Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 9th February 2023 Written Update

Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 9th February 2023 Written Update by Sona

Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 9th February 2023 Written Episode

Radha explains she was making the food as Radha but this is the first time she will make it as Radha Mohan Trivedi since she is both his wife and the daughter in law of this family, Mohan is shocked seeing her and even starts smiling as Radha goes into the wardrobe, Mohan is stunned asking what are her clothes doing in his wardrobe when she replies because his clothes are about to go in the room of Damini, Mohan asks what is she talking about, he lies down on the bed wondering where did he get trapped in such cold. Mohan turns on the mobile where he finds out that today is going to be the coldest day of the year and so it is better if they all should remain in their warm beds.

Radha comes to Mohan asking why he is staring at her and should fall asleep, Mohan acts as if he is really cold so asks for a cup of tea since his mother says that he falls ill really quickly. Radha leaves mentioning she would prepare the tea with Tulsi petal and ginger, Radha leaves so Mohan thinks he is going to teach her a lesson, he starts instructing someone on the call. Tulsi coming to the room wonders where Radha is when she has to make the first breakfast of this house, she wonders what Mohan is ordering so early in the morning, she sees him going into the bathroom and cutting the wire to the geyser. Tulsi requests him to not tease Radha anymore.

Damini while walking in the hall thinks she should quickly wake her mother because if everyone finds out that Mohan was with her in her room then everything would be ruined, Damini is shocked seeing her mother on the floor and so quickly tries her best to wake her up, she even covers her mother. Damini asks what happened when Kaveri informs her about what happened last night as the person wearing the black dress wanted to kill her, Damini exclaims but she is still alive and nothing happened to her, Damini explains she is no longer going to believe her anymore, Damini informs from today she would have to sleep in the gest room as Mohan will stay with her in her room.
Damini and Kaveri both are walking when Kaveri sees the person wearing the black dress standing outside of the house, Kaveri picks the wooden rod to go and hit him an they are about to hit him when he turns and they both are shocked to see Mohan asks Damini if Kaveri Masi does not tell anyone about last night, she assures she would handle everything and they both go inside
Mohan is standing when the truck comes and the people ask if he is Mohan Trivedi and made this order, they open the lid revealing the ice block. Mohan asks them to bring it to the water tank before instructing them to throw the ice in it, they warn Mohan that t would turn the water even more cold, so Mohan explains someone told his mother that this is the best way to end the cold. Mohan exclaims now the real fun would begin. Tulsi informs that he is making a mistake and this is no way to tease anyone.

Mohan is sitting on the bed while being covered in the blanket when Radha brings the tea for him, he mentions that he is feeling very good after drinking the tea made by her and he feels like cutting off her hand, she is shocked, but he clarifies that he meant he would kiss her hands. Mohan apologizes for causing her to be late for the first cooking day, Radha assures she would even then be able to prepare the food on time. Radha rushes into he bathroom to take a shower, Mohan exclaims they are now going to see what happens as she will surely get cold after taking a bath. Tulsi asks him to not do this since Radha will get ill. Mohan rushes to the bathroom door and even takes away her clothes.

Radha is shocked after realizing that the water is really cold, she quickly turns it off and calls Mohan informing him that the water is really cold and she feels that the geyser is broken, Mohan advises she should now take a bath from the cold water, but Radha replies that she will come out after which he can check the geyser, Mohan says she can come out right now, Mohan starts smiling when Radha is shocked seeing that she does not have her clothes, Mohan asks if the water is so cold as if someone has placed ice in the water tank, Radha replies that this is his doing and she requests him to give her the clothes because she has to prepare for the ritual but Mohan angrily replies that now because she ahd not even taken the shower and neither has her clothes so how would she complete the ritual.
Kadambari enters the room calling Radha asking where is she, Radha replies that she is locked in the bathroom, Mohan replies that Radha has been awake since the past one hour and is still not ready for the ritual and even doesn’t feel like performing it, Kadambari angrily replies that Radha should have told her if she did not feel like performing it but Radha replies that she would surely come down after getting ready in just a moment.

Mohan smiles saying she made the promise but how would she go down, Radha says she would surely perform the ritual and so starts the shower and is taking the bath in the cold water. Mohan at first starts making a fun of it but then after realizing that she is actually taking a bath, requests Radha to stop assuring he would bring warm water for her but Radha replies he does not have to do it anymore, Mohan threatens to break the lock of the door if she does not open the door, Radha does not respond so he breaks it, but they both scream as Radha is still taking a bath, Mohan rushes out of the bathroom when Radha demands he should give her back the clothes, Mohan places them behind himself but does not turn, she even asks him to close the door.

Mohan even breaks the handle of the door, and is shivering after what just happened, Radha comes to stand behind him, he asks if he can turn and then questions what the need was to take the shower in such cold water, he even asks if this ritual is so important for her. Radha replies that she is trying to be the daughter in law of this family and even his wife, explaining if all the women of this country started taking a break just after catching a flu then most of the houses would not have any food. Radha replies she would surely perform the ritual today, Mohan is shocked.

Precap: Gungun advises Radha to be careful explaining both Damini and Kaveri masi are very over smart and would surely try to ruin her food. Radha and Damini are both working in the kitchen, Damini seeing the opportunity exclaims her kheer would be the worst kheer, she mixes some spices in it. Damini and Radha both are walking together and place their dishes on the table.

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