Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 23rd May 2024 Written Update

Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 23rd May 2024 Written Update by Sona

Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 23rd May 2024 Written Episode

Ajeet says if Mohan Bhai is saying Manan is his son then it is the truth, he tells Ketki that the love of a father can never diminish and the blood relations are always the same, Kadambari gets up in shock but then realizes what she has done so sits back, Kadambari thinks that she knows Radha and Mohan did not have that relation, ketki refuses to accept it and says what does it matter, asking if Radha cares for Mohan bhai as she has settled with a new family but their Mohan bhai is alone, he did not think about starting a new life with anyone while they can see how Meera loves him a lot but that Radha is just, Mohan angrily asks her to say whatever she desires, ketki turns in shock to see Mohan standing behind her, Mohan walks to her asking why did she get quiet and should take out the frustration that she has in her head for Radha and he wants to see what she thinks about Radha, Mohan says he will give just a single reply, because Manan is his son while Radha can never do anything wrong with him, ketki replies that the life of her brother is being ruined as Radha is happy there but he is suffering, Mohan says Radha is also tensed like him and worrying for him so can they not see the pain of Radha, Ketki replies they would see it when she is sad but Radha is very happy and in fact she wants Radha to be sad now, because why should the peace of their house be ruined. Mohan replies there is no need to be so angry, ketki replies she has seen him being lonely and it is going to come back when she returns because he will not lose the hope so it is better that everyone finds out the truth, Ajeet tries to stop Ketki but she warns Mohan that she is going to teach Radha a lesson, and even Yug who is mad for Radha must find out what his wife has hidden from him, Ketki leaves so Mohan follows her, Kadambari gets worried thinking what if ketki ruins her life while trying to teach Radha a lesson. Mohan requests Ketki to not do anything of the sort, she replies she cannot see him in pain like this and is going to teach them a lesson, while there is no problem in fighting today. Kadambari wonders how the situations have started developing ever since Radha came back to their life, she thinks what if the truth about Radha and Mohan is revealed in front of everyone.

Ketki angrily entering the Kholi Mansion calls Radha to come out, Mohan is trying to stop her but then Yug coming from behind asks who is Radha and whom is she calling, Mohan hugs Ketki telling her that she would see him dead if she talks about Radha, he asks her to take deep breaths. Yug questions Mr Trivedi what is going on, Mohan says ketki has a habit of walking in the sleep and Radha was her best friend, so she left them all and Ketki in anger starts calling her. Mohan mentions that Radha used to live in the house in front of their and so she thought this house also belongs to Radha. Ajeet agrees with Mohan saying that in the night when he wakes up he is not able to find ketki who is searching for her friend, Mohan says her injury is from the heart and it is very difficult to forget her image and they all pray that she comes back to their life, Yug suggests Mohan should take care of his family and make sure they stay in his own house while not go to the house of the neighbors, asking if Mohan knows how his entire family is very stressed and what about their actions. Mohan agrees saying they can just try to make sure no one gets hurt, Mohan asks where is Radha but then Pari tells Mohan it is fine so he should not be so sorry, as such things tend to happen in such big cities. Mohan takes Ketki away before they find Radha, Ajeet informs that one time she did not come back for so long that he felt she had left for Mathura. Radhika asks how did he get the discharge when he says he has to get it and came back with Garv, Radhika asks if he is fine so Yug hugs him saying they all should go back to rest as it is very late, Yug lis down on the couch exclaiming that his stomach is growling so he should go outside the house as then would feel better.

Manan is on the bed with Radhika but constantly thinking about the person in the black dress who threatened him saying neither his father nor mother will come to save him, and he was even following him in the corridor. Radhika asks Manan to sleep and not be scared as his mother is with him so no hoodie man will come, Manan replies he always sees the person whenever he closes his eyes, Radhika replies they are not going to let anyone come inside but then asks him to sit up as they are going to play a game. Radhika says he has to make a car in ten minutes, Manan accepts the challenge when Punam comes telling Radhika was with Manan for the entire day and so must go to get fresh while she will sit with him, Punam asks if Manan is making a ar then says he should tell her how he will make it.

Yug is walking when outside when he sips and falls due to the marbles Gungun comes to Yug apologizing for playing outside when she tries to check his foot but he says that women in their house donot touch the feet, Gungun says she was just taking care of him and he says she should take his hand if she wants to help him, she starts thinking when he mentions he will get up himself, he advises her to play less in the night because if she finds someone weird then he will take away the marbles and even her, Yug turns to leave when Gungun says her suspicion was correct and if Yug can hurt Manan then can do anything so Ramaa is not safe, Yug thinks that he has to take care of Gungun before she finds out anything else, Gungun leaves after seeing Yug entering the house.

Kadambari is eating at the table wondering what would have Ketki done there, she thinks she should eat the mangoes but then hears the sound of them all coming, she quickly gets up to sit on her wheelchair again.

Mohan stops Ketki asking what was she trying to do, she replies what can she do as she watched him suffer for so long, and she has seen him longing for the name of Radha but now will not let him suffer anymore, she says she feels a lot of pain and so wants to see him happy by his heart, Mohan asks if Ketki is foolish, he asks how many houses did they see before purchasing this house because even Ba Kai Bihari jee wanted Radha to be near them. Ketki replies nothing would happen if they stay quiet and she feels they should ask Radha who is the father of the child and after that even they can move on in life, otherwise she would keep doing her show. Mohan tells Ketki to stop assuring of his trust on Radha because she will surely tell the truth Ketki replies that Radha has moved on in her life, Mohan asks what is this moving on saying when two people love each other then they are not able to move on, while the world around them go ahead but they keep standing at the same place and not able to move, he says he can prove that Radha loves him. Ketki questions how will he do it, Mohan replies how their love started so says now Radha will come by herself to him.

Radhika comes back after getting fresh when she suddenly hears the sound of the flute, Radha tries to cover her ears but is not able to forget when she used to be with Mohan while he was playing the flute, she sits on the bed while still closing her ears but starts thinking about how she would enjoy when Mohan used to play the flute. Punam notices how Radhika is very worried before furiously going out of the room, she keeps closing her ears while running downstairs, Radhika angrily walks towards the house of Mohan who is siting playing the flute, she gets emotional while looking at him but he is busy playing the flute.

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