Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 14th January 2023 Written Update

Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 14th January 2023 Written Update by Sona

Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 14th January 2023 Written Episode

Radha explains she is going to reveal the entire truth, the entire Trivedi family is shocked. Radha explains Damini would be shocked seeing her here, as she would have thought those criminals would have taken her life, ending the story but there was no one to help her, she reveals it was never the case as she is not alone, Kadambari is also worried, Radha mentions there is someone else standing by her side, Tulsi thinks if Radha tells the truth about her. Radha informs someone who cares for this family as much as her, in front of whom the criminals do not mean anything, Kadambari stops Radha mentioning she knows they both have talked with each other but she should not tell anyone about her otherwise everything would end.

Damini whispers to Kaveri asking if Tulsi also told Radha the truth which died with her, Kaveri replies to it cannot happen because Tulsi can neither talk nor reveal herself, Damini replies she feels something is wrong because of which Radha is so confident and she even broke the protection shield. Ketki asks who she is talking about, who was beside her. Tulsi requests Radha to not tell anyone about her because they would then consider her a mental person, while refusing to believe anything she says, Radha turns to Kadambari who also signals her to not reveal the truth. Radha walks in the front, revealing she had her Bihari jee, Kaveri and Damini are relieved. Rameshwar prostate before him.

Radha reveals he protected her from the criminals sent by Damini and even brought her back to this house because he also does not want this marriage to happen, Radha requests Mohan to step off the Mandap and not go ahead with this marriage, Ajeet and Ketki also feel the same. Mohan asks Radha to leave, informing this marriage is not going tok stop now, but Radha replies to it would stop and she is going to do everything in her power to stop it. Radha tries to move ahead but Dadi stops her questioning who is she to stop this marriage, she inquires what relation does Radha have with anyone from this family, she questions does she not see that the relation which she made with this family, was never completed, and they forcefully threw her out just a while ago. Dadi mentions Radha has done a lot for this family btu they have just humiliated her, she should let go of this madness as they don’t care if she stays here and will not suffer even if she dies. Mohan asks what Dadi is saying, Radha replies but she cares, she mention everything that happens to Mohan affects her, with the smile or pain of Mohan she feels affected by it, Radha turning to Dadi explains she is the Radha of Mohan jee, she can never see him in pain even if it means being humiliated by the entire world.

Mohan thinks Radha should not say such big things for him, he requests her to leave since he cannot bear her being humiliated anymore. Rameshwar also requests Radha to stop, he even holds his hand in front of her, Radha replies she knows he can never see her in pain but he should believe her that this pain means a lot to her, rather greater then anything else in the world. He should not ask her to leave since it is the time to seek the right, Ketki encourages Radha for having such high spirit explaining what the shame is in asking for her right, Kadambari scolds her.

Damini questions what right she is talking about, she doesn’t have any right over this house or anyone from this family. Radha walks onto the Mandap; Damini threatens her to stay away from Mohan. Radha explains the truth hides if they turn away from it but does not end, she explains he has not even looked at her ever since she came here but this does not mean that she is not present here, she reveals she is here and is going to stay in this same house, it is time that he should look at her and even the truth. Radha forces Mohan to turn, he is shocked seeing her dressed in the clothes which belonged to Tulsi. Mohan is shocked seeing her dressed in the bridal dress, he remembers Tulsi on the day they both got married. Mohan is not able to stop thinking about the day, as Radha is standing in front of him. Tulsi exclaims she knew he would remember it.

Mohan asks Radha if this dress belongs to Tulsi, the entire family is stunned. Kadambari is also shocked realizing the truth, Mohan asks if she wore the dress of Tulsi, Radha is not able to say anything, Mohan explains he buried it in the garden but she wore it taking it out from there, everyone is scared seeing his anger. Mohan throws the Varmala on the ground, he asks the reason why Radha wore the dress of Tulsi, she is not able to say anything.

Mohan asks if she thought he would fall in love if she came dressed in the clothes of Tulsi, and he will marry her if she acts like Tulsi, he reveals Tulsi left him and made his daughter into his enemy. Damini smiles thinking that her plan will fulfill. Mohan mentions Tulsi never loved him, Tulsi is thinking about all the beautiful moments she spend with Mohan, he explains Tulsi never cared for him but was a selfish person. Mohan blames Radha for also being an opportunist, just like Tulsi as she also deceived him. Mohan blames her for just acting as if she cares for him, but it is not the truth, Mohan says there is no difference between her and Tulsi, everyone is shocked.

Damini asks if he can see that she is the same girl whom he thought was simple, but she is also a thief, because she first wore her wedding dress and now the one which belonged to Tulsi. Damini exclaims he should let it go since she has a habit of creating drama but they cannot let go of the last moment to get married, she tries to take Mohan away but Radha pushes Damini away, Mohan is also stunned not being able to believe anything, Damini asks if Mohan can see, wondering why are they listening to her since she has once again lost her mind and she asks how can they delay their wedding because of Radha, and listen to her lies. Radha asks Damini to stop but Mohan instead exclaims it is enough, he says there is a limit to everything, he says he tried to make her understand she doesn’t love him but it is just infatuation, she instead is standing in front of him dressed as Tulsi. Radha replies he is the one who cannot understand, she is not so young to understand the difference between love and infatuation and her fight is not for love but this family, she would therefor do with what she returned, Mohan says it is wrong, Radha says she does not care but would do it, Mohan is shocked seeing Radha who is adamant.

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