Punyashlok Ahilyabai 6th May 2021 Written Update

Punyashlok Ahilyabai 6th May 2021 Written Update by Amena

Punyashlok Ahilyabai 6th May 2021 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Malhar saying what are you talking about, Ahilya is a kid, she is Khanderao’s wife, its their bonding phase, don’t talk nonsense. Gautama says you don’t know anything, she started a new drama, she returned home late, this was the reason, but you got angry on Khanderao, Ahilya is stubborn. He asks why. She says to study, she wants to study. He gets surprised. She says she wants to go ahead of Khanderao, she is adamant, Khanderao refused, she went to the jungle, is her wish not wrong, can this happen, I explained her a lot, girls have no right to get educated, but she doesn’t listen. He thinks.

Ahilya cries seeing the granth. She says I wanted to study, if you don’t want this, then why did you make me meet Guru ji. She gets sad. Gautama thinks I didn’t wish to tell him, but had to tell him, what will happen now, he always listens to Ahilya, what if he agrees to support her. She asks what are you thinking, its wrong, Ahilya is a girl, how can she study, tell me, I thought you will say that this can’t happen. Malhar says nothing is impossible, if Ahilya wants to study, then what’s bad. She says she is a girl. He asks why, girls can get educated, its not against our Dharm, society has not paid attention to this, we can make a new start and make girls study, Ahilya can study. Gautama says Ahilya belongs to a small family, you did pity else she would have not reached here. He says I didn’t show pity, she deserves to be here. She says fine, she is our bahu now, what’s the need to educate her, just to fulfill her wish. He says education isn’t bad, it can brighten a person’s life, if we permit her to study, then other girls will also get inspiration to study, society will get a new direction, we can be proud of the girls.

She says Ahilya is our bahu, Khanderao would want a wife who regards him Lord and fulfill dharm, not anyone who gets educated and thinks superior in her pride, she could insult him. He says education can’t give a person ego, advising a husband isn’t called insult. She says I don’t want to argue with you, no man would want his wife to be superior, you tell me, what would you do, would you let your wife study. He says if you had passion, determination and adamancy to study, then I would have permitted you. She says I can’t accept this, I can’t permit her to study. He asks are you scared that Ahilya will go ahead of Khanderao. She says this can never happen, you told me that I will prepare Ahilya as bahu, leave this responsibility to me, it will be good, else you will not keep your promise, I won’t accept that. He says I can’t defeat you in words, you have an art to take things in your control, I know Ahilya, if she has decided to get educated, if you don’t permit her, even then she will become educated. He goes. Ahilya cries. Renu consoles her. She says you shouldn’t cry.

Ahilya says I don’t get any wish fulfilled, my dad used to listen to my every wish, it changed here, I asked him to talk to Malhar, but he didn’t. Renu encourages her. She says it happened as you wanted, you have got me here, it took time, but it happened. Servant says Khanderao has come. Gautama gets happy. She says my son has come back home. Renu says I can meet you and live free, you wanted this for me, right, I can have any food I like, play and laugh, when you did a tough thing for me, then how can’t you fulfill your wish to study. Gautama runs to see Khanderao. Malhar looks on. Khanderao comes there and sees Gautama.

Khanderao says you said a husband has a right on his wife, then I was asking Ahilya to promise, dad got upset as if I asked for someone’s life, dad doesn’t see her mistake, he never tells anything to her, just I m the fool in this world. Gautama says you don’t like her to get educated, she will not study.

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