Pyaar Ka Dard Hai 4th March 2013 Written Update

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Pyaar Ka Dard Hai 4th March 2013 Written Update by SAIBALROUTH

Pyaar Ka Dard Hai 4th March 2013 Written Episode

Episode starts with Shanky who had to deposit money for an insurance scheme, was going out when Pankuri saw him and Shanky says to Pankuri that he is going to deposit money and will be out for 2 hours. Now Sheila comes and says Shanky not to go anywhere, says it is Anuj’s order, and Shanky goes inside room.

Preeti Maasi comes before Avantika and says how can she allow Latika to stay in this house and also says she shouldn’t have handed over the reigns of the company to Anuj, Avantika says she did it for the good of the family, but Preeti counters her and says no good is happening to the family and the family is day-by-day going to the ruins. Avantika says she wanted to fulfill her father’s wishes of uniting the family but Preeti says that is not happening but on the contrary the family conditions are worsening day by day

Preeti Maasi gets a call from Kailash’s wife who thanks her and says when Preeti will come with PaYa they can meet her and Kailash

Pankuri says to Shanky that his work has been done and Adi did it, and Shanky profusely thanks PaYa

Harish delays his shoot and comes to Diwan Mansion, meets Avantika and tries talking to her regarding PaYa quarrel. He was just beginning to talk, when Avantika said she also wanted to talk with Harish regarding the same issue. Pankuri was seeing it from a distance and conveying it to Adi but all the while, Pankuri could feel a sense of uneasiness between HarTika and she conveyed that to Adi over phone. Adi was getting restless and says Pankuri to listen what conversation Harish and Avantika are having, but Pankuri says if she goes there, how will they feel and it would look indecent and they will be at awkward position. Suddenly a call from production manager came and Harish had to rush to shooting scene, and the talks couldn’t develop properly, resulting in disappointment for PaYa

Sheila was busy reading the contract agreement document and saying that nowhere it is written that Latika will have none of the property or the matter that after getting the property, she will be no one for Rubel, Rubel says it is a contract agreement and none of that sort is written, and asks Sheila to understand that. Sheila says to Rubel that why not utilize Latika to fullest extent and use her to create a deep divide between PaYa such that the whole property can be in their grasp.

Kailash comes to Kullu and seeks permanent stay at the family house, Dada Ji welcomes them heartily and is very happy that finally the family is getting united and Kailash says he will shift his business here

Adi asks Pankuri to think something else so as to make HarTika more closer, and so Pankuri goes to Avantika’s room and requests her to let Pankuri sleep in Avantika’s room. Avantika agrees and understands that the situation is slowly going out of control, and says she will talk about their misunderstandings to Adi the next day.

Meanwhile Adi fails to fall asleep and sends Pankuri sms, waking up both Avantika and Pankuri. Adi says his sleep isn’t coming because Pankuri isn’t here and Pankuri says the same too. Moreover Pankuri asks Adi to close the laptop as it won’t bring him any closer to sleep. Adi does that with a smile, and seeing that Avantika is getting up, they stop texting each other after some time.

In the morning, PaYa were at their room, when Adi cuts his chin while shaving, and Pankuri tries applying medicine to the cut part, resulting in a lovely PaYa moment

Adi is with Latika and Latika is saying from now one she will ensure that she won’t harm him or his reputation, and holds Adi’s hand. Harish and Pankuri looks from a distance …

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  1. Sonya
    March 04, 17:49 Reply

    Interesting, love this show.

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