Qubool Hai 26th June 2014 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 26th June 2014 Written Update by Rimjhim

Qubool Hai 26th June 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Ahil’s residence
Sanam and ahil in their haste collide into each other. An awkward romantic eyelock follows, broken off by the girl, Nida calling out to ahil. sanam walks past, but they cant seem to keep their eyes off each other, even as ahil is dragged in the room, while sanam eyes him from a distance.

Inside, she chats about ahil regarding their past memories of college days, and when she finds him lost, she asks ahil whats wrong. Ahil remembers tanveer’s request, and is about to propose to her, but then remembers sanam’s plea and her hugging him, and is then placed into a dilemma, while nia asks him whats wrong. Ahil is frustrated, and sits down. she asks him what happened as he has never been this serious and is surprised that he is hesitating in front of her. He hesitates, but she asks him to say it. He manages to say that he wants to ask something from her. They are interrupted by sanam’s sudden presence. Nida gets up and reprimands sanam for coming in without knocking yet again. Sanam clarifies that it was already open, and latif sent her here to give biscuits. She insults sanam and asks her to get out. Sanam is disturbed, while ahil is a little angry. As sanam leaves, nida starts spewing her frustration at sanam, in front of ahil, while he is visibly ternsed. She places a hand on him, and asks him whats the matter. he takes off her hand, disturbing her. He leaves, saying that he has to go right now, eyeying the door from where sanam went. nida is shocked, wondering whats wrong with him, and what does he want from her.

While sanam is taking clothes off the wire, ahil observes her overwhelmingly. sanam finds him like this and is tensed herself. An awkward eyelock follows yet again. As ahil progresses towards sanam, while she is shy, he remembers all of their past sweet and sour encounters, and their new found intimacy. He faces sanam, fumbling and asking that he wanted to talk to her. Sanam asks about what. He says that what happened the other night, he wanted to talk about that. He says that he doesnt know what happened and how, and hasnt been able to get it out of his mind and asks her if she too is feeling the same that he is. sanam is surprised and overwhelmed with a surge of emotions, as they face each other, awkward and tensed. He is suddenly taken back to his senses, when sanam asks if he needs anything, as he has been standing here alone for quiet some time, without saying anything. ahil realises that he had been dreaming. he fumbles and makes up that he wanted to get his shirt. sanam asks him to wait for a minute, and says that there are two shirts other than these too, that have dried, and goes to get them. ahil wonders how to talk to sanam, as she seems indifferent. Sanam gets him his shirts. he complies, and then the classic moment of one looking when the iother’s not follows. finally ahil initiates a conversation asking about badi bi’s health. Sanam says that she gave her meds and she is fine now. He again tries to say aomthing, but remembers how sanam had tried to bring up the topic and reminds her about the same. She says that she just wanted to thank him, for saving her life, as anything could have happened. He reminds her that she wanted to say something else too, which she couldnt, as latif had come. she hesitates and says that she wanted to say, that since it happened, she has been feeling……Ahil expects her to say that she too is feeling the same that he did. She says that she feels very weak, and has never come out of that trauma and shock, and always feel weak and isnt working well too. ahil gets frustrated and expectantly asks if she didnt want to say anything else. She replies in negative, saying that she didnt remember anything, and latif told that she was taken care by Ahil, and maybe she was sedated by meds. ahil gets stren and asks if she doesnt remember anything. sanam thinks that she must have done something wrong and hastily apologises for anything that she might have done. He is frustrated. Ahil gets his shirts back and asks her to wash them again, as they arent wasahed properly. He leaves, while sanam is surprised, wondering what happened to him and why he went so anrgily. She is about to curse him, but then decides against it, and is boggled by his strange behaviour.

Scene 2:
Location: Munisa’s residence
While rahat is playing the mouth organ, he is distracted by hay working on the gardens. he comes to her, and asks whats all this angrily. She tries to say that flowers would make everything smell nice. rahat says that he isnt inreseted and asks her to remove it all. As haya tries to speak, rahat insists that he doesnt want them heere, and in his aggressions, breaks off two pots accidentally. Haya is disturbed while rahat leaves. But haya doesnt lose hope and again gets to gardening again, getting very happy at the sight of fresh flowers. rahat is again playing the organ, when their eyes meet yet again. haya thinks that one step at a time, would make them friends and he would be far from his loneliness.

Scene 3:
Location: Ahil’s residence
Inside, ahil remembers what sanam did and how she doesnt remember anything, and again remembers tanveer’s insistent request, to get married to nida. He is extremely tensed. He eyes nida busy with other people, while tanveer overhears them talking. Azhar’s mother asks why hasnt she gotten married yet. Tanveer is tensed. nida says that she didnt find the perfect groom yet, and that she isnt in any hurry. Azhar’s mother again asks what if nida found the perfect guy, who she falls in love with. Nida says that she would be the first person to know. ahil passes by and tanveer hides herself. Nida calls out to him. He comes to her. Ahil hastily grabs nida, taking her by surprise and asks nida if she would marry him, as he finds sanam coming in. Nida is speechless. while tanveer is happy, sanam who has just walked in, is tensed. The screen freezes on sanam’s shocked face.

Precap: Ahil tells sanam, while she’s busy working, that nida wants her engagement ring to be picked out by a girl. He says that he wants her to select the ring. she resignedly surfs through the whole tray that the jeweller holds out to her, and picks one saying that she likes it. latif tells her that ahil too liked this ring only, and that their choices match too much. ahil and sanam eye each other awkwardly.

Previous Saras-Kumud Ko Jhelna Pada Garmi Ka Sitam – Saraswatichandra
Next Naye Show Shastri Sisters Ke Kirdaar Pahuche Kanpur – Shastri Sisters


  1. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 27, 00:17 Reply

    Hi Xia 🙂 , good morning !!
    Oooookk so time waits for you 😀 ?? Please tell Aki how . . I’m not going to let her use Aadhil’s plan 😀

  2. Aki
    June 27, 00:14 Reply

    Gm aadhil n xia di ..
    Hw re u both ??

    • Aadhil
      June 27, 00:15

      Fine dee what abt u.

  3. Aki
    June 27, 00:10 Reply

    I dont want nxt mnth to come so fast hve exams 🙁 nxt mnth 😀

    • Aadhil
      June 27, 00:12

      Ohh then u need doraemon gadgets….!

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 27, 00:14

      Don’t worry , it will come and go like other exams 😀 . ..
      If you take Aadhil’s advice , it will never come , but neither will your results and you will have some angry parents and good luck convincing them that time stopped for you 😀 . ..

    • Aadhil
      June 27, 00:16

      If doraemon comes here…i will ask him anywhere door…..answer glasses…..bamboo copter…..n a gf like Shizuoka.

  4. Aki
    June 27, 00:08 Reply

    Why doesnt the tme get stopd yr 🙁

    • Aadhil
      June 27, 00:11

      Even my college van doesn’t stop for me if I’m late by a minute…u r talking abt time….

      Acrually i can stop the time…take a magnet n put on backside of ur wrist watch it will stop the watch till u take it off.

      Or remove the batteries of ur walk clock or alarm it works….

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 27, 00:11

      I don’t know 😐 . ..
      But , there are times though that time can’t go fast enough 😀 . ..
      We just have to accept that it moves at it’s own pace regardless of how we feel 😐 . ..

    • Aki
      June 27, 00:01

      Nothing much suni 🙁 trying to stop the tme 😀 its running toooo fast 🙁
      sry for late rply was hvng breakfast ..

    • Aki
      June 27, 00:04

      U might hve already entred into ur fast running tme 😀 mns in urs dreams till now 😛 ..
      So enjoy with tme sd 😉

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 27, 00:05

      No prob. dear and you’re wasting your efforts , even I have tried to stop time 🙂 , but it doesn’t wait for anyone 😐 . ..

    • Aadhil
      June 27, 00:09


    • Xia
      June 27, 00:09

      Di it only waits for me hahaha just kidding

  5. S
    June 26, 23:16 Reply

    Hi Suni,
    Well just came to say Hi. Nice new GV. Looks you are ready to enjoy the rains :). When is your birthday ?

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 23:42

      Hi dear Subshi 🙂
      Thank you !! By us the rain isn’t falling much yet , although it’s rainy season . .
      I’m looking forward to thunder and lighting at nights 🙂 , but I haven’t heard any thunder all year so far . .
      My birthday was in February , when is yours ??

  6. sameer-s
    June 26, 23:15 Reply

    Hi guys.

    Good night suni sis.
    How are you.
    And aki sis
    How are you?

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 23:38

      Hi bro. Good Morning !! 🙂
      I think I confused you last time , I meant that I won’t log in until Saturday . .
      But , I’m here still . ..
      How’re you ??
      I’m good 🙂 . .

    • Aki
      June 26, 23:39

      Good mrng sameer ….i m gud n u ??

  7. Aki
    June 26, 22:54 Reply

    Good Morning/Night every1 …… 😀
    hve a gud day …. 🙂

  8. Sonya
    June 26, 19:24 Reply

    Grat Serial. Superb jodi Sanam and Aahil.

  9. kumkum bhagya
    June 26, 17:07 Reply

    I loveeee haya just like najma but not that much maybe
    I really like NehalaxmiIyer

    • kumkum bhagya
      June 26, 17:09

      One out of my 3 favorite actresses
      Ny no#2actress
      Miss her soo much
      Though she’s in sasural simar ka
      I don’t watch that

  10. Germany
    June 26, 16:52 Reply

    Why does ahil replicate legs of his pants? I don’t like it,
    but he is a good actor

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 16:55

      You mean his skinny jeans 🙂 ??
      It’s actually trending now for guys to wear such pants . ..

    • Germany
      June 26, 17:33

      Yes , Germany won but I missed the match

  11. Xia
    June 26, 15:43 Reply

    Di i thought munisha didnt like haya i think she is mad after his brother kicked her husband i thought her husband was in dubai

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 15:47

      Nope , her husband was there and troubling Haya . He had returned from Dubai .
      Munissa refused to believe Haya when Haya complained against him .
      She foolishly blames Haya , for her husband’s nonsense , and thinks that Haya is trying to trap her husband . Munissa is evil she made Haya work from the moment she arrived there . She said to herself that maids are expensive . She also tricks Dilshad into doing her work by saying that she feels unwell .

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 15:53

      When Dilshad arrived at the house Munissa was there and Rahat was locked away in isolation and preferred to not be disturbed .
      Munissa’s husband came after Dishad .
      Munissa isn’t grey , her heart is as black as coal 😐 . ..

    • Xia
      June 26, 15:54

      Ok no prob

    • Xia
      June 26, 15:57

      Did rehan knw that tanveer is his mum frm the start?

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 15:59

      Yes , he was aware of her being his mom .
      They never showed Tanveer telling him that she’s his mom , they’ve only shown them being very familiar with each other’s company when they secretly met .

    • Xia
      June 26, 16:02

      Wow thanks di i hope i didnt ask too much

    • Xia
      June 26, 16:15

      Ok then hahaha di here in dtb y people verify their names n can we chat in dtb chat even if we r not verified?

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 16:17

      No dear , in order to send private messages you need a DTB account .
      It’s easy to sign up .

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 16:26

      Ohhh , but DTB chat is different from private messages though .
      I think you only have to register your user name to chat there .
      I’ve never chatted there ,so I’m not too familiar with how it works .

    • Xia
      June 26, 16:29

      Di actually i dnt need to send prive msg i was just wondering n thanks alot for everythng you have done till now it was worderful i was laughing alot n di wenever i need to clear a doubt or ask ques i hope i can come up to you bye see you soon

    • Xia
      June 26, 16:30

      So both r different i had no idea

    • Xia
      June 26, 16:32

      Di wenever im online they never show me in who’s online list so sad

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 16:32

      No prob. dear 🙂 . .
      I’m always here if you need me . ..
      Take care , love you , good night and sweet dreams when you sleep ❤️. ..

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 16:34

      You need to register first dear 🙂 . .. Then when you login , you’ll be seen .
      See , I’m not logged in so even I will not appear as being online .

  12. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 26, 15:06 Reply

    Rehaan is the only guy with a cool head here 😀 . .
    Yet another angry young man from GK clan is Rahat 😀 . ..
    I really like Haya 🙂 . ..

  13. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 26, 15:01 Reply

    Aahil uses his anger as a defense and coping mechanism .
    He has so much to say , but he can’t find the right words nor the confidence to say it .
    He was hoping that Sanam could provide some relief to him and help him figure out why he’s feeling the way he’s started feeling .
    I’m happy that Aaahil fell for Sanam first . Sanam will not readily entertain the thought of falling for him , and will suppress those feelings when they arise .

  14. ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
    June 26, 14:55 Reply

    Aww so sweet that Ahil was dreaming about talking to Sanam .
    The confident businessman / playboy has lost his heart to the cook 😀 . ..
    He barely notices Nida . ..

    • Xia
      June 26, 14:57

      Yes the overconfiden bussinessman hahaha

    • Xia
      June 26, 15:04

      Yes me too look at that last pics too cute hehe

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 15:08

      Lol 🙂 , his inner torture is very visibly in his expression . ..

    • Xia
      June 26, 15:11

      His face is all red wat happened? N i lyk rahat n haya so much

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 15:17

      Anger , confusion and love all making a stew inside of him 😀 . .
      I also really like Haya and Rahat . I love the way Haya is trying to brighten up Rahat’s life and to pull him from the depths of his despair .

    • Xia
      June 26, 15:21

      I think somethng is wrong with rahat he looks so sad n always in thoughts @btw how is he related to munusha where is her husband i thinnk he is in dubai

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 15:27

      Rahat kicked Munissa’s husband , Shoaib , out of the house after he tried to harass Haya .
      Rahat owns the house .
      Munissa is Rahat’s sister .
      It seems that Rahat’s wife died . I’m not sure though , but I doubt that she’s alive .

    • Xia
      June 26, 15:31

      I could not stop laughting after u said he kicked her husband bt di i wonder why they r still allowing dishad to stay in their house its too much for a guest to stay their for months

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 15:34

      He literally threw him out 😀 . .. Munissa’s husband is a serious creep . He might return in the future with a revenge mission 🙄 . .
      Dilshad and Haya have become like the caretakers there , so they are earning their keep .
      They have no money and no where else to go .

    • Xia
      June 26, 15:41

      Di i thought munisha didnt like haya i think she is mad after his brother kicked her husband i thought her husband was in dubai

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 15:45

      Nope , her husband was there and troubling Haya .
      Munissa refused to believe Haya when Haya complained against him .
      She foolishly blames Haya , for her husband’s nonsense , and thinks that Haya is trying to trap her husband . Munissa is evil she made Haya work from the moment she arrived there . She said to herself that maids are expensive . She also tricks Dilshad into doing her work by saying that she feels unwell .

    • Xia
      June 26, 15:49

      So munisha is also a grey character haha but wen dilshad n sanaam first came in their house no one was there ryt?

  15. dramalove
    June 26, 14:27 Reply

    wait … 7 people disliked the episode.. 🙁
    I do respect everyone’s feel but
    today’s episode was really a nice one

    • dramalove
      June 26, 14:34

      I think most of them do the same.

  16. dramalove
    June 26, 14:24 Reply

    Yess … oh yess !!! 😀 😀
    Finally QH has started cathing the tracks
    After the leap QH has become awesome once more

    • Bell
      June 26, 15:24

      agree with u AWESOME

    • Xia
      June 26, 14:59

      Same as ahil i think

  17. krishna
    June 26, 13:37 Reply

    please change the hairstyle of sanam she is looking aged in this

  18. M@hi
    June 26, 12:58 Reply

    Episode was nice. Poor Ahil was disappointed he didn’t get the response he was looking for.

  19. Xia
    June 26, 12:58 Reply

    How can we knw wat haya is thinking i mean she cant talk ryt?

    • M@hi
      June 26, 13:02

      By her efforts I guess 🙂

    • arti
      June 26, 15:06

      lol. im a silent reader and I wonder a lot…

      ahil passes by and tanveer hides herself <- tanveer is supposed to be blind right?

      haya is deaf and mute <- yesterday dilshad is busy talking away with her..i get she can read lips but really a full blown convo without her looking at dilshad?

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 15:13

      I think the PH expects us to ” turn a blind eye ” to such things and to remain silent like Haya , about such inconsistencies 😀 . ..

    • §àñvì
      June 26, 22:08

      Lol arti good obser vations.btw Phoenix is right, just turn blind n don’t use u brains.

  20. Kia
    June 26, 12:55 Reply

    Wer is the rest????

  21. preethu
    June 26, 12:45 Reply

    Here after dis will be ntersting…i hope sanam wil realise her love.

  22. §àñvì
    June 26, 12:42 Reply

    Booooring.precap, copied 4m ipkknd.y can’t gk think some new ideas, rather repeating same old scene. Old vine in new bottle.

    • heheeh
      June 26, 12:43

      ipkknd was a shit QH is gud

    • ℘ℏöḙn̛i̵ҳ
      June 26, 15:15

      I’ve never seen even one episode of Ipkknd so for me it was nice 🙂 . ..

  23. inew commet
    June 26, 12:20 Reply

    Im second
    Omg the show is getting interesting.im loving it…..
    And also qh jumped to 3rd place this week.congrats quboolians

    • heheeh
      June 26, 12:44

      yep me too so much happy

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