team always trying to confuse us by their stupid suspenses as if they are writing a crime story…..

      Through precap we can’t expect that d truth has been revealed ….

      I don’t think they will move d story logically….remember how they were counting d seconds for Arthi pregnancy complications and then almost 2 weeks they conveniently left that chapter and fooled us now by stress theory

      Before the truth come out we viewers may get stress & must need immediate medical care ♡♡♡♡♡

    • afreesh
      October 26, 15:22

      Yes SJ… PV team started listening to you.♥♥♥♥♥

      Please tell them to concentrate on logic of d story….I know you never give up until they approve your advice ♥♥♥♥♥

    • Suni
      October 26, 15:39

      Lol , no need to stress yarr 🙂 . These characters exist only in the land of make believe . They feel no real pain nor stress as we do . It is expected that the writers will sway from the path of logic every now and again . They are trying to please a wide audience ,who may not always appreciate logic In favour of suspense . For the most part, I think that they get it right eventually . We have been through some pretty bad times together before .

    • SJ
      October 26, 15:48

      sunny and Afreesh , PV team my advise LOL………

    • afreesh
      October 26, 16:17

      Suni…I’m not getting stress yaar… I tried my best to cool down our friend JOW….

      I really appreciate our friends JOW & SJ….how much they worried about Arthi’s life♥♥♥♥♥

      SJ….your comments about dialogue delivery of Gurmeet & Kratika is really appreciatable yaar…..I’m impressed by your deep observation about d performances of d cast

  13. Rimjhim
    October 26, 14:16 Reply

    hi fan from south america …u new to this show?

    • Suni
      October 26, 14:37

      Thank you for the update Rimjhim 🙂 .

  14. Anonymous
    October 26, 14:03 Reply

    The episode again seems to be being dragged……. Isn’t it guyz…………!!

    • SJ
      October 26, 18:23

      Well written can not show happily ever after, than there will be nothing to show. If someone saw gurmeet , and Dhrasty shoe Geet
      In that show Loveland lust, Pv is about mature Lovel andkids are involve, not only one kid going to be four, poorYash hasto work
      Hard, raising four kids.
      By the way , he is getting training frim Pv, how to take care of a pragnent woman. I think he will be a very good daddy, when he will have his own kids in real life. He seems to be a nice person, faithfully to his wife, do not smoke , do not drink
      Calm temper,think before speak, hardworking, god looking
      Hum flawless person, are there anymore of like him , can take it.

    • afreesh
      October 27, 13:37

      SJ…. what you mean? You are teasing or really worried of yash?….(LOL…..)

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