Pyaar Ka Dard Hai 25th August 2012 Written Update *Maha Epi*

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Pyaar Ka Dard Hai 25th August 2012 Written Update by payalibm

Pyaar Ka Dard Hai 25th August Written Episode *Maha Episode*

evry one is siting outside otty and are in greet tension and waiting whats gona happen… sudenly dr. comes and all surrounds him and he strts
sorry we cudnt save him … and evry oen is shoked and its pin drop silence… ..lolzz and then dr. continues kee almost on operation thetre but by the perfect timing of blood arengment we were able to save him and now he is all out of danger…

same relief came in the face of evryone when dr. said he is alright and out of danger…adi asks when will eh be alright to take home and dr. says in a week time you all can take him back home and evry one is quit happy hearing this and T2Q smiles in relief but leaves and adi sees her going

pankhuri is stoping auto and adi reaches on time and asks her where she going and that too without saying any one… and she is all quit…adi says oh so you leaving home and serching for the accomodation for your well stop how many no. and acomodation place you know…so lets go home and she says whose home..and adi says how many home i have… and now stop blaming all on yourself and thinking you responsible for all this…but its not truth …and you know its not your fault…so now lets go home…but she denies and says my future mom in law wont like it…adi says he is already tired from being in hospital whole day… and well he has a quit big home where no one knwos anythign about any one and lots of people are there in his home who dosent like each other yet satying wiht each other naa…so stop worrying..and about mom dont worry as she is so busy in her life ke she wont even knwo when she is coming and when she is going so stop making him more tired as he is already extreme tired and as soon as he free from here he will take her home…and if she wann discuss it then lets sit some where peacefully and drink coffe and then we wil discuss and be shure at the end of the day i will win and you ahve to come home with no more discussion

avantika is saying thanzzz to man who gave blood to nana and says if he ever need her at any stage of life for anything he just need to call her and she will help him…and the man says please dont say like this…he is friend of harish and what are friends for…plzz dont say like this..he did for harish and his friendship… and all the time harish expresion was quit amusing…like this woman can never think of anything beside herself keyaa…the man says if she needs his help again please be easy to inform and and hairsh says to go out as he coming…he goes to surpankhan and says he knows you dont need my help yet if you need any help he is just a call away and turns and leaves and surpankhan stops him and says thank you… now he is shoked and jsut leaves

T2Q preeti and adi coems home but pankhuri is not coming out of car and preet goes and open gate and says hey! bee fly come out… and she has too and then again stops at the main door and adi again says you naa…and catch holds of her hands and says hwo much oyu think song starts
roj hamay mil kai bheee
millnay kee aas rhayy
surpankhan sees their hands nad hse is having a zinat hipoo size headache and adi understands what has happened and leaves her hands…he says to mom T2Q tou dint wann come but he forced her to coem and for nana and his hapiness he has to do it and i hope you dont mind…and surpankhan gets up and walks by to her and says..if she wanna stay ohk she can but she will ahve to follow some ruels and they are
1)she cant go in kitchen and if she wants she has to ask shanky
2) she will not interfare in anyones life..anyone means any one(she stress upon adi) and adi has funny face and dosent knwo wht to say)and says whteva you want you wil do wihout making any noice
3) she where goes when come no one will be bother and she dosent has to inform anyone nor she will..she comes or goes no one will be bothereed
and rule no
4) the most important – she will nto talk to nana nor she will meet him nor she will go near him…its only with her permission she will go near nana

so follow this rule and dont creat mroe problem in her family and not to come in her life evr again and if any problem hapens and she is responsible then tht will eb the last day

and surpankhan anounces and says..well come to the diwan mansion

adi goes to T2Q and says this is what i wanted to say..this family has rules and evryone follows it and even in kulu oyu too might have soem rules and preeti coems and says dont worry..if she is scared then she can come to her room as her room is the only room where her sis words and order and tyranty dosent work…so she can come any time…and adi takes her to show her the room alloted her…and then says she dosent need to work so hard and not to worry about any thing jsut concentrate on her internship and if working late night she need coffe then -as shanky once asleep he wakes up straight in morning then wht will you do for coffeee…so hwo about your friend hridya – HRIDYA –

and says he is always up till 2 morning so jsut come to him and they will ahve coffeee and leaves her…
there in kulu all are worried and asying they cant keep the home in bank lone…but dadaji says dont worry all will turn good as problem with dewan people also solved naa due to god this fhase will also go…and nwo he need to call T2Q to ask about nana…and T2Q is happy seeing dadaji no and they talks and he is happy nana is out of danger and in a day time will come home soon…and then he asks why is she worried and T2Q says she shoudlnt be staying there but dadaji says its nanaji’s word and people who are good always give respect and abide to it so not to worry about it and be happyy…mamiji coems and brings tea for T2Q and she is all seet and says sorry and T2Q says its ohk it happenes soem time as being in tension… and mami says you dint unpack…so lets go and do unpack…but T2Q says dont worry she will do herself…as soon as mami leaves T2Q thinks she is here because he is sick but as soon as he returns she will leave dewan mansion as that will eb her last day in this house… and then mami is talking to soem one and says ohk come soon what else can be done…and then says to pankhuri nana is about to come home soon… and then request T2Q to bring plate for tika and all…as he comeing after such big operationa dn soem one has to give him welcome and who beter then her…

nana comes and mamiji is happy and says god has finaly litned to all and you are allright and safe and then preeti says whats in your handsT2Q… and seeing the plate of arti he says to preeti after ages he is remembering her mother… T2Q asks how is he and nana jokes around so she is worried about him…huh???if she was she would ahve coem in hospital to meet him and ask how is he…and adi jsut tries to take control of situationa nd asys..nana oyu are not allowed to stnad for this long so lets go inside and you 1st eat and get relax and then oyu can talk as much as you want…now do the artii fast and lets go and T2Q says to mami do it..and mami says her hands full why dont you do and all says yeh not a big deal just do it… and as she about to do..avantika comes and says whats hapening here and sees right into T2Q eyes…

she tries to stop making her do the arti but mami interfare and says she said to T2Q to do the arti and adi says let her do whts the big deal and anan says yeh let her do naa..its nto a big deal and she is allowed to do so…all the time avantika is all full of angry and before nana or T2Q can talk with each other she forces him to go inside and then T2Q is sad..and then shanky says its arti and evry one has to take it and goes and she stnds and thinks about the words of surpankhan and her rules not to meet nana

she went and ask shanky nanaji’s food ready and he says yes and she ask shanky can she take it? but shanky says he ahs already given food to nana ji…but if she wants to meet nana then lets go…but she remembers surpankhan’s words and is reliqunt to go..but shanky says nto to worried about surpankhan as she will be geting ready for office so lets go and as soon as he opens gate it surpankahn siting with nana…and he is happy seeing her there and calls her in…but T2Q dosent wanna go and surpankhan is watching her will flares in her eyes…and T2Q says i will meet you later but nana says nah!come in..and surpankhan says she need to go office as soem meeting…and all the time while leaving she is throwing bombs and bullets on T2Q…
nana ji says her to sit and she gets angry at nana why hasnt he finished food and nana says its not good and tasty food and T2Q says its necessary to eat such food then only he will get fit and fine…and he asks did she had any problem during this 9 days and she says nah!and then says she will eb leaving todaya nd nana ji tries to stop her but T2Q is adamant to go and nanaji says he was thinking about her all the time in hospital thinking he will find her in hsi home and he wanted to see her in this home and wants her to see adis’s bride and thats his only dream..and thats why he wanted her to coem to mumbai…T2Q says its not right …he cant force adi to marry her…and nana ji says tell if oyu dont liek adi and she says he shouldnt say all this as its not good he has to look for adi’s and his family hapiness not hers…and says if he forces she will ahve no choice but to leave home even after he says not to go

surpankhan is angry and saying to herself told her rules and all yet she went and meet nana…and mami listen and says she needs to egt strict with her before it goes out of hand and surpankhan agress yes right..she has to do so..there nana says ohk if you want to go go but read this diary before you go and after reading this diray whteva our decision he wont stop her if its to go..promise…as this diary contains all biografy of his life and all his deeds…T2Q thinking and walking to ehr room ke whats in this diary and why he thinks after reading all hsi personal content she will change her decision…

while thinking she walking and collide with avantika and diary falls down and avantika says her to stop and bends and picks up the diray and says to her how dare she touches this diray of her paa…and adi comes and says whats hapening..and she says to adi this is paa’s diray and no one can touch it and this girl is teling a lie he can never give to her…hwo much more lies she will saya nd all time adi is there stnading and dosnt belive and surpankahn says she wont take her lie nor will belive you T2Q and nana comes and says she has to belive as he has given himself the diray..and surpankhan is shole d and says..she has been asking for ages to elt her read but he gave to this girl..why so..and nana says he found it necessary to give it to he gave and surpankhan leaves in anger and adi says mom its not such a big deal… and then nana takes her to roorm and tells did she saw all this..every one is all different and no one bother about each other,,,,this house is not a house but guest house…till adi’s nani was alive this was home but then after her death evrything turned upside down..he jsut drowned in business and in earning money…and to take ti to heights…and in process he forget evrything..he dint even bother to see this kids need his love and support..but he failed badly…T2Q says its not truth..not to blame himself to this length…and then says surpankhan is from very begning very angry type and what she has in heart she says it and became quit zideee…and preeti was all quit one and always waited for him to understand her need but he was al busy in business or in avantika…and remembers the time about he gave preeti soem crayons and dolls and avantika neede it and he made preeti give her and says to pankhuri since then he knows preti is still waiting for him to understand her and give her all those which he took that time and he is sad…he says preti is still fighting and saying harsh words but she herself is injured..because he amde it…and then says anuj…he did more worng to him ..this all was his in real sence

then he said it was the day he wasnmaking anuj md and same day avantika reutrned home bringing adi home keaving harisha nd she was all crying and alone and he did wrong to anuj and that day she made avantka sit on that chair and took what was righfully anuj’s and now he is paying price for his worng all his decision was only for avantika…and nothign for other 2 kids..and anuj’s kids are now in abroad and he dies to meet them but he cant as he is oaying price for wht he did to anuj…he cant meet hsi own grand-son and daughter…and adi he tried as much as he can to give him right upbringing which he cudnt give to any oen of his sibling…and now he wants her to help him bringing them together…just like her family…and she says she dosent know how she will do but she will try to help him as much as she can and not to worry about any oen this…and one day this family will coem together for shure…and nana says its his last wish to see her as adi’s wife as she can only do this and give him what he has been desiring for ages…and pankhu says yes

precap – adi says to surpankhan tell him wht he do not to let her send T2Q out of home and to make surpankhan comfy..and then says you dont want me to talk to her…and she says by signling yes..and adi promsie surpankahn he wont talk to she is ahppya nd is nto troubled…and surpakhan is happy…T2Q says to adi prasadh…and just then surpankhan comes and adi sees her and T2Q..and is in delima…

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  1. Sree
    August 26, 12:26 Reply

    Very nice update but pls avoid spelling mistakes & some pics

  2. Roshni
    August 26, 01:16 Reply

    Please write properly. There are so many spelling mistakes. Story ke kachara bana diya tumne!

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