Punyashlok Ahilyabai 31st August 2021 Written Update

Punyashlok Ahilyabai 31st August 2021 Written Update by Amena

Punyashlok Ahilyabai 31st August 2021 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Ahilya arguing with Gunu ji. She says its our Dharm to protect lives and also their devotion. Gunu ji asks what do you want, that Acharya loses his life. Gangoba says Ahilya is right, but Gunu ji told the reason, we can’t send the entire army with one traveller, what will we do now. Acharya says Kashi yatra would be tough, I know, I also know that Holkar family worships Shiv, I came here thinking I will get help here. Ahilya says give me time till evening, you will leave for Kashi tonight itself. She smiles.

Renu tells the girl that its not easy, but Ahilya will keep her duty for sure. The girl nods. Bana says food is ready, but Ahilya didn’t get time. Sita gives her suggestions. Gautama asks them to let Ahilya come first. Dwarka says we can’t do any work if we wait for Ahilya. Gautama says Ahilya always come on time, don’t say this, I asked her to handle darbar work, so I have given her leave from other work. Dwarka says Ahilya won’t look here if she is getting habitual to rule and command in the darbar, I think your words don’t matter to Ahilya, else she would have come running, its not good to give freedom to bahu, she may go out of hands.

Gautama says yes, I have taught her the customs and rules, she isn’t like anyone else, we will wait for Ahilya and then have food. Ahilya makes a map and checks. Gunu ji says this map won’t help you this time, Nizam’s army is spread there. She says we can find any new way. Dhana ji says don’t be stubborn, tell Acharya that its not possible to go to Kashi, its dangerous to go. She says we can try and keep Malhar’s tradition, he never let anyone go back. She thinks I will go and meet Gautama, if Tukoji comes late. Tukoji gets some men and say they have good knowledge about Malwa geography. Gangoba says but what do you want to do. Ahilya says we have to find another way to reach Kashi, we have to make a new way. Dwarka says we are feeling hungry. Harku asks Rakma to go and see Ahilya. Everyone waits.

Ahilya is busy. Rakma comes to the darbar and sees her busy. Ahilya discusses with everyone. She finds a way. She says we can also give protection to the travellers. She thanks the men for help. She asks Gangoba to tell Acharya that he can leave for Kashi after dinner, when he reaches the mountain area, it will be morning, he can stay in any ashram. She says Gunu ji, we have to send two troupes of soldiers to clear up the risky place, ask the soldiers to learn this new route and make a new map, it will be our responsibility for the yatris going to Kashi. Gangoba smiles. Ahilya says I will leave now, Gautama would be waiting for me. She leaves. Gangoba says many rules check the Rajya limits for devotional aspects, Ahilya found a new way to help ordinary people fulfill their yatra, its not a small thing.

Dwarka asks Gautama to have food, why does she want to hurt herself by staying hungry. Ahilya comes and says I m sorry, work wasn’t ending. Gautama sits angry. Ahilya says forgive me, I m feeling bad, Acharya ji came from Pune. Gautama goes. Ahilya comes and asks her to have food. Gautama says I taught you everything, do you remember, you are handling the throne now. Ahilya says scold me more, I will tolerate everything. Gautama asks how can I scold you. Ahilya says you are the eldest queen, you can always scold me, pull my ears and punish me, you will always have the right. Gautama says fine, but you aren’t little that I will hold your ears. Ahilya tells her everything. Gautama says you should have told that you can’t help Acharya. Ahilya says I should try for Malhar’s respect, and I succeeded. Gautama says anyone else would have refused, but you respect every ordinary person’s devotion. Ahilya says I had to help many people reach Kashi, I had to keep Peshwa’s trust and also make Malhar happy, it was imp to make a new way. Gautama smiles. She says Malhar would have been very happy and proud of you. Ahilya smiles. She says I m trying to walk on his principles, he would have never sent Acharya back. She feeds the food to Gautama. She says Malhar and your word are of equal importance for me.

Manjula beats Patil and runs. Ahilya says Sarja, we have to punish such devils.

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