Qubool Hai 24th September 2013 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 24th September 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Qubool Hai 24th September 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Ayan’s residence
The priest asks mamu where did the groom and bride go, and says that if they dont want the certificate then they shouldnt insult them. In her room, Nikhat is reprimanded for her childish act, as she faints. Rashid says that they should hurry to the hospital, but shirin says that that would make a drama out of their daughter, and she wont get married ever. rashid says that they wont leave, till the certificate isnt signed. They are in a dilemma what to do. Shirin says that she knows what to do. She goes to ayan and says something. Later, as ayan is brought down by rashid and shirin, asad too enters holding zoya’s hand. Both ayan and zoya are distraught. All are surprised to see them. They both progres towards each other, with their families. Rashid is perplexed while shirin looks on tensed. Ayan tries to tell asad, that he ditn know that this would happen. Asad asks to let be now. the prierst asks them to sign the papers. ayan goes to the priest. He looks at zoya, who stands stunned into silence. Asad too is distraught. He lets go of zoya’s hand.(SAD MITWA) She moves ahead to ayan, while razia is tensed. Ayan takes the pen and signs the papers, while razia is surprised. Asad watches sadly and devastated, as zoya too takes the pen, and looking back at asad, who nods her to sign, and she finally complies. The marriage is finally legalised. After she signs, asad leaves. The priest congratulates them on their marriage. Hearing this, humaira is shocked in her room. Hasena says that now everything is alright, and now in nikhat’s and farhan’s relation, nikhat’s sister in law too would be there. all are tensed. humaira too is devastated in her room. The priest leaves with the committee members, while razia is angry with ayan’s choice. Zoya is inconsolably crying.

The doctors tell rashid that they got nikhat in the right and critical time. He asks them to give her rest and attention and that she shouldnt be alone ever. He asks them to give her the meds properly. He leaves. Rashid thanks him. Nikhat wakes up tensed. rashid asks nuzrat not to leave nikhat alone and be with her. Outside, shirin asks rashid not to be tsned, as nikhat is alright and her relation isnt called off too. shirin says that she couldnt believe that asad would get zoya like that. Rashid says that asad left his heart for them, as he loves his siblings, and did this for nikhat only. Shiirn asks what about humaira now, as they had accepted her as their daughter in law. They find zoya sitting in one corner, of the drawing room. They rush to her and ask why’s she sitting here alone. Rashid asks if she ate anything. she doesnt respond. He asks her to go rest in her room, while they get something to eat. shirin hollers for nuzrat to attend to zoya. But badi bi stops her. Badi bi says that she would do this, as this is the bahu’s first day, and they cant treat her like that. Badi bi asks zoya to come along. rashid helps her get up. Zoya gets up, as if in a trance and starts walking along with badi bi. badi bi asks zoya that she must be hungry. She asks her not to be scared, as this is her house too and her family now.

Badi bi shows zoya the room, while zoya remembers how she used to tease asad about changing the decor of asad’s room, and redecorate. She remembers the fight that she has with asad, when he copmmented that the house is so beautiful now with her entry that it doesnt need any redecoration. (MITWA) Zopya teases him that he cant distract her like this. She tells him that this room would be so colourful that she wont be missed. Asad says that he wont have to miss, as he wouldnt let her go even for one second. They hug. (MITWA) Zoya has a wide smile, thinking about it, when she is jolted back to her life’s grim reality that this is ayan’s room. Badi bi tells her to inform them, if she needs anything. Badi bi leaves, while zoya collapses on the floor, breaking down into tears.

Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
Asad enters his empty house, decorated for his marriage with zoya. He sits beside the cushions, still unable to take in what just happened with him, alone in the entire decorated room. He breaks into tears. Dilshad comes to him, in tears, and asks what happened, and where had he gone, and where’s zoya. He says that she is where her destiny took her. dilshad asks him not to play around, and say clearly where is zoya, as today they were supposed to get married.
Dilshad asks why. Asad tells her tearfully, that zoya is already married to ayan. Dilshad is shocked. After dilshad is told everything, she blames asad for all this, as he doesnt have the right to decide the fate of everyone’s life. Dilshad says to Asad, that he hasnt sacrificed anything, but its actually zoya’s who’s sacrificed, and that he didnt have a rightful place in zoya’s life as she wasnt her life yet. Asad says that he did this for nikhat. She says that spoling one life to save another isnt a mature descision. She says that nikhat had lots of people to attend to her, but zoya had only person and that was him, and he didnt even bother to ask about what she wants, before deciding. Asad says that he too didnt like it. Dilshad asks asad to go and get zoya back, right now. asad asks how. Dilshad says that if he doesnt, then she would. She says that she would see who stops her as a mother to get back her daughter. dilshad walks out, while asad is helplessly staring. he says that she isnt just her daughter, but ayan’s wife too. Dilshad stops at this, while he collapses on the sofa. Dilshas turns back, and comes to asad, and asks why all of this happened. She caresses asad, while he too lamenst at this. he breaks into tears. Nazma too is distraught to hear this. The screen freezes on asad’s and zoya’s tearful faces.

Precap: Zoya says, in anger that this isnt a relation that she takes lightly, and that marriage for her is a lifelong commitment and not just a formality. Zoya says that this is a relation done by the heart, and only person resides in her heart and thats Asad ahmad khan. Ayan is tensed to hear this. Ayan goes to asad and tells him that zoya is his AMAANAT and that one day he would bring her back to asad. asad looks at him tensed. Meanwhile, Razia is shocked to see the papers and asks mamu what has he done, as he hasnt put three weeks but three months date from now, on the divorce papers. Mamujaan is tensed.

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  1. sadiya salman
    September 25, 08:29 Reply

    No though I dnt knw Indian constitution Buh in islam if ayan pronounce a divorce 2 zoya she has bcm a divorcee if he z willing 2 divorce ha jst let hm do it witout Wastn any time inorder 2 arrange diz stupid legal paper feeln pity 4 zoya and asad

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 25, 08:23

      Hi famida.. Happy evening πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 25, 08:25

      Happy morning / eve to all πŸ˜› 😐 :-O

  2. Fahmida
    September 25, 06:52 Reply

    hiii alia,how r u?
    intro pls,(if u don’t mind)

  3. alia
    September 25, 06:50 Reply

    love rashid dialogue

  4. alia
    September 25, 06:45 Reply

    hate this idiot shirin

  5. Fahmida
    September 25, 06:45 Reply

    hii frndz,anyone here????????

  6. ANU pintu
    September 25, 06:36 Reply

    ok guyzzzzz bye………….take care all
    need 2 study…………2 o clock se yaha par hi hu…………

    • cecilia
      September 25, 06:51

      I will start to watch he show again when this happens….

  7. alia
    September 25, 06:34 Reply

    asad and ayan k upar gussa a raha h dono zoya ko toy ki tarah use ka rah h

  8. Siri
    September 25, 06:28 Reply

    Hey anu pintu.. Can u plz tell me How to change gravator image. I forgot it.:( plz tell me

    • ANU pintu
      September 25, 06:34


      go 2 this adress
      then enter ur email address
      then confirmation link email milegi,us link pe enter karna..

      apna cmmnt name and password type karo
      pic add karo

    • Siri
      September 25, 06:42

      Ok dear:) thank u so much.:)

  9. alia
    September 25, 06:26 Reply

    anu asya ko dekh kar hi aso a jate h or bina dekhe rah nahi sakti hu

    • ANU pintu
      September 25, 06:29

      kya baath bola tumne…………….

  10. ANU pintu
    September 25, 06:23 Reply

    In a bar, a man attend da call of a ringing mobile.
    Man: Hello!
    Wife: Darling shall I buy 1 diamond ring?
    Man: Sure honey!
    Wife: Shall I use your credit card for Crystal pendant?
    Man: Ok dear!
    Friends: Great to see that you love her so much!
    Man: Hmm! By the way, whose mobile is this?!?

  11. ANU pintu
    September 25, 06:20 Reply

    @buttefly-amaanat means trust………….i think……..my frnd told

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 25, 06:26

      .Trust.. Zoya is his trust.. Means asad or ayan.. Thank you dear πŸ˜€

  12. alia
    September 25, 06:20 Reply

    epi dekh k rona a raha h

    • ANU pintu
      September 25, 06:21

      The phone bill was exceptionally high..
      Man called a family meeting on saturday to discuss..
      Dad- this is unacceptable. I don’t use this phone, i only use my work phone..
      Mum.. Me too. I hardly ever use this phone..
      Son- i use my office mobile i never use the home phone..
      All of them are shocked n together look at the maid who’s patiently listening to them..
      Maid- wat?
      So v all use our work phones.. Not a Big deal…! =P ;->

      just smile……….alia

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 25, 06:28

      πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

  13. titli
    September 25, 06:14 Reply

    anuuu???? 1qus ask kru???

    • ANU pintu
      September 25, 06:16

      ofcourse dear………….

    • ANU pintu
      September 25, 06:18

      am here…………

  14. ANU pintu
    September 25, 06:11 Reply

    During a visit to a mental hospital, a medical student asked the Doctor, β€œHow do u determine whether or not, a patient should be admitted?”
    β€œWell”,said the Doctor,”We fill a bathtub, then we give a teaspoon,a teacup & a bucket to the patient n ask him to empty the bathtub.”
    The student said,”Oh, a normal person wud use the bucket cz its bigger.”
    β€œNo,”said the Doctor,”A n0rmal person wud pull the drain plug.Now, which bed do u want??” πŸ˜‰

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 25, 06:19

      Nice one.. Even i hadnt idea before reading last line πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  15. BUTTERFLY !!!
    September 25, 06:03 Reply

    Oh my dear πŸ˜€ make me so much laughing πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    • ANU pintu
      September 25, 06:06

      always smile……….n b healthy πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  16. ANU pintu
    September 25, 06:02 Reply

    @BUTTEFLY-hey what i can call u……….except butterfly

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 25, 06:06

      Dear Anything you want… Or Call me smile… Its popular one ..

    • ANU pintu
      September 25, 06:08

      ok then…………i w’ll call u smily


  17. ANU pintu
    September 25, 06:00 Reply

    In an engineering university during a math’s class:
    Why do we have to learn this?
    To save lives!!!!!
    How does math save lives?
    It keeps idiots like you out of medical college… :

    • titli
      September 25, 06:06


    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 25, 05:59

      Thank you so much dear for posting..

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 25, 06:01

      Dear.. It means asya will reunite or not.. Dont want zoyaan… Ya.. Whats meant by AMAANAT. In precap..

    • ANU pintu
      September 25, 06:04

      dont worry……….surbi said it is just s temporary n they w’ll soon reunite

      even i dont know……….i see u r asking same question in older coment……….but really i dont know………..muje hindi teek se nahi aatha

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 25, 06:15

      Ya hope ….. Pinch dear i also dont know hindi…

  18. ANU pintu
    September 25, 05:54 Reply

    SBS – Asad Ke Kheyalon Ki Malika *Credit – manognasai IF*

    Asad remembering Zoya…
    They showed a pizza eating scene
    Thats new one.Zoya in blue kurti and AsYa feeding pizza to each other.
    Nxt Asad crying and imagining Zoya on his bed.When he went near,she is not there.Then she is there on ground.
    Karan-Kyun ki ye flashback hai,vo situation huyi nahi hai.Accha hai ye for a change.
    Again Asad imagining Zoya talking to herself on bed.
    Then Asad Zoya in wedding dresses talking to each other.
    Surbhi-Dont worry.Ye nikaah jyada tikhega nahi.Kyun ki mujhe koi teda hi jhel sakta hai.Vo Asad hai.
    Karan-Ye accha hai ki Asad aur Zoya istarh atleast saat hai.Kyun aap undono ko jyada miss nahi karenge

    Link -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhJUaRoGWB4

  19. ANU pintu
    September 25, 05:52 Reply

    SBB Zoya laut aye *Credit – manognasai IF*
    They showed Zoya on Asad’s bed…
    Thats Asad’s dream.He came near the bed and Zoya is not there.
    Reporter-Nikaah tho huva phat se aur suhagraat bhi hojayega chatse
    Surbhi-Mei us ghar ko bahut miss karti hu.(She is in chudidar.I think no one allowed jeans)Mei Asad se tho ladti hu jeans keliye.Lekin yahah itne saare log hai.Tho ladte ladte mera gala kharab hojayega.
    They showed Zoya taking out jeans from her bag.
    Karan-Mei shuru se kehta tha inse ki hamara kuch rules hote hai.Lekin ye sunti nahi hai.
    Pizza eating scene.
    They showed dining table scene.
    Asad in white shirt and black suit.Zoya in green top.Dilshad is drinking her coffee.
    Zoya is taking sugar from the bowl.
    Asad-Itne cheeni?
    Zoya-Ha jaise aap black bitter coffee peete hai meibhi sugar coffee peeti hu.
    Asad-Kyun ki ye accha hota hai.
    Zoya-Ye bhi accha hota hai.
    Asad-Aapke taste hi azeeb hai
    Zoya-Ha.Ye tho aapko dekhkar hi pata chal jayega ki meri taste kitna azeeb hai…
    Dilshad-Aap log ladna band kijiye.Mujhe tho lagta hai ki aap dono ko nikaah hi nahi karna chahiye.
    Zoya-Mei kabhi nahi bore hongi inse.
    Karan-Hum flashback scenes aur dreamsequences shoot kar rahe hai.
    Then they showed Asad in his office.
    Reporter-Asad ko office me bhi Zoya bhi dikh rahi hai.Aur uski gussa office walon par dikha rahe hai.
    Karan-Ab tho har jagah Asad ko Zoya hi dikhegi.

    Link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CETBNnrLigk

    *Credit – manognasai IF*

  20. ANU pintu
    September 25, 05:39 Reply

    An oLd Lady gave the busS Drivr penuts 2 eat.
    Ths happnd 4 several Times.
    The drivr said β€˜ Y have u givn me such wondrful peanuts to eat?
    Why don’t u eat thm urself?’
    The Lady replied β€˜i dont have teth to munch thm’
    Then why u bought them?
    Old Lady: I just Love the chocolate Around thm.

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 25, 05:44

      That means peanut has covered with chocolate….

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      September 25, 05:54

      πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  21. BUTTERFLY !!!
    September 25, 05:33 Reply

    Get it .Ha ha ha… You’re right.. πŸ˜‰ dear if we have mobile , then ???? πŸ˜‰

    • titli
      September 25, 05:34

      ya i checked it.
      same pinch Titli means butterfly nd m fine. hp u too.

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