Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 4th May 2023 Written Update

Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 4th May 2023 Written Update by Sona

Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 4th May 2023 Written Episode

Mohan is furious while driving the car which scares Radha who requests him to drive a little slow, she asks what is he doing when Mohan suddenly stops the car and after staring at Radha starts hitting the steering wheel, Radha requests him to stop. Mohan then kneels towards Radha to take the belt, Radha smiles while staring Mohan who is still furious, he also keeps looking at her before attaching the belt. Radha keeps smiling, thinking he keeps saying he doensot love her, Mohan mentions he indeed does not love her, before starting the car.

Damini and Kaveri both are standing on the balcony when Mohan stops the car and enters the house, Radha also follows him. Kaveri exclaims she has come back once again, Damini mentions that Mohan for the first time has gotten angry with Radha, and he might even calm down but the painful memories of the past would force him to get mad at her again.

Ketki assures Gungun that Radha will come back, Mohan enters the house when Gungun runs to him asking where is Radha but he does not reply, Radha then enters the house so Gungun runs to hug her and she assures that everything is fine. Tulsi wonders why is Mohan so angry, she prays if everything is fine. Gungun questions Radha where was she, as she got really tensed. Ketki mentions what was the need to worry because Mohan was with Radha, Gungun smiling asks Radha if it was her plan to spend some time alone with Mohan, he turning mentions that Radha feels joy in making such plans, Gungun also agrees with Mohan informing that she is a master in making such plans. Radha requests him to listen to her just once, Damini mentions Radha should get used to such behavior of Mohan as he has for the first time refused to listen to her while very soon will throw her out of the house after which she will open the door leading to her death.

Kadambari coming to Radha asks where was she and if everything is fine, Radha assures it is fine but she keeps looking at Mohan which Kadambari notices so she turns to even ask Mohan the same question, he also signals that there is not any problem before walking away, Kadambari gets really tensed so asks Radha what has happened to him, she questions where were they both all this time. Radha informs her phone died and even the phone at the office was not working, so they got really late. Kadambari informs they all got really worried and so she should go to sleep after eating something, Kadambari leaves after asking Gungun to smile since her Radha came back.

Ketki coming to Radha questions what has happened because Mohan seemed furious, Radha lies saying that she just got late due to the work in the office. Gungun informs there is nothing to worry about since she with the help of Radha would convince Mohan, however Radha refuses explaining she will convince Mohan jee by herself but Gungun must go to sleep and show her the Hindi homework in the morning.

Radha tries to leave after wishing Ketki good night but she stops Radha, and going to stand in front of her mentions she lied to everyone but would not be able to lie to her, Ketki explains she can clearly see there is something causing tension between them both, Radha assures that it is just a little argument and she will handle it, Damini mentions Radha will take it very lightly and does not know it is going to be the start to the end of their love story. Ketki replies she knows it is nothing very small but relating to Damini, because of which Mohan would have gotten furious at her. Radha remembers how Mohan scolded her. Ketki asks if Radha still thinks it is a small argument, revealing that Mohan also used to get in such arguments with Tulsi Bhabhi but due to them something happened which they had never thought about and Tulsi Bhabhi left them all, from the life of Mohan bhai, and this house while even the world. Tulsi agrees saying Damini is playing the same game with Radha which she played with her. Ketki informs the game and situation is same while only Radha is new, Ketki explains she gets really scared thinking about what might happen, she informs that ego should not come between the relation of Radha and Mohan. Damini mentions that ego can destroy any relation so just as they ruined the relation of Tulsi and Mohan then it will happen the same with Radha and Mohan. Ketki requests Radha to go and sort out everything with Mohan bhai today. Radha remembers when Mohan informed her about all those things which Tulsi said to her along with the text. Radha wonders how could she make such a big mistake explaining she thought she would always stay one step ahead of Damini but now can she make the same mistake as Tulsi, because she even caused Mohan to be furious as this is what Damini desires, to end the love which Mohan has for her, she desires to change it into anger and frustration. Ketki advises Radha to always remember that Damini plays a game thinking very far ahead, informing she has been acting of being innocent since yesterday and did not even go to office today when she loves it.

Radha exclaims this is what Damini planned on doing today, Ketki does not understand when Radha informs that some criminals entered the office and they even attacked her, Ketki questions why did she not tell anyone, Radha asks how could she tell because no one would believe her, and even Mohan refused to believe her., Radha thinks Damini not only wants to inflict pain on her but also ruin her relation with Mohan, as she blamed everything on her. Radha informs this is why Mohan jee is really angry with her, she thinks it is nothing to worry about as she knows how to convince Mohan, Damini hearing it gets furious.

Tulsi mentions she knew Damini would surely plan something, she is glad that Radha came back safe and sound, she asks Radha to go and convince her Mohan while she will go and stay beside Gungun.

Radha turning to Ketki explains she needs her help informing she found this paper in the office and got to know about all the numbers but has no idea about just one, she asks if Ketki can tell her who does this number belong, Ketki assures so she starts typing the number, explaining even she does not have this number. Ketki suggests it might be an old list, since some of them have left the company. Radha wonders how would they find out the truth, when Gayatri also does not know about this number. Ketki explains there is one option informing that Papa has a diary which might have the number of the old employees. Radha says she will immediately ask papa about the diary, Ketki questions why is Radha asking such questions, she replies she is doing this because she has just joined the office so thought it would be better if she knows about the details. Radha walks away while Ketki is worried.

Mohan lying down on the floor, remembers how Radha blamed that he lost Tulsi because he did not trust her, she said everything is the same as Damini is playing the same games but he is not ready to believe anything. Radha explained just as Tulsi is no longer with him then she might also not be by his side tomorrow, Radha blamed that he said he does not love her and if she is not in his life then he would be really happy, she asked the reason he is staying with her when she is the reason for all of the problems in his life. Mohan sees Radha entering so acts as if he has fallen asleep, Radha gets even more emotional seeing Mohan sleeping on the floor, she keeps thinking about what happened and how he questioned if she cannot understand what he is feeling, he even said he might have killed her because this is what everyone thinks about him so why does he care, Radha picking her pillow goes to place it beside that of Mohan and lies down behind him, she is really emotional and asks Mohan if he has fallen asleep, she says those who are pure at heart never tend to fall asleep when they are angry, she says she knows he is not asleep. Radha places her hand on the shoulder of Mohan, he gets really furious

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