Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 15th November 2022 Written Update

Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 15th November 2022 Written Update by Sona

Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 15th November 2022 Written Episode

Maha Pandit jee walking to Kadambari blames she is the reason Mohan is facing death, Kadambari questions what is he saying and what is he doing here, Damini reveals she called Maha Pandit jee here so he can recite the verses for the betterment but why is he blaming Maa, Maha Pandit jee says that such verses can only stop the outside forces but this problem for Mohan is called upon by their own family.

Ketki answers the call and is stunned after hearing it, Rahul questions what happened, she informs Mohan is in critical condition and they must perform the open brain surgery. Rahul also gets worried when Ketki exclaims, they should not inform Gungun about this as she will be really tensed.

Radha apologizes to Maha Pandit jee mentioning Kadambari really loves Mohan and does all she can to for him, Maha Pandit jee says that she feels even after the solution he provided was not fulfilled, as they should get him married is the only way his problems would end, Kadambari replies that she had tried to get Mohan married but every time a problem arose which caused them to delay it. Maha Pandit jee takes out the Kundali, explaining first Mohan went through a road accident after which he was bitten by the snake and before he could fully recover from it then he faced a burning accident, if they donot listen to him it would lead to his death since his stars are not in the direct order, Mohan has the Markeshdosh and if his wife doesnot come to fight off the evils then he will surely die, Kadambari apologizes to Pandit jee as he advised her to do all these steps but how could she forget them, Kadambari sits down when Radha explains that nothing happens in this world without the permission of Bihari jee and she must not be worried.

Kadambari gets tensed asking if the bad omen is Tulsi but Damini explains that Tulsi has been with them since the past seven years but nothing like this ever happened, Radha kneels in front of Damini requesting her to not believe the warning of Maha Pandit jee as no mother can ever do anything wrong for their children, Radha suggests they all should do whatever they can since the doctors have started working while they must also do whatever is in their power, Radha mentions she would keep standing on one feet till Mohan jee gets healthy once again. Radha is about to leave however damini stops her, she angrily slaps Radha in front of everyone, Kadambari questions how did she dare slap Radha. Mr Trivedi also asks if she is in her senses as Radha is like their daughter. Ajeet also asks how she can slap Radha, Kadambari consoles Radha, saying to Damini that Radha has done a lot for them and even if she gives her their entire wealth even then it will not be enough. Kadambari asks how she got the strength, Damini replies she should have gotten the strength a long time ago as she can see everything clearly, Damini explains Kadambari must side with her today because if anything happens to Mohan today the whole world would say she was a stepmother, she fears what might happen if anyone questions her. Damini explains if Kadambari doesnot side with her today then it will happen again, Kadambari questions what the reason is she should side with her because she humiliated Radha.

Damini takes her hand explaining Kadambari blindly trusts Radha, however Kadambari explains she trusts Radha but Damini mentions whenever they believe someone it is called blind trust when they still believe someone who is constantly making mistakes, because that person tries to ruin their family even then they all believe her. Kadambari asks Damini to say it clearly as she cannot understand but Damini says that Kadambari would not understand what Maha Pandit jee has just said however she knows the truth. Mr Trivedi warns her to think before as she must understand who she is talking to. Shekar also asks Damini to not twist the things, Ajeet explains Radha is the daughter of Mr Trivedi’s close friend and like his daughter.

Damini mentions they would never think wrong of Radha since she is the daughter of his friend, Ajeet defends Radha explaining she has always thought for the betterment of their family and not once tried to do anything wrong, this is Radha. Kaveri exclaims today her own daughter got trapped in her plan because she thought no one would be able to defend Radha however the entire Trivedi family is siding with Radha.

Damini mentions they did not hear what Maha Pandit jee said, the 2nd of May as on that day an evil spirit entered Mohan’s life. Damini tries to oust Radha, but Kadambari stops her, Damini reveals it is the date when Radha came to their house bringing all the problems in his life, she is the evil spirit. Kaveri exclaims now the real plan started. Radha is really tensed. Damini explains Radha turned the life of Mohan, and till now Mohan is always in danger, first the incident of the picnic, she did not let her go with Mohan but herself was trapped and then the kidnappers came to the forest. The vein of Mohan was cut, Kaveri thinks her daughter learned to twist the words.

Damini mentions then the incident of the theft began which caused the fight between Mohan and Rahul after which both the brothers did not talk with each other and then the incident of the carpet happened which burnt both, while Radha did not get even a scratch. Kaveri is really amazed with her daughter. Damini explains after that Radha was trying to go to the Mandir where she fell in the mud and even pulled Mohan, after that the entire city saw them both together which caused humiliation for the entire Trivedi family. Damini asks who does know her since the reputation of their family was blamed while today Mohan is in this problem because of her, she warns Radha would be blamed if anything happens to Mohan, Radha is terrified while everyone else get shocked.

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