Qubool Hai 17th March 2015 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 17th March 2015 Written Update by Rimjhim

Qubool Hai 17th March 2015 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Shaad’s residence, Faislabad, Lahore
Misbah’s mother and shaad’s father attends to guests, while shaad walks around tensedly. Misbah finally descends. shaad is tensed to see her, as she walks with the dupatta veiled over her face. she is made to sit for the marriage. the priest begins to start the rituals, asking the bride and the groom to take their place. Meanwhile, sanam rushes through the corridor, remembering her moments with shaad, when he stood for her. She runs into someone who tells her that he is attending the marriage rituals downstairs. she rushes dishevelled downstairs. The priest starts with the marriage, asking misbah if she agrees to the marriage, telling her about her alimony. Before she can respond, sanam comes in hurriedly, screaming that this marriage cant take place. All are shocked, particularly shaad’s father and misbah’s mother, while shaad is tensed. She rushes down and again screams that she wont let this marriage happen. All are shocked. shaad’s father asks swho is she to stop the marriage. sanam blurts out that she is Shaad’s wife, shocking and stunning them all, while shaad is taken aback. Shaad and the bride are shocked, as she finally unveils her face. It turns out to be Tanveer’s daughter, who tanveer had sworn would avenge her death. Misbah’s mother is distraught, while Misbah herself is distraught, as she eyes shaad angrily and apalled. Shaad sits speechless by the other side of the veil. sanam says that with her here, shaad cant marry this girl. All are shocked and boggled too. She asks shaad why is he quiet, and asks him to tell everyone that she is his wife, while he sits quietly. she asks how can he give her right to some other woman. Wazira, misbah’s mother is shocked, and asks that some moments back, she was congratulating her for this marriage, then why is she trying to ruin her daughter’s marriage and life now. sanam clarifies that she didnt know her daughter was marrying her own husband sometime back. She turns to shaad and asks him to reveal who is she. His father angrily asks if this is the truth. He still stands quiet. Misbah stands up disbelieving, and storms inside to her room. Her mother is apalled and overwhelmed. his father is furious, as she tells him that he didnt do right with her daughter. she rushes to get her daughter. Sanam is shocked and in a state of distress. His father turns to shaad and asks him to answer the damn question with the truth, and asks if this was the reason of his hesitation for the marriage, and if this girl is right. Shaad thinks that if he agrees, then not only he would be saved from marriage, and till he catches Shashi kapoor, he would have a reason to tag this girl along. his father asks him to speak up. She asks him to speak up for god’s sake, as she cant believe that he is still quiet. She asks what would she do, if her husband doesnt recognise her, as she has noone other than him in her life. she says that if he doesnt declare in front of everyone, that she is his wife, then she would kill herself in front of everyone. Shaad and others too are surprised. he finally gets up and says that he wont let anything happen to her, shocking his father. he declares in front of everyone that she is his wife. She gets emotional, while all others are shocked beyond belief and starts gossiping.

Scene 2:
Location: Mamta Maternity home, India
the nerw bride is terribly nervous, to go to the doctor, while ahil takes her along, and shazia enquires about her appointment. The recptionist asks her to wait as she is with some other patient. the new bride says that it would take time, and hence he should go to the office. He says that he has cancelled all meetings today. He asks her to come along. the new bride is frustrated. The doctor sees them and congratulates on the new arrival. Ahil asks him to check thoroughly and take proper care of the mother and the child. the doctor assures him of the same. he asks sanam, how far is her pregnancy. the new bride fumbles and answers 2 months. the doctor asks if she took any meds. she gets tensed. he asks her not to take stress and send if need be through someone. He asks ahil and his sister to wait outside, while he does her checkup. they comply.

The new bride lies on the table. She is nervous, as the doctor begins the checkup. He comments that her hands are extremely cold, and that she cant even heart her heartbeat. he orders the nurse for an X-ray. she gets stressed and asks why’s this needed. he says that its only for his satisfaction. She is still reluctant. He says that if she doesnt co-operate, then he would have to tell ahil. this silences her, and the nurse begins.

Later, the nurses, downstairs, chat amongst themselves, while packing the reports to be delievered. Meanwhile, in the room, the new bride is worried that now once her reports come, everyone shall know of her fake pregnancy. she is scared of ahil’s reaction.

Scene 3:
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Shaad says that he wanted to tell this, but couldnt. His father is enraged and furious, as he always used to cite his duty, as a reason for his reluctance. He says that he has made marriage as a joke, and how he has maligned them. he asks him to think once of misbah. Shaad’s father says that for the first time, he feels why did the lord even give him a son, as he regrets it. She tries to speak. But his father shuts her up. She is shocked. His father apologises to everyone, and then goes inside. All the ladies start commenting and gossiping as they leave. Shaad eyes sanam crying incoherently. He goes over to her, and is about to console her, when the phone rings, with a call from Officer Rathore, and he leaves to attend the call. she breaks down inconsolably. the screen freezes on her face.

Precap: The doctor finds a knife stabbed in the new bride’s rib cage, in her X-ray films. He wonders how is this possible. Later, in darkness, the new bride comes in her devilish form, and tells the doctor that the reason he didnt hear her heartbeat, is because her heart is dead. the doctor is scared and petrified. Meanwhile, sanam says to Shaad that all men have this problem that they all know how to break hearts, but dont know how to apologise. He gets down on his kness, and catching his ears, he says I AM SORRY. sanam eyes him angrily.


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  1. parvez khan
    March 18, 12:33 Reply

    @priya,ztvrocks and alina what are u doing,this station not for fighting only share your opinion and enjoy the show,ksg,kvb,and new one shaad everyone give his best,but from my side this show Continue till due to surbhi,bcz she give her 100% for this show,love u surbhi,god bless u

    • priya
      March 18, 13:14

      bt this show cant run only on her shoulders. had it been true season 1 would not hv ended abruptly

    • priya
      March 18, 13:17

      male lead and chemistry is also imp. u very well know wht ws the effect of KSG’s exit. that means male lead should be good enough. right now also fans are protesting against sahil separation

    • ztvrocks
      March 18, 16:43

      Parvez khan ……. I am not actually fighting…… It’s just that I am fed up of these fans……Since long these idiot kvb fans are protesting on what is really not required……. I mean if a actor don’t want to continue it’s his choice why do we care seriously if u guys push kvb act when he doesn’t want he can’t give his best he will be only doing forcefully. Seriously I am only surbhi fan and if she wants to leave I won’t have ever protested or forced her against her wil.

    • ztvrocks
      March 18, 16:52

      And for u priya I think u really need to search again surbhi is a newbie at the time of s1, but now she is known not only due to her fantastic performance in show but also as a style diva of tv industry. U agree to it or not s2 was not having an appealing storyline at all, but people watched it for surbhi.
      One thing more the kvb fans keep saying that the chemistry between kvb and surbhi is the reason for s2 but really on the other hand they say shehzad and surbhi chemistry was best. I say that both have surbhi common and she builds a sizzling chemistry with everyone. So plz there is no kvb. If it was kvb then as viraj in subhaghyavati he would have that chemistry with sriti jha too, but he didn’t, so knock off.

    • priya
      March 20, 05:21

      u just shut up. i dont want to talk to u. u hv no respect for sumbody else’s opinions so be quiet.

    • priya
      March 20, 05:25

      chemistry is seen when character is positive but viraj was a negative char so hw will thr b any chemistry. can u see ny chemistry btw samrat and urmi from doli armaano ki? so see the characters b4 u talk about them

  2. Param
    March 18, 11:51 Reply

    Oh dear not tan veer again? I can’t stand the sight of that witch looking tan veer. Pls pls get rid of her.

  3. abhi
    March 18, 06:11 Reply

    Ufff but qubool hai as a gud story line be happy its just a serial k bee cool and enjoy d sequence ufffffffffff

  4. Rkbgree
    March 18, 04:41 Reply

    Dis new guy is not at all similar 2 ksg… Ksg is nly 1 no1 ll luk lyk him… But dis new guy 2 lyks gud..

  5. sabrina
    March 18, 04:30 Reply

    I love shahad he really rocks we dont need ahil now
    Its gonna be one romantic show now !

  6. nusrath noor
    March 18, 04:11 Reply

    cute pairs ….. but it should b sehar not sanam…. pretty shaaaaddddd

  7. priya
    March 18, 00:52 Reply

    i request u gk madam pls…. convince kvb to stayback for a month and end this show on a good note. this way good memories will remain in our hearts forever

  8. priya
    March 18, 00:43 Reply

    ztvrocks and alina u both can go to hell. if u wont mind ur language then i will also give u back in same way. so be careful.

  9. jana
    March 17, 22:56 Reply

    First of all i dont want to hurt kvb fans.. From starting i dont like ahil,,But shaad rocks.. He is the perfect match for sj..

  10. SidNi'S FAN
    March 17, 18:29 Reply

    on the recap scene Shaad and Sanam reminded me Asya……i think Shaad and Saher re gonna fall in love wid each other

  11. b
    March 17, 16:43 Reply

    Kvb fans wat happen lyk come on kvb is pure excellence it sad in a way dat he is leaving il always b his fan …nobody cud touch kvb n sj n ksg in acting in dis show guys

  12. inew commet
    March 17, 16:00 Reply

    .shad is good choice
    But the new bride and her magics and dead heart is awfullllll

  13. Elsa
    March 17, 15:54 Reply

    If kv wants to quit then just end his character in the show, what is the need of bringing new actor for Ahil’s character, audience won’t accept new actor as Ahil like Asad,besides Shaad is already there and he is really a great character, he has all the qualities that a hero needs and Jannat already seems attached to him,it will be interesting to watch him also falling for her,they remind me Asya

    • I will miss KV
      March 17, 16:19

      They are going to make his character commit suicide just btw

  14. Kha
    March 17, 15:03 Reply

    I love shaad and seher now i believe this girl with shaad is seher as this rahul sharma will replace karanvir so that means sanam is somewhere else

    • priya
      March 18, 00:49

      no its not seher. she is sanam. seher met with accident. she is somewhere else. her character will be missing for sometime.

    • Rkbgree
      March 18, 04:37

      If it ll b seher 🙂 if its sanam 🙁

  15. hanniya khan
    March 17, 13:54 Reply

    Now dis show sanams scenes will go lyk season 1 zoya and asad I m gussing.n im looking forward 4 2morrowzz ep.

  16. salma
    March 17, 13:50 Reply

    this new guy rocks way to go

  17. Madevi Singh
    March 17, 13:44 Reply

    personally I tink dat thr is changes in evrythin.. evryone needs to move on n stp hondin on d past!! bt I lik it still!!

  18. helja
    March 17, 13:15 Reply

    aww love shaad! HE IS MY FAV IN QH<3 he is just like asad1 his act is perf. and i dont care if kvb leave couazz shaad is 1000 better than him and thus guy who will replace kvb looks like john abrham so dont worry girls<3333

    • SidNi'S FAN
      March 17, 18:31

      yh then new guy Shaad is jst lyk Asad 1….Miss KSG SO MUCH

    • Rkbgree
      March 18, 04:36

      Me also missing ksg a lot… 🙁

  19. priya
    March 17, 12:33 Reply

    noone can take place of kvb as ahil just like asad. RV failed to impress audience. same way this rahul sharma will also fail. i know some people think that kvb can play only negative characters but i want to tell them to do a research. i his earlier shows only viraj’s chararcter from saubhagyavati bhava was a complet negative character. in shararat. in kasauti also his character was initially negative after it was chnged to positive. actually his character has been switched after regular intervals. sometimes negative and sometimes positive. bt during positive phase he carried emotional scenes very well. his devastation after mukti’s death was performed with excellence. and as ahil also we cant imagine someone else. so noone else except kvb. i suggest gk to reunite sahil but only kvb and sj. if u want to introduce new characters then u can kill them afterwards. and also kvb is leaving and he is not going to change his decision so better kill them and continue ur qh with seher and mizbah. also kill that witch.

    • priya
      March 17, 13:07

      mind ur language…. what do u mean?

    • Dana
      March 17, 13:10

      Aahil isn’t like Asad . Personally i have lost interest in aahil and i like Varun . KV is a good actor but he leave this show , so we must go on . who don’t like this twist , new actors and don’t respect SJ , leave this show . those who want to watch , you’re welcome . all the actors of qubool hai are working very hard for you all , and respect their work. I also don’t want rahul sharma to replace KV but we have to accept it . In real life is the same : if someone dies ordestinity separates you and can not reunite , life must continue and we have to accept it . there are many examples of real people that after they lost their love , they cand find it again .

    • Alina Khan
      March 17, 13:27

      @ztvrocks I totally agree with you, some people really need to shut up.

    • SidNi'S FAN
      March 17, 18:33

      wtf watch ur freaking language

    • priya
      March 18, 00:47

      and dana i know ahil isn’t like asas cz he got his own attitude and qualities. every character in a show must be different otherwise it will get boring. kvb gave a new life to this show by his performance. after ksg trp fell drastically and qh was aboyt to face its ending. so respect him and his hard work

    • priya
      March 18, 00:51

      ztvrocks and alina u both can go to hell. if u wont mind ur language then i will also give u back in same way. so be careful.

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