Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti 25th December 2023 Written Update

Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti 25th December 2023 Written Update by Sona

Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya Shiv Shakti 25th December 2023 Written Episode

Bua is standing between Nandu and Shiv when Nandu stops her saying tat no one can come between Shiv and Nandu as for Nandu his house is Shiv, along with the entire world for him and if people give the example of love of Shiv and Shakti then also give their example so only Shiv can decide what to do with this Shiv, he says that his brother can beat him if he likes but should just tell him what is his mistake and what has Nandu done that his Shiv would be ashamed for the rest of his life. Shiv replies Nandu has not made a mistake but a crime, Shiv says Nandu changed the letter which he wrote to Shakti and this is why she agreed to this marriage. Mandra goes to Shiv saying Nandu can do this as he is a very simple person. Nandu asks what is Shiv saying assuring he did not change the letter, Shiv says he should not lie mentioning he trusted Nandu more then himself and thought Nandu would surely come back after doing what he cannot do, but Nandu gave Shakti the lie and has made his belief even stronger that Shakti would not marry him after knowing the truth as he knew no one would accept him after knowing the truth, Shiv says that Nandu tried to change the fate of Shakti after changing the letter and tried to write a lie in her life which he would not allow, he says he never thought that Nandu can do something explaining everyone else calls him simple but he felt that his Nandu is the one who is simple. Nandu once again says he did not change the letter and gave Shakti the letter but Shiv replies he does not even trust Nandu even a bit, Dadi asks if Shiv knows who is he talking about, the Nandu who listens to everything that Shiv says and asks Nandu to swear on Bholaynath Nath.

Nandu refuses to swear on Bhagwan saying Dadi is right and then swears on Shiv that he did not change the letter. Nandu demands that Shiv should swear on him if he thinks that Nandu can swear false on his life, Nandu exclaims he does not know how to hide something and say the other but he only knows to do what his Shiv brother has said and he just does it even if it causes pain to anyone else, this is the love of Nandu for his Shiv. Nandu swears he can never deceive his Shiv, Dadi exclaims it is enough and then mentions that not even a single moment of happiness comes to this house that they cause problems, Shiv says it is enough of Shiv because they alll agreed to his desires and then he should say for once what he desires because she will cancel the wedding right now, the entire family is shocked. Mandra thinks that Dadi has said a lot in the heat of the moment, when Dadi says that Shiv should understand she is dead for him, Shiv says Baggu maa can not always emotionally blackmail him, Dadi asks what about what he is doing because the entire family love him a lot and always do what he desires without even thinking of themselves, is it not blackmail. Dadi says Shiv takes advantage of everyone as there is no one to say anything in front of him, Dadi mentions it is enough and he should not marry if this is what he likes but he is going to lose the right to call him Baggu Maa and even lost the right to perform the last rituals. Shiv request her to not say such things and then agrees to get married, Mandra is smiling. Dadi says he should think before turning back of his words that she is his Grandmother and can also be stubborn, she orders everyone to go and do their work. Shiv thinks Nandu would never falsely swear on his life then how did it happen, Ketan thinks how he wishes he could say how it is happening and the one who can threat to kill her own children can do anything, and there is no one to stop her.

Shakti is pressing the clothes of Rimjhim when she angrily comes saying she can iron her own clothes but then remembers when Mandra said that she should keep the things normal until the wedding happens, Rimjhim then asks Shakti to rest as she is also a bride and must be fresh for the function tomorrow so she hugs Shakti, mentioning they would also live like this in their in laws house and calls Shakti her sister in law after which Rimjhim leaves. Shakti is worried thinking what Rimjhim said to her as they are not the words of her Shakti exclaims that sisters can feel love in even what they say to each other but she can feel the planning of Mandra aunti, she remembers how Mandra threatened to snatch her family from her and this is what she is trying to do, she wonders what can she do to stop the marriage of Rimjhim and Ketan, Shakti does not know that Rimghim is standing behind her at the door and hearing this gets emotional so she walks to the other side and cannot believe what she has just heard, she recalls all of the moments where she felt close to Shakti as they both considered each other as sisters, she even gave Shakti the bracelet saying she is also her brother. Rimjhim sits down mentioning Shakti promised on Deshara that she will protect her from all the problems but today Shakti herself has become the biggest problem and questions why is it like this, Rimjhim exclaims she thought no enemy would ever harm her but now Shakti has become her biggest enemy, they have spend their entire childhood together so why did she forget that she is her Rimghim sister so why did she forget it. Rimjhim remembers when she saw the video of Shakti vowing to not let her marry Ketan. Rimjhim exclaims if Shakti has forgotten everything then she will also forget their love and relation, and she also vows to surely get married.

Gaytri asks Nandu to stop and why is he feeling bad to what Shiv said because sometimes it happens that those whom they love a lot tend to give pain. Shiv refuses saying how can those who they love inflict any pain and exclaims he does not have any right to love Nandu, he asks why is Shiv talking like this when Shiv pleads with Nandu to forgive him questioning how can he suspect him. Shiv exclaims he should just be punished, Gaytri asks Shiv to not say but Shiv forces Nandu to hit him who asks what is he doing. Shiv starts crying and hugs Nandu questioning how can he raise his hand on Nandu, as he is not worthy to call Nandu as his friend but Nandu says if he is not close to Shiv then there is no meaning to his life. Nandu swears he would not even say a word even if Shiv kills him but Shiv suspected him so he was not able to think of anything else and swears he never lied to Shiv, who says he knew it and this is why he is sorry and thank you, Nandu asks what does it mean, Shiv replies he is sorry because he raised his hand on him and thank-you as Shiv even then forgave him but god promise because he is never going to suspect him again.

Shakti sitting on the bed wonders what is going to be the next plan of Mandra aunti and she wonders when is Mandra aunti going to be questioned for her actions. Mandra while sitting in the rocking chair recalls how PurNandu jee said she should first let Shiv and Shakti come close after which they would be separated, she starts laughing thinking how both Shiv and Shakti agreed to marry each other, she exclaims Mandra Kayshup is never defeated no matter who is standing against her, she suddenly starts screaming.

Precap: Shakti calls Shiv. He gets excited after seeing her call and drops his phone. Shiv sees a photo and gets flashbacks. Shiv loses his calm and starts crying.

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